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 Mar 2019 eleanor prince
My mother never smiles,
but her soul is a garden filled with joy.
Her eyes shine like a full moon,
glistening at all the darkness in the world.

She yearned to be free,
her soul tangled in the roots of oppression,
while her eyes were haunted by images of discrimination.

As a child I wondered why?
Why does my mother never smile?
She’s so beautiful like the stars in the sky.
Even roses are jealous of the redness blushing beneath her eyes.

I think I even yelled,
“Mom, why are you so unhappy?”
But I was just a child,
I didn’t see the love that filled her bubbly brown eyes.

My corrupted character debilitated her spirit,
believing she was,
    and cold,
as a tundra and I was a palm tree,
but really we were both tulips,
and she was just teaching me how to bloom.

She’s a hero who never received her praise.
Depicting her sorrows through colors on a canvas,
meditating herself to solace.
She knew how to leave this world behind,
for the sake of her own mind.

As I aged,
I suffered,
I spiraled into multiple dark holes,
    I blamed,
    I begged,
    I screamed,
with silence taped across my mouth,
“Why am I so unhappy?”
But unlike my mother I always smiled,
and it was always a lie.

This taught me the limits of a smile,
and why my mother didn’t need to smile,
because a smile is often just a lie,
she expressed her happiness on the inside.

I fell into a pit swimming with fear,
battled demons I thought were my friends.
I’d assumed sadness was a punishment,
but it became my reward.

My mother taught me I didn’t need to smile,
the sadness helped illuminate the good in my life,
and it was okay not to always be fine.

My mother exposed me to my soul,
how tender it is and how harsh I am.
Depicting the reality of what life is,
since I only saw it as a sin.
maybe it’s nothing
that feeling inside
not cold
not numb
beyond sorrow
beyond sorry
beyond what once
  may have been love

I could tell you
that you were beautiful
that you are beautiful still
and say these things
while only speaking
the lost languages of truth

you are every definition
  of everything
     known about love

the sonnet of the sun
the lullaby of the moon
the secret of the stars aligned
the marriage of heaven and hell

the reason tears know joy
the pleasure found in pain
the addiction of love to lust
the devotion of lust to love

the ghosts of the bottom
  of the sea
the mad gods at the end
  of the world
the child alone at the beginning
  of everything
the last death
  of all things

or maybe its nothing
that feeling inside
the dream of something
that once was

maybe you are tortured
   and trapped
a ghost among the living
  the last living thing
    among the dead

maybe you are too beautiful
  too much like Van Gogh
a garden of bloomed irises
  staring up
at a whirling sky of stars

a quite pile of letters
full of passion
  and rage
   and love
     and beauty

a desperate search
for the heaven
you know
is beating wildly
somewhere in your heart

or maybe its nothing
that feeling inside

that moment
when we found something
more beautiful than love

and then like nothing

it was gone
The world takes a turn for the worst
and it’s a little less safe
and that is to say
the danger that was there yesterday
grew a little stronger today

how many more lies
will fools swallow
before the find their own little girl
not a little girl anymore
but a ghost of who could have been
nothing more than a broken thing

broken by a boy just being a boy
who will grow into a man
believing he can take
whatever he wants
when ever he wants it
and that no
somehow always means yes

that being drunk
is a good enough excuse
for any one
with the right kind of money
and the right kind of name
the kind that comes
from being born
in the right kind of skin

the kind that believes
its culture is a good culture
a good culture
where boys will be boys
who grow into men who are men
who are nothing
but cruel monsters
pretending to be human
We sculpt clay into the things
we cannot force our bodies into
we string the alphabet
into stories we are afraid to live
we paint with colors we cannot see
and we ignore the music
inside the beat of our hearts

as we forget what it means to live
we muse on what was
once beautiful about being alive
and forget our thoughts
as we stare emptily to the sky

and the night swallows the day
and the day murders the night
and prayers become graveyards
for dead gods
and our beds become coffins
for dreams

round and round the clay
of the earth spins
and slips through our fingers
as time is something we waste
and our reflection
is a ghost of once was
and what could be

if we could only remember
who we were before
we became prisoners inside
our own minds and found shame
in the shape of our flesh

before we needed the alphabet
to speak of love
and metaphors to hide behind
and fairy tales to mend our wounds

back when the music
inside the beat of our hearts
was all we needed
to know that we were beautiful
The palm of your hand gently kisses my face
The soft creases of your lips put my life back into place
Your loving heart so deep in my own
Dearest of friends yet so long alone
You always meant the world to me
So why now and not then do I see
All of these words
These feelings for You and if only a little sooner I knew
That all along the one who I loved was none other than You.
This piece is dedicated to a girl who pulls me out of a dark place every time, my very own Orpheus. I know I'll never be able to repay her, but I hope I can at least let her know how much I appreciate her.
 Mar 2019 eleanor prince
I’m drenched
in the flood
which has yet to come

I’m *******
in the prison
which has yet to exist

Not having played
the game of chess
I’m already the checkmate

Not having tasted
a single cup of your wine
I’m already drunk

Not having entered
the battlefield

I’m already wounded and slain

I no longer
know the difference
between image and reality

Like the shadow
I am


I am not
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