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 Sep 2014 Darkness
E. E. Cummings
i have found what you are like
the rain,

            (Who feathers frightened fields
with the superior dust-of-sleep. wields

easily the pale club of the wind
and swirled justly souls of flower strike

the air in utterable coolness

deeds of green thrilling light
                                  with thinned

newfragile yellows


—in the woods

And the coolness of your smile is
stirringofbirds between my arms;but
i should rather than anything
have(almost when hugeness will shut
                  your kiss
 Sep 2014 Darkness
Sarah Kline
it's pouring rain outside and I'll I can think about is you

how if you were here

I would kiss you out there

in the pouring rain

until it stopped
 Sep 2014 Darkness
A Dive
 Sep 2014 Darkness
A rock dropped in the water

The ripples looked so beautiful

I just wanted to swim

To hold that beauty

So I dove

Forgetting to breathe

I thought drowning

Was supposed to be peaceful
Here I am again
On my bed
Looking at the ceiling

Thoughts about my life
Thoughts about myself
Thoughts about sadness

Controlled by thoughts
All hate and anger
Wishing I could escape

Here I am again
On my bed
At midnight
 Sep 2014 Darkness
Phillip Hooper
You can be so arrogant sometimes it astounds me. The way in which you can casually dismiss those that love you, not even acknowledging the presence of those that long to be close...

And still I love you, we love you, the world loves you. That what's so infinitely frustrating isn't it?  That you have all these charms, abilities, powers, and you let us know, you let us feel inferior. But thats not your fault is it? That we feel intimidated around you. If we could ask, if we could say, what do you think of us? What might you reply? Would you throw you head back and laugh? No. Some might think you would but I know you better then that. You'd say you're human. That you're scared too. That at times you feel only as powerful as the weakest of entities , that you know how it feels to be afraid.

You're love and lust for life is incredible, you even surprise me after all these years. Few people know just how grateful your are to be alive. That every time you open you're eyes, every time you inhale you're grateful... Few people know that you have an overwhelming loving energy, and it scares you. That you try to **** it with drugs and alcohol, scared it might consume you, bringing about uncontrollable laughter or tears. Few people know how you long to be close, how you want to smile at them, hug them, touch them........but don't.

How you'd rather face a man with a knife then rejection. How being unwanted is something you've grappled with you're whole life. Few people know you've carried the scars of you're best friends death for the past 6 months everyday.

No one knows you've hated you're intelligence. That the burden of knowing consumes you. Knowing how your step dad threaten to **** himself, knowing that you're mother tried to **** herself. That if she hadn't put down that note you wouldn't even be here. Knowing you're the product of a drug addict and a girl rebelling against her family. No one knows that you have no one to hold and hold you. Someone, with which you can be weak and sink into away from a world that has given you nothing but tough love.

Thats harmed you, stabbed you,starved you.

But know this, the world turns and the day will come when you will never settle for less,
the day will come when you stand strong and confident in your own skin,
the day will come when you emerge as a lion defending those that love you against the world,
the day will come once again when you love freely,

Know that light pierces dark,
the individual can conquer,
that to be a man is to be honest, responsible, and caring, not a stereotype,
know that you were made for a reason
know that you're scars will heal,
and more  than anything else know that,
i know,
that all this will come to pass beyond a reasonable doubt

because you
 Sep 2014 Darkness
Ann Beaver
pretty fascinating mind
appearing light,
flecking dangerously close.
let go

But keep one pinky on the edge.
Walk the line easily
between fascinating
and ******* with words.

fighting whats left inside me
i am or am i
throwing my voice,
cracking the night,
And another bite mark

A scar
A humble star
A version here
A ******* there

the quiet hits,
as it will,
defeat in my bones,
Quickly it does distill.
Looking around the room
momentarily left insane,
fringed, frightened,
buried cold

long dark rings
tucked in the eyes
black circles where you've hid
those years
Defined in every happy ending
to an ever-ending ride
In my pretty fascinating mind.
My favorite poet life's jump wrote this with me.
 Sep 2014 Darkness
David Hall
 Sep 2014 Darkness
David Hall
Lord please
if you can hear
humble my mind
let it not fear

Lord please
if you exist
humble my hand
unclench my fist

Lord please
if you can see
humble me heart
set my soul free
 Sep 2014 Darkness
 Sep 2014 Darkness
Taking a walk at 2am
As weird as it sounds
It's the silence that draws him
Breaths of the night calms him down
The winds howling raucously
The moon gleamed as if she knows him

The stars glinting decoding a message
To know if he'd live to the fullest
To know if he decided to perish

The trees converse in notions of credence
Reliance in silence to rectify the human's crevice
They knew he's here to emit enmity
Canopies are nowhere in sight
Shadows rested with darkness aligned
He knew it was mundane to believe it could happen
That something might just happen if he believed
But nothing happened

He yelled at the moon
How foolish she was to only shine at night
Only to gleam at him
As darkness laughed as it dictates the night
He hated the darkness
He overcame his fear to be out at this hour
Running until his breath runs out
But he finally walked instead

His senses staggered suddenly
His mind playing tricks
How could this be
He heard voices screaming
How could there be anyone at this hour?

He's floating now
His body glowing blue
He felt this before...

He finally woke up
His family crying with glee
I got inspired.
I always wondered where do they go when they're in a coma.
Are they dreaming?
Are they just beside themselves?
But I do know one thing..
We, the ones who are awake.
We must keep talking to them. Until they're awake.
I know if it's meant to be they will die.
But remember this,
You must never lose hope.
Because they can hear you even when they're asleep:)
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