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Due to
And a feeling true
I would die for you
Why would you ask me to?

neon lights
illuminate the night’s
heavy clouds

while rain muffles
the constant urban humming

pierced by distant sirens
moving slowly
through concrete canyons.
We are dead
Love is drained from our veins
Hearts of stone feel no more
Eyes empty blind
Seeing just what they like

We used to live
Spark connected our lives together
Each day was a pleasure found new
Every moment had a meaning
We were breathing

In time days gained weight
To heavy to carry
Hard work overtook our love
We were gone

The day we died was quiet
Nothing unusual happened
We woke up in the morning
Didn’t even notice our dead bodies

No heartbeat, no pulse
No blood flowing in our veins
A corpse of a once-living home
What’s left

Who killed us
Did this... to us
Where did we go wrong
We don’t know
All we have are the memories
We’ve been stretched over
the horizon of time
Waiting patiently to become
Preparing our souls to be one

I am now
You are tomorrow
We haven’t discovered
each other yet

Searching our understanding

I am your present
You are my gift of hope
There you go
Something in common

At the peak of life we are one
There is still time
To have breakfast in bed
after we woke up
There is time to talk
Picking words which don’t hurt
We can still hold hands
Gaze into each other’s eyes
Be kind
Be nice
We still have time to laugh
Watch each other smiles
And be amazed

It is not too late
i need a hug,
not a false side one.
a really long one.
one in which i just disappear from the world.

nothing else will matter.
not the fact that me and you
have both moved on and found someone new.
i need one so tight
that i can feel my bones being crushed and pressured
until they s h a t t e r .


because all of what i've seen
is pain and hurt.
people fall and are pushed to
instantly get back up and brush off the dirt.

let's hug.
In shadows deep, where whispers fade,  
Behind the walls, the women pray.  
Their dreams are bound in chains of fear,  
In lands where hope can't find its way.

A world that stifles every voice,  
Their cries of pain, without a choice.  
Beneath the veils, their stories hide,  
Silent tears they cannot show with pride.

For freedom's price is far too steep,  
A life where courage dares not speak.  
Each step they take, with cautious tread,  
In lands where even thoughts are bled.

Their wings are clipped by heavy laws,  
Yet still, they rise—despite the scars.  
With hearts of fire, unbroken will,  
Though pain runs deep, they're standing still.

In every glance, in every tear,  
Resilience grows where hate draws near.  
In the silence, strength is found—  
Women rise without a sound.

For even in the darkest night,  
They hold within a spark of light.  
No chain can hold what’s meant to soar,  
A flame that fights forevermore.
can I wash my hands again?
because the blood’s not coming off
help! i’m scrubbing as much as I can
but it won’t go away

i’m sorry, this time i’m sorry
this time i mean it
and if you help this time
i promise not to do it
watching Where Eagles Dare
just ahead of Yuletide
came a bang from upstairs
while the snow fell outside
was that you, bro, up there
was it something you tried
just to make me aware
of the moment you died?
was that you, bro?

was your cigarette stink
by our old Christmas tree?
did you make its lights blink
and that bauble fall free?
did you want me to think
you were right there with me?
that you'd severed the link
from your human debris?
is that true, bro?

then an unconscious stream
brought a nice note of grace
in a bar, just a dream
where we had an embrace
and the overall theme
I recall, from your face
you're still part of our team
lost in time, Lost in Space
I miss you, bro

I said 'drop me a clue
next time, easily found
should you ever pass through
let me know you're inbound'
he said 'I always do
but it can't be profound
look for my subtle cue
and you'll know I'm around'
don't say boo, bro.
True stories.
I remember Sunday mornings as young men,  watching re-runs of Lost in Space on C4. Both hungover. Oh the pain.
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