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 May 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
Don't Drink The Kool-Aid

Don't drink the Kool-Aid
That's a phrase you'll sometimes hear
It means don't believe every word
And don't live your life in fear

Don't walk around with blinders
Try to see the other side
You can listen to what others say
But make up your own mind

You do not have to follow
When someone makes a stand
There are many different points of view
Each side must get a chance

Your opinion may just matter
To no one else but you
The experience of a persons life
Creates their point of view

So don't drink the Kool-Aid
You can't believe all that you hear
Dont trust someone blindly
And don't live your life in fear

Don't drink the Kool-Aid

Carl Joseph Roberts
December 2013
For all the younger poets who may not know this. The phrase Don't drink the Kool-Aid was started because of the November 18, 1978 massacre when 918  people who were followers of preacher Jim Jones who while at a religious compound in Guyana drank Kool-Aid or a flovored drink laced with cyanide. It is believed that for many of these followers the drinking of this poison was voluntary.  Followers believed this one man so much that they were willing to give their own children poison. Since then this phrase has gained acceptance as meaning dont follow blindly.
 May 2014
What if the sky isn't blue?
What if the grass isn't green too?
What if the sea isn't wet?
What if we never felt the sharp sting of regret?
What if morning never came?
What if there was no sunshine after the rain?
What if the leaves they didn't dance?
What if love didn't involve romance?
What if humanity ceases to exist?
What if time, was all but a myth?
What if the suns rays didn't shine?
What if poetry didn't rhyme?
What if the breeze never blew?
What if birds never flew?
What if colours existed in shades we'd never imagined?
What if no one could recall, terrible things that have happened?
What if there was no such thing as war?
What if no one closed or opened a door?
What if no one died?
What if no one ever lied?
What if humanity wasn't corrupted?
What if this world we live in, wasn't distructed.
What if global warming was just a scare?
What if all parties involved chose to play fair?
What if life didn't end in dying?
What if we were all satisified, just because we were trying?
Bored in hospital on a Saturday so thinking out loud and questioning the world using rhyming couplets..
 May 2014
Theia Gwen
I am stuck in a long hallway
Of mirrors
Each one shows something new
And unfamiliar
I can't even tell
Which one is me
Because I have expectations
But I can't see reality
I wish I could just perform
A vanishing act
Because I can't stand
The image that reflects
I am done with seeing
Elongated arms and chubby legs
And that twisted symphony
Repeating in my head
The number on the scale
Can never get too small    
Cause the mirror looks the same
When I leave the bathroom stall
Always something different
I just wish there was consistency
Because these carnival mirrors
Have got me hating all of me
On body dysmorphic disorder and bulimia. I pretty much feel this way every time I look into a mirror.
 May 2014
Splintered memories of you
fracture into cracks of scattered longing.
Nothing will repair the broken view
a skewed by time.
Nothing returns to perfection.
The way you smiled, your brown eyes
the way your hair fell
flopped in your eyes.
Eyes that, if they saw me
they lied and shied away.
 May 2014
Today is the yesterday that you'll regret throwing away tomorrow.
 May 2014
Poetic T
Just because I'm old and it takes
me an hour to get from A to B,
never judge me as you don't
know who I was the things in
life I have seen.

Age brings knowledge, its brings
arthritis in my left knee, you think
you have seen things son, Ive been
in wars seen **** you never want
to see.

I may look useless but thats the
secret you see, for the old were
young once we fought with knuckles
not like you ******* with guns
and knifes, thats the way of *******.

You may lift a finger to me, but ill just
grab it snap it back, lets see you give the
finger now ya little punk, ill break the
other two if you disrespect me.

I may be old but that doesn't make me
weak, I have knowledge and experience,
kid you just came out your *****, so
think when you speak to your elders.
for we may seem weak and frail but
we can teach you youngsters a thing or three
never judge people by there age..
 May 2014
It's raining, it's storming
The tools are conforming
Society will be the death of me
Please pills, don't let me wake in the morning
It's sleeting, it's snowing
Their plastic smiles are glowing
Put your make up on, dignity gone
Make sure your "made in China" tag isn't showing
Its windy, the sun is shining!
Their ignorance is blinding!
No hope for mankind, I've lost my mind
There is no silver lining
Anarchy? Anyone?
 May 2014
Meenu Syriac
I am haunted by my fears even in the morning sun
And irrevocably consumed by some daunting shadow.
At night they come in forms of terror
And in my disdain I cry and shiver.
Lost in an illusion my mind sowed
And in that realm I die a thousand times.
Tethered to life by a thin rope
An infinite foot fall to the unknown.
Those lines are waiting to break
The fog rising and the lights dimming,
Darkness engulfs and seeps into my blood.
Now in its arms I find solace
This paranoia feels like home.
This darkness sparking a storm,
And with the storm comes chaos
And in that chaos, *my mind revels.
 Apr 2014
Lucy Marie
And when you fall for a girl with hips like hammers and lips like pens, never let her go. Though it may be difficult, do not let her go. She will be the girl who is there to keep you safe. She will be the one who saves you.

She is everything you've ever needed in a person and more.

You always said that all you need is someone who can make a dull day be seen in technicolor
And who will love you for who you are.
And that IS her.
But you never mentioned how you need someone whose eyes are so blue that you could drown in every shade of her iris.
Or how you need someone that will make you bathe with her even though you're not the one who needs cleaning.
You never spoke of how you need someone who is able to make all of your insecurities melt-
Even if only for a second.
You never talked about how you need that girl that will tease you for how tightly you grip her hand when it's dark
And who will make your body thrash and tremble in pleasure rather than terror at night.
You never said a thing about how you NEED that girl whose laugh is too precious to ever forget the shape of her smile.
You never mentioned it because you had no idea.
 Apr 2014
Mesmerised, I look into your eyes,
a cold wind, as we begin
Our journey, t'ward Eternity.
My hand waiting for yours,
the stars, they soar.
We are floating above Mountains,
drinking from Fountains,
sipping from the elixir of life.

My eyes open,
the token of your love, in my left hand, a Ring.
The future it promised to bring.

Once more I am alone,
i no longer own, this moment.

The leaves they dance, as our romance,
leaves behind Morsels.
A shell remains,
engulfed in flames,
a furnace of Self Blame,
i take the plunge.
And i walk, i eat
our Memories, Plans
your Final Goodbye
your Wants, Demands.
The marching band drums
beat in time with my Tortured soul,
we were Supposed to grow old.
I pick up the fork and force down Guilt,
upon the foundations we built,
cemented together by loves haze.

Worlds at a time, I combine,
Mine and Yours,
Unopened doors.

The house we never furnished,
the walk we never took,
the book that was never written,
Our story unfinished,
Your life Diminished.

I sit, take a sip of my tea,
it doesn't taste the same.
The razors don't take away the pain,
of hearing Your Name.
 Apr 2014

Love me

Kiss me
For your lips are my desire
Touch me
Know my skin it does require
Hold me
Like you’ll never let me go
Love me
For you know I love you so
Squeeze me
With your arms so very tight
Tease me
With your beauty every night
Feel me
With your hands that I adore
Show me
That you couldn’t love me more
Thrill me
With your eyes of chocolate brown
Lift me
When I’ve fallen to the ground
Help me
When you know I’ve lost my way
Teach me
Of your love now everyday
Fill me
With your love so very warm
Save me
When I’m standing in a storm
Keep me
Ever closer to your side
Trust me
With the secrets you confide
Hear me
As I whisper in your ear
Find me
Ever wanting to be near
Tell me
You forever will be true
Love me
For I always will love you
 Apr 2014
You have cuts on your arm
that you name after people
and you talk about them
like accidents.

I got this one when she left,
this one when she told me she didn't trust me,
this one when she wasn't there,

as if they were put there by the event,
by some other force you could not control,
but let me remind you,
it is called self harm for a reason.

The people you named them after
did not hold the blade,
these cuts on your arm are not battle wounds,
you are not fighting anyone
but yourself.
Stop blaming them.
Stop blaming the people who love you,
no one is out to get you
but yourself.
All your pain is self inflicted.
Let me say that again.
All your pain is self inflicted.

You are holding a gun to your head,
screaming at me with tears running down your face,
why are you doing this to me?

Put down the gun.

Look in a mirror.

**All your pain is self inflicted.
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