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Let the rain fall slowly on me so I can catch it in my hands,
on my face and into my mouth.
Let me drink it in like no other.
It is the rain, it is me.

Watching the rain in slow motion is like watching the best parts of life wash over you. Savor it. I just want to be in it.
In all kinds; the slow magical rain like a romance, fast and hard like the way my heart hammers at times, all at once and over so quickly just like a love known to some.
found this writing of mine from back in September 2017
 Mar 2019 eleanor prince
Wisps of steam
Arise from dead leaves
To grace the presence of my windowsill
And the snow
How it blows and falls between
My future and me
But in the immediate reality of me
Is tea
Steaming Tea On A Windowsill
Rain is the dearest thing to me,
for I am born in a desert,
and for desert,
rain is life sent to a dead land.

I am a desert boy,
so I can smell rain coming,
even hours ahead,
and I wait for it to come,
with all my heart.

For some of you,
a rainy day may be a bad day,
and a sunny one called a good day,

But for desert people,
the good days are only,
the few days that it's raining.
 Mar 2019 eleanor prince
Drop the knife
Put away the gun
Don't take your life
Soon there'll be sun

I know all too well
How hard you must try
Not to scream and to yell
How much you want to cry

I know your secret
I feel just the same
I promise I'll keep it
I won't set it aflame

It burns like a *****
When you take a shower
The pain makes you twitch
The red blooms like a flower

Don't try to hide it
Don't feel ashamed
They'll throw a fit
People will be blamed

Don't be upset
It's not your fault
Don't cry just yet
Their whispers will halt

I know it's addicting
I've done it before
Truly it's restricting
Hiding it's a chore

It feels like heaven
When it goes down your arm
Nine, ten, now eleven
It all works like a charm

I know it works well
I've felt it too
But it's a path down to hell
Only stoppable by you

"It will get better"
I say this to myself
Say it letter by letter
Now to yourself

Don't cry tonight
Wait for the sun
Put up fight
The battle has yet to be won

Drop the knife
Put away the gun
Don't take your life
Soon there'll be sun
I wrote this for myself and a friend but I'm not showing it to her
 Mar 2019 eleanor prince
At age 2 she learned to walk
She would run into everyone's arms
She loved giving and receiving hugs

   At age 4 she learned to speak
A bit of a late bloomer
She said "I love you"
to everyone she met

   At age 5 she went to kindergarten
She made so many new friends and they all loved her

   At age 7 she had her first "boy friend"
A young boy in her class
They played everyday at recess

   At and 10 she loved to go to school
Good grades and many friends was all she needed in life

   At age 12 she went to middle school and every other girl was taller than her
She wished she were taller

   At age 13 she started reading beauty articles
She realized how fat her cheeks really were

   At age 15 she thought she had depression
"It's just a phase of life"
Her parents didn't believe her

   At are 16 she first cut
A small blade to her skin
She thought it was the best medicine

   At age 18 she wanted to die
Life wasn't worth the pain anymore
She overdosed in the bathroom

   At age 18 she died
Her parents finally realized they should have done more
Her friends realized they should have asked why she no longer smiled
Her classmates realized they should have stopped teasing her

   At age 18 she went back home to the sky
Perhaps she was an angel all along
 Mar 2019 eleanor prince
You say I'm wasting my time
falling for these people
that live a galaxy away

You say I'm wasting my time
smiling for these people
that I can't even understand

You say I'm wasting my time
learning about these people
that don't even care about me

You say I'm wasting my time
waiting for these people
that won't ever know my name

You say I'm wasting my time
trying to find these people
that are hidden in a screen

And I know I'm wasting my time
falling for these people
that live a galaxy away

I know I'm wasting my time
smiling for these people
that I can't even understand

I know I'm wasting my time
learning about these people
that don't even care about me

I know I'm wasting my time
waiting for these people
that won't ever know my name

I know I'm wasting my time
trying to find these people
that are hidden in a screen

But by wasting my time
on these people
I find new happiness everyday

And I need all the happiness
that I can get
Around fifth grade I started getting more and more depressed and everyday was a struggle but then I found people that made me happy and though I'm still having troubles, they give me so much happiness that I don't care how much time I waste on them.
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