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The moment you forget.
Mind wanders with regret.
Eyes blurred, lose focus.
“What’s my current purpose?”

Is spontaneous enough?
Chasing a dream, tough.
As a child we rushed,
what was all the fuss?

The lost moment finds.
The lost moment unwinds.
The lost moment reminds.
Messes with our minds.

In that moment there is clarity.
We connect with our reality.
Understand humanity.
Endless possibilities.
Test our comfortability.

A chance to breathe.
Rebirth and see.
Are we where
we want to be?

Take that lost moment,
to reset your focus.
To find yourself and
your new found purpose.
Is a circle,
Love and thou shall beget love.
It's not the past that rankles
it's the manacles on your ankles,

come on
get with the program
sixpence from all good booksellers.

he rattles on
figures from a
past long gone

on his door,
a sign that reads
do not disturb.
In the cascade of light, she flows like a stream,
While I, with an old thirst, in her beauty gleam.
I've quenched my longing, with a gaze so deep,
Capturing her essence, in my heart, I keep.
With every passing moment, l linger in her sight,
Banishing thoughts of others, swiftly, out of sight.
For in her radiance, I find my endless quest,
To dwell in her presence, is where I find my rest.
you were red.

you were red every day,
like the fiercest sunrise
showering the city
in its warmest colors.

red like the sun on its peak,
like the greatest burning fire.
red like the juiciest apple,
the sweetest strawberry.

red like the sexiest lingerie,
the most tempting lollipop.

and then you changed.
or was it my eyes?

it changed and you became blue.

it was sudden,
like a blue night when it pours,
you were blue like the sadness.

blue like the ocean when it's angry,
like the neon lights at the bars,
blue like that one old mug,
and the lips of a lover when cold from touch.

it took me a while,
realization came too late –
you were never red nor blue,
but the brightest purple on the
watercolor box.


purple like my favorite sunsets,
like my cats favorite blanket,
purple like grandma's favorite flower,
and my mom's favorite pendant.

it took me a while to realize,
but you were purple to the brim.

my favorite person,
purple like the sky above,
and all the things i love.

you were red some days,
a bit blue other nights.

but it was purple all along.
you're purple because whenever i see a sunset or a sunrise or a cute purple flower i think of you and thats it. i like remembering you with the small things i know.
I sat and watched a sad movie and it made me cry
so I went out to the offie and bought myself a Mivvi
and a three-litre bottle of dry

It feels like my life is being played out
on old cinema reels,
weird eh?
but that's how it feels.

I put on a highly-rated comedy,
it didn't make me laugh,
but the cider soaked my trousers
when I knocked a full glass over.

Sometimes life's a replay but I don't remember when
and so I sat and watched a sad movie and it made me cry
There will come a time
when the poem you’re writing
surpasses all the others

Inscribed in your psyche
alive in your memory
—transformed and redefined

(Dreamsleep: January, 2024)
What do you do when you don't feel safe in your own head?
Uncomfortable in your own skin, afraid of the demons under your bed
And all the monsters that have been locked away out back in the woodshed
Waiting for the day I said would never come is now right around the bend
It'll be here any moment, why pretend?
I worry more about what was left unsaid
Cautious of the where we're being misled to, not the when
I try not to fear what I can not comprehend
Really couldn't tell you if this is a life I'd recommend
Can't possibly know until the end
So come around again and ask me then

Make sure you know
what you’re trying to say

But let readers figure it out
— for themselves

(Dreamsleep: January, 2024)
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