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 Jul 2022
Amanda Kay Burke
Of course it is you stuck in my brain
Of course you linger like a stain
Only topic my mind thinks about
Cause you crossed it once
Now won't get out
If you can't get someone out of your head maybe they are supposed to be there
 Jul 2022
My Dear Poet
I’m sorry
if I’m a little lost
when the mind is free
the body follows at a cost
till you’re broke and can’t pay
the soul is stolen away
leaving the shell of a ghost

Forgive me
if I’m a little used
when you’re careless
you casually bruise
till you’ve bled no more
have no life to pour
the spirits withered
and abused

My apology
for being a mess
when what’s of value
becomes little to confess
when what you hold
is worth all the gold
and you give it up
for lentils or less
 Jun 2022
Amanda Kay Burke
I can't imagine what it's like
To wake up free of fear
And to be completely certain
I have a purpose here
Life would be so much easier
If the past would disappear
But I cant let go and the memories
Only seem to get more clear
Feel so stuck
 Jun 2022
Amanda Kay Burke
I am a little bit different
Do things my own way
I would rather be weird than boring
Don't care what others may say
I will always stay true to myself
 May 2022
William J Donovan
Boiling heaven's elixir in a spoon
  I visited the dark side of the moon
  siren singing in the distant noon
  from the rocky shores of my doom.
 May 2022
Are you still drinking every night?
Who do you scream at now?
Now that I’m not there to bear the brunt of your violent insecurities?
Help is an insufferable waste of air
When the one needing it is in narcissistic denial.
Part of me hopes the crumble of your career
Obliterates your shiny golden god complex.
The rest of me doesn’t give a ****,
Because after the years of manipulating and pain
I’ve torn the shackles, broke free
And you don’t mean a ******* thing anymore.
A forgotten false god.
Enjoy your downfall.
I won’t see it from my rightful throne.
 Apr 2022
The X-Rhymes
'farewell to the lost'
hear someone assert
how 'death has a cost
that's counted in hurt'

then offerings tossed
in handfuls of dirt
and crosses when crossed
leave mud on my shirt

but I do not cry
don't bawl and don't rave
no tears to supply
don't have to be brave

that would be a lie
no face I to save
I only stopped by
to spit on your grave.
I do start off with good intentions.
 Apr 2022
Madelyn Annette
I want to watch with you
The beautiful sunrise
With violet hues
And cotton candy skies
You can hold my hand
We can talk about life
Wondering how we got so lucky
To catch these ethereal views
I reach for your grasp
Then I remember I’m alone on this mountain
Just dreaming of you
 Apr 2022
Mitch Prax
Poets are a strange bunch-
we enjoy the fall until we've hit the ground.
Sometimes we push ourselves if
for nothing but the art.
Oh, how we find that spark
in the darkness of suffering.
Indeed, what a mad bunch we are,
to find sanity in our madness
and I wouldn't have it
any other way.
 Apr 2022
Amanda Kay Burke
Every night in bed
Worry about future pain
Anger and sorrow
 Mar 2022
Amanda Kay Burke
I suppose right and wrong are not black and white
Someone's dark is another's light
Villians inside each and every one of us
Across country and next to you on the bus
Cause spent so much time judging all imperfections
Fail to acknowledge our own flawed reflection
If re-evaluating our actions instead
Of criticizing peers and words that they said
Perhaps could improve our own state of mind
The emotional tendencies to which we are inclined
Escape box of expectations we foolishly inhabit
It's challenging because we are creatures of habit
Every person has been tainted by transgressions
So who are we to stigmatize surrounding indescretions?
Because all inflict suffering upon some heart
Nobody exempt from playing that part
We could not really abstain if we tried
No matter our decision
Leaves SOMEONE unsatisfied
The sooner we face truth and realize what we are
Sooner we can forgive who's responsible for our scar
It is impossible pleasing everybody all the time
We take turns being the victim then commiting crime
Good and evil defined differently among men
All behave like monsters now and then
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