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 Apr 2014
When did sorry become throwaway?
When did remorse become a game to play?
When did I become an adult?
When did I lock myself in a vault?

When did life become so serious?
When did life become so meaningless?
When did you and I last cry?
When did we both ask why?

When did we re-evaluate our pain?
When did we measure our gain?
When did you and I remain,
Together,  forever, in emotion and shame?
 Apr 2014
Andrew Durst
I still can't sleep at night.
To this day,
I can't hold my head up when I walk through the halls.
To this day,
I question every part of who I am; who I was.
To this day,
I wonder if I'll ever  be someone.
              To this day,
                    To this day,
                         To this day,
My worries have become more than just a burden.
Inspired by:
Shane Koyczan & Siobhan Vivian.
 Apr 2014
Brendan Thomas
I walk through the crowd
To go sit down

Music playing
Way too loud

I can't think
I can't breathe

I liked to get up
Walk and leave

I suddenly realize
I'm at home alone

I gotta stay away from that tea!
 Apr 2014
Brendan Thomas
They once called me crazy
I've since been deemed sane

Is it insanity
When I call out your name

In the middle of the night
Alone in my bed

My heart it bleeds sorrow
I can't hear your name

It drives me to madness
I'm going insane

I can't call you up
I can't knock on your door

Each time I think of you
I'm wanting you more

I wake in the darkness
A terrible fright

I don't feel any warmth now
I can't see the light

I try to forgive you
I try to let go

I still think about you
I thought you should know

I stand up
Leave a rose on your stone

Say my goodbyes
And walk myself home
 Apr 2014
Jonny Angel
The purple tracks
running up her arms
were a tell tale sign,
a roadmap of hell
to the death
she was travelling to
& no matter what I said,
her hollow
black-eyes spoke volumes
about the journey
she hated,
but could not stop.
 Apr 2014
purple orchid
Your words are pebbles
That disrupt the sleeping seas
In the depth of my soul
Causing tidal waves I can
Only drown in
The power of the tongue
 Apr 2014
Blessed are the eyes of the poets
who see a deeper truth.
 Apr 2014
LJ Chaplin
Another drunken phone call at two AM,
Moonlight filters through the window
As I sob beneath the sheets,
A ghost of a boy,
A shell of a human,
Where there once was love,
There is only me,
A loneliness that's haunting,
Slowly I rise from the bed
Like an exorcism taking place,
The floorboards creak and groan,
The splintered cries of a heavy burden,
A heavy heart

You are somewhere I cannot fathom,
***** dripping from your lips
Like the tears rolling down your
Mascara stained cheeks.

The loneliness follows me around,
Down the stairs,
Into the front porch,
Out into the night.
It can take your place
If you let it be so,
And while I run beneath the street lights,
The transparent arms of loneliness hugging me
And dragging behind me,
I search frantically to find a place to clear my head,
To drown out the drunken slur of your voice,
The violent sobs and cursing that crackled
From the other end of the phone.

The loneliness listens to me when you're not there.
It comforts me when you are nowhere to be seen.
© L.J. Chaplin
 Apr 2014
The Pioneer
I used to believe
People lived forever
I had no clue
I was young
Frightened by death
I'm glad
There's an end
 Apr 2014
Evelynn Hohenbrink
Loving me is like trying to venture into the deep, cavernous wasteland of the shattered pieces of my soul. I seriously don't know what will be left of you when you return...a hollow shell of a human being when someone like me has disposed of you.
Loving me is going to end with the essence stolen from your very being. Not a very charming proposition, but there it is.
HA. DELVE INTO THAT ONE, THERAPISTS! I'd like to see you try.
*sigh*, A girl can hope, right?
 Apr 2014
Evelynn Hohenbrink
So many things are swimming through my mind right now.
So many thoughts, memories, emotions, and demons.
They float by like sheets of ice,
chilling me down to the deepest part of my broken soul,
making me numb.
Their compositions are so complex I avoid them for my sanity.
My mind is so distortedly dysfunctional.
It's filled with an infinite number of all these things,
but if I focus on one of them for too long, my mind pushes them out of reach.
My mind is a vast labyrinth guarded by sarcasm, bitterness, and a mask of composure,
filled with wastelands, trenches, and locked doors.
Only those that are patient will ever find the vault at its very center,
and even then, my mind is nearly impossible to crack.
This vault is like no other.
It's one that you never

Despite my mind's shortcomings, it's quite clever in this one sense.
The vault contains demons so repulsive, so revolting, so disturbingly terrifying,
why, my mind can't even remember what it put there.
But at night, as my mind pulls at dreams,
the vault is most unfortunately opened when my guard is down.
I sometimes wake up breathless,
with only faint recollections of the nightmarish memories and demons that my mind conjured and unleashed in slumber.
As suddenly as I awaken, the dark matter of my mind retracts back into the vault before I have much else to do.
I then peel myself off of my bed, scrape the attempt of a smile out of the gutters of my soul, and go about my day.
There are other times when the solid walls of my mind melt away for reasons I cannot explain.
Everything then swims through my mind,
all the darkness of it tugging at the back of my consciousness,
wearing away at my thought process,
and filling up my mind with hazy grief.
Nonetheless, the vault of my mind is better off locked.

However, by design, a vault must have a key to open it.
The key to mine takes many different forms,
and the interesting part is, I don't know what the key looks like.
From day to day, my mind is an imposing, impenetrable fortress,
to the point where even my own mind can't determine its complexity.
I live each day, watching, searching,
dreading the day when I finally find what frees my mind
from its nightmares, secrets, and its vault.
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