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 Jul 2019
There have been countless times
Where we've voice chatted
And I laughed and you called it cute.
And I found myself enjoying it.

I liked it whenever I sounded like that
Whenever I sounded different, feminine.
And I began to dislike hearing my normal laugh.
It felt odd to me.

A thought popped into my head.
A desire to experiment.
And once I did it, I felt even weirder about myself.
Then the questions started.

You pointed things out, and called me an egg.
Not that I minded.
Still, the questions remained, and I felt strange.
There was a sadness that I couldn't place.

Excuses were made.
Like how I didn't feel a 'certain way'
Whenever I tried on those clothes again.
It had to be something ******. It just had to.

But I started to not react in that way anymore.
And I kind of liked wearing them.
So then the questions returned.
And I didn't know what to think.

In the end, while I still have these questions.
I think it's okay to have them.
And even though I'm uncertain about myself
I'll continue on until I find who I am.
A recount of my current experiences with my questions about my gender identity.
 Jul 2019
Zoe Grace
I am Pansexual
No, that does not mean i am romantically or sexually attracted to kitchenware.
It means, simply, that:
I like boys
I like girls
I like everything other and in between.
I will support you and love you
No matter what you want to express yourself as.
You do you.
You are amazing.
Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
I just wanted to say this <3 Happy Pride Month everybody ♡♡♡
 Jul 2019
would it really be a crime,
for you and i to stand side by side?

would it truely bring dispare
for you and i to share

would it bring joy
for you and i to enjoy,

this soft embrace
just one time?

a kiss as soft as snow
a subtle touch of hands,

oh darling,

would it truely enrage the land
for us to just hold hands?
 Jul 2019
When you see a boy
You feel fear
Nothing you enjoy
Right here
When you see a girl
You smile
You would give anything in the world
To be with her
Been that way for a while
When he touches you
You flinch away
When she touches you
You want to stay
When he holds your hand
The  air tingles tension and discomfort
When she holds your hand
It's like nothing before it
Listen girl
You don't like those guys
It doesn't feel the same
No matter how much you hide
The way your heart goes won't change
You like those girls
Well that girl
Listen girl, you're gay
Getting more comfortable about it and very proud of being gay lol
 May 2019
it’s days like these
sea glass, cool breeze
a pretty ******* the beach

it’s nights like these
fresh bed sheets, sweet nothings
smiling while we sleep
 Apr 2019
A Simillacrum
What's the deal with binaries?
Such pinhole lens.
If you feel wrong, then,
ask yourself, Who's standing
in my salt circle?

What's the deal with sorting hats?
So limited.
If you feel out of place,
ask yourself, Who's speaking
to my lowest disgrace?

You knew as well I as I did
this catalytic event would happen.
For only so long, can you grind
your face in the acceleration,
before you ****
with the aperture, then         what?

Great opening, come to closing,
Let's love.
Great opening, come to closing,
Let's love.

The alpha myth dispensary, dead,
I see you running free, safely packed.
Mr. Wolf, I want         some of that!
 Apr 2019
If I like girls what would you say?
I were to love a girl or a boy would that be okay?
I like girls, But when embraced I"m called a ******, I am confined to the normal reality of this world
I like boys, I can openly express that but can i really without being called a ***** or a ****? We are supposed to love everyone, but we do not love anyone but our selves, we are afraid of the different
We fear change, when will we change?
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