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 Sep 2015
A hole inside my heart
Big; hollow; dark;
Has always been there
Never thought I should care

Covers up over time
Naive were the thoughts of mine
To think about a better place
With hope and love no pain and sorrows

Things I can not achieve
No matter how hard I try; imagine and believe
Still a hole inside my heart
Big, hollow and dark

We are trying to overcome
Our problems and flaws
We think they hold us strong within their claws
Wishing we could change ourselves
Knowing we will fail trying
This is my very first poem I've ever written. It also is one of my favorites. It can be interpretated in different ways. It is about trying to change the world for a better and seeing oneself failing in the process to do so. It is also about trying to change the very own personality to a better but finding oneself unable to do so and proceeding in falling into old habits that were thought to be overcome. Pain is playing an important role in this poem, which can sometimes knock you down. However even in the darkest moments one should not give up.
 Sep 2015
I've only been affected 
by anything other 
than affection

The only plan made
was to never have 
anything planned

I've only been 
perfect at living as 
an imperfection

The only thing I
understood was how 
much I didn't understand

I am not a soft caressing breeze
I am the howling wind
That overturns houses in fury
I am not freshly laden snow
Delicate and yielding
I am the frozen expanse
That splinters bone
I am not the glowing ember
I am a wildfire after drought
I will ravage forests that oppose me
The air will be black in my wake
I am as untameable as the ocean
Swallowing islands and cities
Before retiring to my ebb and flow
I will lay waste to the world of men
Should need call of my rage
I will tremble the sun
And swallow the moon
I am the fire and the water
And the wind and the dry earth
*No ones thrives unless I will it
Written from the POV of mother nature, from whom all life stems.
 Aug 2015
Heather Anderson
To lie under a tree,
To feel the cool summer breeze,
To be engulfed in a sea of grass,
To play in a pool as clear as glass,
To hear the wind chimes,
To not worry about the time,
To watch the clouds go by,
To see the colors of the sky,
To listen to the song of the birds,
To have my anxieties cured,
To hear the thunder roar,
To need all this and more,
To feel the rain on my skin,
To hear the leaves in the wind,
To feel the sun's warm embrace,
To have the moon shine on my face,
To see the sunset's last gleam,
To be underneath the stars and dream,
To absorb the tranquility,
To have this one ability,
To sleep on the hill,
To doze, to drift will be my fill.

This will make me happy.
To only lie under a tree..
This doesn't do my vision justice, but I still wanted to write about it. I should probably fix the order of the lines
 Mar 2015
Allie Scirrotto
He left the house with a sense of rage
not knowing that soon his world would change

Sitting at the station a call comes in
The turn of his life was about to begin

He arrived at his duty and starred at the sky
Frozen, in shock, he let out a sigh

People were screaming in fear for their lives
He stood and listened then held his hand high

with courage, He made his way into the building
Now wishing he didn't fight with his wife this morning.

He thought of his kids as the building began to shake
He now sheds a tear from his extreme heartache.

There was nothing he could do, his job was done
He knew that this building would weigh a ton

He sat in the stairwell and waited in misery
His thoughts in his mind were all he could see

He felt the train wreck coming down
His wife sat at home and heard the sound

Both of them left with a feeling of regret
This is the day we'll never forget
 Feb 2015
i catch myself
looking over at you
or working,
and i catch myself
feeling completely immersed
in a feeling of joy
but then
i look over at you
and you're
staring at the ground,
or staring off into space,
or just staring into nothing,
and because i know
that thats what you do
when you feel nothing at all
i catch myself
feeling the need
to do anything
to make you feel something
and then
after all the staring is done
and you are
perfectly balanced
on the spectrum of emotion
i catch myself thinking

why aren't you ever looking over at me?

― j.r.
february 25, 2015
 Dec 2014
Mohd Arshad
He lies, my brother, in the open,
No sleep, no dream, no hope bright,
Only fog, only chill, only spirit's sounds,
O my God! Descend a warm shawl for his night!
Notes (optional)
 Sep 2014
my dream is to rise and shine
always be heathy and fine
my dream is to help and take care
happiess is what i want to share
my dream is to be light in darkness
and in the dark to be the ligthness
my dream is to figth for justice
it is what i will aways practice
i m a young poet i m 11 year old if u like my poem please appreceate thank u
hello poetry giving me a chance to give my poems
 Sep 2014
Joelle Theresa Ngo
Your love fills my soul with the light
Of eternity and hope;
You complete me like nothing I have ever known.
You made me forget all my strife with each tender smile,
And brought beauty which made my life worth while.

There's not a day that I would not be grateful,
To the heavens for blessing me with something so beautiful.
A soul like yours so precious that I never thought existed,
'Til you came into my life and proved risking love was never wasted.

The light in your eyes fills me with wonder,
Your love and affection lifted me like no other.
You changed my life and set me free from my fears,
You healed my bleeding scars and wiped away all of my tears.

I have never thought I'd love someone as much as I love you,
Because I've always been scared of falling and of love itself too.
But I was glad I risked it all for a precious boy who's loving and kind,
Because right now he is the greatest gift that's ever been mine.
 Sep 2014
Mohd Arshad
Grandfather sported a tattered blazer,
and granddaughter her newly bought coat.
they took to the solitary street
where chill was at its best;
ten couples of minutes rolled by,
she beat retreat and covered her with blanket
and he continued his errand like a young scholar.
Notes (optional)
 Aug 2014
There is a lot I love
About spring and summer,
The warmth, the freedom
From scarves and coats.
The flowers in bloom,
The outdoor pools,
The hot days with ice cream
And cold coffee and slurps.
But most of I all I love the trees in my city,
that sway in the summer wind.
And I can stare at them forever
As my car passes by.
And they are colored not only green
But of many more hues pleasant to my eye.
There are orange, and purple (my favourite ones), and pink.
So when the ground I walk upon
Is littered with these colored petals,
I feel like nature has a lot of beauty to show
But all we do is step on it.
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