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Chari Mar 3
Up in the sky,
So high does my head fly
Knowing no bound
In your eyes my heart is found.

I lose myself finding you.
An extinguished flame ignites anew.
Obscurity leaves, serenity sheathes
Hard as grinding teeth.

A sense of calm .
My soul sings a psalm.
Eternity awaits, chaos aside,
Yet my heart does not abide.

To sense.
To the distance.
I crave your embrace.
A recoil from grace.
The poem is about a girl I've talking to who is far away.  We've been texting and my feelings for her have grown stronger despite the distance and past relationship baggage.
Chari Feb 17
As the shine in the darkened sky
I can't help but to wonder why
Why are we so far apart
Just like the very start

I have spent much time in the clouds
In my head, sorting my belief from my doubts
Disappearing from the present tense
Neverending expanding clouds make sense

In a place of my own
A place I can call home
Sometimes I forget to live
All I end up doing is breathe

I disconnect trying to reach you
I try way too hard, that's the issue
From times I don't try at all
I'm in a paradox, an endless fall

A few things hardly meet
A solar eclipse
A will refusing to retreat
And the pillars in our eyes

I've grown fond
Of the shine from the sun
I've replaced it with a glow
That resonates from your skin so

In the heavens above
Do the stars shine as bright
As the light of your eyes
Or do they somber like the shade of my heart
some food for thoughts :)
Chari Feb 2
An umbilical cord
Grown from my backbone
To assure a structure, a stronghold
In humanity's songs

Holds me from eternal darkness
To halt me from expanding nothingness
Yet to sight the stars' brightness
Their uniqueness

It holds me from behind
Makes sure I don't fall in line
The darkness amongst light
The foul upon the stars

The empathy of an everlasting night
To keep me from an unimaginable fright
Away from gaze of awful heights
Never ending falls, suspensionary freights

A body full of thoughts
Hollow mind cuts out draughts
Only if time could be stopped
I'll build an horloge in my head's clock

Steer me to a fantasy
Hold me for an eternity
Back down for a better me
I try to keep my sanity

For him
The better me
The almost me

That could do better than I could think
Better than I would think
That would act at the thoughts to blink
Probably I shouldn't blink

Rehearse my fidelity
Work on my infidelity
A plane to eternity
For an end to a better me

An umbilical cord
That strucks my bones
Hard as a stone
I think it's trying to make me whole

Or to erase me
To think like everything
So I could become a sibling
To this cloned society

To accept the poverty
To fall for the beverages
To hold accountable the rich and the wealthy
For all problems that comes to think

My head is its own place
Not an ordinary place
A fantasy type of heaven place
Where only I belong place

The umbilical cord can't reach
My thoughts, mind, how I think
But it reacts Every time I blink
That I may act like everyone I see
I was thinking of the world, and trends and how everyone wants to be alike and we refuse our uniqueness
Chari Jan 28
A Time of eternity
A state of serendipity
A moment of agony
Rehearse the pain's symphony

The Sun is in disguise
The clouds are a demise
A slight change to what regards
Our perspective of life

Is there life beyond 'breathe'
A world we've never seen
Right behind death's dream
Obscurity relief
Just thoughts jotted down
Chari Jan 27
A drive
That feeds a quest
It pushes my legs
To rise

What comes to those with
No drive as I
Do they dwell at the bottom of the pit
Maybe to them, life means no much

For the exhausted
The ill willed
Whose charm has found demise
Do they live or simply exist

To live, a choice?
A decision?
An action?
Whom by

Do we control what happens next
Or the tape rolls from heaven
And our lives ascribed
Before lived

The pain dwellers
Agony seekers
Joy wrestlers
Uneasy campers

Does light shine only on some
And chooses to ignore others
Is it a fight to reach the light
What happens when you're the light's spotlight
Chari Jan 23
The end is nigh.
The end of a star.
See the mirror sky.
Why are smiles so far.
Chari Jan 14
The brightest star
Shines brightest in the dark
A story of who we truly are
Tiny shifts to moving large

Speeding frights
Hurling sights
Victory hides
The more we fight

I like a girl
She likes girls
It had to be
I thought it could be

Had to see it come
Good things come with a frown
She's just polite that's all
I did almost fall

Surrounded by clouds
They take me for a farce
My ideas some place in Mars
Far from human bounds

Inherit the uninhibited
Hinge from the constipated
Constipation of mind perhaps soul
Something we really can't saw

Something given
Once sold
Ask Steven
He's done it bold

Lose himself
Cast from help
Tide to hell
Eternal damnation can tell

Leap from beyond infinity
Who are we to tell what is sanity
Insane or culpability
The norms that control our liberty

Who are they to say what I can be
They want to dictate me
Have my freedom flee
Sponsor chains on my knee

I like a girl
Who can never like me
That might be crazy
But that's who she is

I guess
Can't think of anything less
Other than her undressed
I want to undress her mind

Speaking to her enlightens
Perhaps it strengthens
But she understands me
A characteristic being

I like a girl
Who likes girls
It's just the way it is
Things will always be the same
The inspiration for this piece is a now very good friend of mine that kinda rejected because she likes girls, I really liked her so I was kind of bumed out

— The End —