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 Mar 2020
Francie Lynch
I've had a better life
Than a squirrel.
Ask anybody.
But looking out,
I'm envious of that
Mite invested, bushy-tailed one,
Fleeing up my tree.
Day nine. Number nine, number nine, number nine, num...
 Mar 2020
Francie Lynch
I sneezed into my elbow
At the grocery store;
All who were present turned,
Gasped and hit the floor,
As though I'd shot a gun.

I coughed in my elbow
While I was walking home;
The sidewalk cleared across the street,
As though I'd dropped a bomb.

While I was at my bank,
Four masked men pushed through the door.
No one notices anymore.
 Mar 2020
Francie Lynch
I've seen the sequel,
So this ain't the prequel.
Stay strong. Stay SD and use soap.
 Mar 2020
Your eyes were my own private river, bathing in the ring of blue around your iris. Enamored with the greenery protected by your eyelashes.
November to February not long enough to drown beneath them

I am plagued by the ghost of your reassuring caress
Your breath during nighttime a missing comfort
For alone I am surrounded by darkness.
Moments spent cradling cobwebs of each-others limbs
Intricate designs casting from our bodies as we felt like one in the same.
Our allure as a couple outshone the mundanes of just a ****** attraction
My soul felt yours

         ­                                     but I am alone,
     ­                                          with the overbearing grief of love lost.

                                                       ­                                  March 16th, 2020

                                      please find your way back home.
Mourning the loss of love
 Mar 2020
Daylight emanating coils of uncertainty from within myself
Trajectory for unwavering retribution
I am lost among the crevices thy mind creates, etching fabrications with regression
U n w o r t h y
U n l o v e a b l e
F a t

Grievances I whisper from blanketed sheath depression
Thoughtless lies birthed onto soft flesh and bone
I am worth......

Damage inflicted, heartbroken thoughts coveted blissful time spent among your breath.

Unkind to myself during depressive episodes, clockwork fabrications intertwined rationality.
Those become a new truth forging insecurities of panhandle insecurities

You are more than the darkness surrounding you.
 Mar 2020
Francie Lynch
Hmn………………………..  I see what you mean. I'm thinking on it.
Mn. .................................……I'm not sure I agree.
Mn hmm....………………… Totally agree. Yes, let's go forward.
Huh....……………………... Whaaaaaaaaaaaat
Uh huh...........................……...Ok. I'm listening, but let me talk.
Tsk Tsk....……………………I don't approve of anything you say.
Um.....………………………..Let me think about it. I'll get back to you.
 Mar 2020
Francie Lynch
Good people pray for you.
Lend you a hand.
Attest for you.

Bad people prey on you.
Lay their paws on you.
Detest you.

It may take time to rise from this nightmare.
It's not something we ate,
Or something forced down our collective throats,
Like Kool-Aide.
Soon, we'll start the real body count,
And when all this ends,
It will begin again,
And the circle is unbroken.
"It's always something." Roseanne Rosanna Danna.
 Mar 2020
Francie Lynch
Nero fiddled,
POTUS diddled,
The outcome is the same.
Handbaskets are in flames.
I, said:
Others are to blame.
The USA needs a leader, and he's not it.
Oh, and Nero blamed the new religion, Christianity. The irony is, Trump thinks he is the new religion.
 Mar 2020
Michael Stefan
My fingers
caress the fuzz
on your lower

My hands
grip the fuzz
at the base
of your neck

in my mind
are growing fuzzy

The day
that you left
out the door
is oh so

My fingers
caress the fuzz
on my unshaven

My hands
grip the fuzz
of my long hair
I'm such a freak

How the hell
I got here
I don't know
It's so fuzzy

See your picture
through empty bottles
on the nightstand
it's growing fuzzy
If there is one thing I'm good at, it's breakup songs.  Robert Frost once called Edwin Arlington Robinson's poetry as being "the essence of unhappiness itself".  I really hope that isn't a tag I earn on this site as being the dude that writes really sad break-up poems.  But here you go! Hope you like it!
 Mar 2020
Thomas W Case
I guess I shouldn't be
In the
beginning, the women are
attracted to the light,
the writing.
But after a while,
they hate it.
They get jealous;
as if I had another
I suppose I do.
And when I'm in my stride
I don't give them the
attention that they crave and
When the words and
lines are flowing
the women seem so needy
so greedy.
I guess it's not fair that
I devote my heart to
writing--but truth be told,
they knew what they
were getting
themselves into.
I'm happy to announce the release of my new limited edition book, Rise Up Collected Short Stories and Poems, here's a link. (Just copy and paste in the address bar.)
 Feb 2020
Thomas W Case
You are like a mountain, not a
sublime snow-capped mountain in
Colorado, or like the Cerro Torre in
Argentina and Chili.
Not like
the Ama Dablam in Nepal.
But you seem like a
mountain nonetheless.
A mountain that obscures
the beauty of the
majestic sunrise,
and the grandeur of life.
A mountain that
smothers love and
everything glorious.
Maybe you aren't
a mountain at all.
Perhaps you're an
ant hill, dragging
dead souls into
your busy hole.
I climbed you, and
was so enamored with
your beauty, I missed
your charade and
Check out my you tube channel where I read my poetry from my recently published book, Seedy Town Blues Collected Poems, available on Amazon.
I also do shorts on the channel of my boating excursions. lol.
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