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 Apr 2017
Steve Page
Love me a wisper louder,
hold me a squeeze tighter,
and kiss me with care.
Tread tenderly and
listen liberally
for tonight I need you to lavish
wrap-around comfort
and to let me fall apart a little more
in your tear stained arms
Inspired by a quote I came across: "Love me a little louder today", aimed at those struggling through mental and physical disorders.
 Apr 2017
Steve Page
A kiss takes a moment while hugs keep giving wraparound comfort and room to weep in your sleep when spooning as a means to keep skin to skin tenderness in the state of undress exposing vunerableness sighing long and deep and long and deep with contented peace whispering sweet somethings and never having to release
and to kiss
I was going to try and give this more structure, but on reflection I'll leave it as it is.
 Apr 2017
Steve Page
I wasn't flirting,
I was simply being polite,
Is that so unusual?
Can't a guy hold a door,
Offer a seat,
Give a compliment,
Smile with warmth,
Give a hug,
Kiss a cheek,
Hold a hand,
Walk arm in arm,
Buy dinner,
Have a few drinks,
Go back to her place,
Massage her feet,
Fool around a little,
Stay the night,
Enjoy a lingering brunch,
- without it being made into such big deal?
Women! They blow things out of all proportion.
I overheard the first three lines in a cafe. The rest I extrapolated.
 Apr 2017
Steve Page
His stillent, smally whispers ooze into my mindconscious like a dusk-sweet hotchoc,
like a mocha sunrise welcoming wide with embracements louder than fearage, not instructioning, but come in mending,
pushing enlightenmentations, praisements and incouragabilities that I inseep onto my naked black and bruises. 
I tremble-wrap his echo within my born-worn soul but he stainleaks through my weak cardio when I bumpbrush against heartbeatings as fraggi-brittle as mine also.
His hushed shade cools and breaths an enveloping:
"I understand."
And so I restilax in his softly stronging arms.
Sometimes we know we're not making any sense, we just need someone to understand.
 Apr 2017
Steve Page
Come walk with me in the daylight.
See through my triple glazed eyes
and into my insulated soul.
Gaze gently on my fragile human heart
and sing softly.
 Apr 2017
Steve Page
Not looking back to see
You not looking back at me,
Knowing a sinking feeling
And that this time
It's really good bye then.
Not on a break, but a divorcee.
Not a "let's see", but a "smell the coffee".
Time to walk away and turn a corner,
Time to deep dive in this sea once more.
 Apr 2017
Steve Page
It wasn't expected.
I've not been concealing my feelings.

They really weren't felt before
That walk in the park.

You lifted your face
To the leaf filtered sunlight,
And unseeing,
You quietly unveiled all I was missing.
Love can sneak up on you.
 Apr 2017
Steve Page
Phantom feelings
For who we used to be
Radiate from the space
That we once occupied

Once a balm, but now a raw irritation.

I know we're not there anymore,
That the us that was
Has been excised.
Yet against all reason I reach
To relieve the itch.
When long-standing relationships end.
 Apr 2017
Steve Page
A kiss takes a moment
While hugs keep giving
Wraparound comfort
And room to weep
Cheek to cheek
As a means to keep
Skin to skin tenderness
Even in distress
Exposing vunerableness
As we caress
Sighing long and deep
And long and deep
With contented peace
Whispering sweet somethings
And never having to release
and to kiss
Reworked 'hugs unstructured' with a little more structure.
 Apr 2017
Steve Page
Holly and Ivy
Walked in the woods
Discussing who was the best
Holly was hoping her rosey complexion
Would maybe outshine all the rest.

But Ivy thought Holly was surely forgetting
The shock of her prickly demeanour
She was convinced for sure
The king would adore
All that was so special about her.

Now Ivy was bit of a hugger
You might say a lot of a clinger
But she was convinced
Her warming embrace
Would win over the king no matter.

And when the time came
For the winter queen crowning
The king of the woods was clear
He chose as his queen the lady he fell for
And it's Holly who now wears his ring.
"The holly and the ivy,
When they are both full grown
Of all the trees that are in the wood
The holly bears the crown."
Prompted by a curious Christmas card featuring 2 ladies in the snow: Holly and Ivy.
 Apr 2017
Steve Page
A cool breeze of relief
Blows through my fears,
Bringing perspective
And a light shade of assurance.
So while I still feel
The taunts of the monster,
Her voice has grown fainter
Because you now hold my hand.
A quick write while dwelling on the past.
 Apr 2017
Steve Page
I lay staring,
Still against the quiet groaning of a heart
Which weeps way beyond my reach,
Sighing beyond the shallows
Where I hide.
Some relationships break down through sheer cowardice.
 Apr 2017
Steve Page
If you must breathe
Do it deeply

If you must cry
Do it openly

If you must laugh
Do it heartily

If you must run
Run with me

If you must hide
Hide in me

If you must believe
Believe in me

If you must,
And you must,
Do so now.
"If you must blink, do it now" Kobo.
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