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May I kiss you?
Just for today
Just for an instant-
A moment-

Just for a day
May I kiss you?

May I kiss you?
In the rain
In the snow-
In the spring-

Just for a season
May I kiss you?

May I kiss you
Just for a moment
For alas I know
Not of the future

And even a kiss today
Is more than I can dream.
This is about all the times where I wanted to ask a stranger or someone I hardly knew for a kiss. All the thoughts of walking down a crowded street and seeing a young beauty and asking her for a kiss. This is a poem about the spontaneity and romanticism that I never took and how everytime I think of that opportunity I never took it reminds me of my mortality slipping away.
Is this
How we
Does our
in the
of no

Do we
let our
Breathe its
last breath
in the
Night of

Do we
Let our
Break apart
in a

Is this
How we
No words-
Only the
in the
Void of
and wants?

Do we
in the
Stillness of
Spoken and

How we
She says I shouldn't love her;
She says she’s not real:
Just a pixie girl, a
Nymph of my dreams.

Indeed, I questioned her
Reality from the first day
And I finally decided believing
Was better than her not being.

She says I shouldn't love her
Because her job isn't the
Most respectable and I
Should find someone better

But one does not judge a book
By the cover, or how many
Fingerprints mark its glossy bindings,
But instead based on what’s inside.

Her appearance may have been
What first caught my eye, as the
Covers of books usually do,
But when I began reading

Page after page, I knew
I had fallen in love, truly
In love, with the content
Of the book called Bex Olivia.
I love you more than words can say;
My love for you is greater than the light of day.

I love you more than the darkest night;
You are the key to the stars so bright.

I love you more than the nightingales of spring;
You bring such a warmth that makes me sing.

I love you more than the sun in winter
For you make the cold less bitter.

When my world consists of only grey
You paint with all to the colours of May.

While I walk about my world without sight
There you are, guiding me with your light.

When I can only find the world blearing
There you are, making a clearing.

You are, in my life, my golden factor, for
You enrich my winter with Spring’s finest flower.
Sometimes I miss you so much
That I stare at your picture
Until I forget that you are gone.

Sometimes I miss you so much
That I stare at the clock
Until I lose track of time.

Sometimes I miss you so much
That I stare into nothing, fooling
Myself into thinking I ever knew you.

Sometimes I miss you so much
That I forget reality and
Think that you were just a dream.

Sometimes I miss you so much
That I fear losing a dream;
I miss you so much.
Should I say save me from myself or save me
    from you?
Because I’m the one that fell in love
    with you
But you are the reason that I fell in love-
    for you are you.

Perhaps I should say don’t save me at all, just
    catch me
For I have fallen in love with you, that
    is all.
To make me fall in love with you just be you, that’s all
    you have to do.

On second thought I can say both, for you saved me
    from myself
In a way no one else could, with your special self, for
    with you
I see such a beauty in a world of such despair, simply
    for you are you.
The colour of her lips were so deep
That I could not leave the room to sleep
For her beauty made my soul leap.

I could not forget her lovely eyes
Or say my goodbyes
For in her mind held all the skies.

Her laugh filled my heart
To the point I could not part
For she spoke the literary art.

Yet I no longer needed to sigh
For there, a clue, on her thigh
As an orchid did lie:

Just as the sun loves the moon
Again I shall have the ultimate boon
With the new day I could again enjoy her rune.

So as I bid my adieu
I pondered on the truth I now knew:
We will speak again after the morning dew.
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