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 Mar 2019
The curtains twitch... in my street,
They pretend to be rich... in my street,
The gossips thrive... in my street,
But they’re barely alive... in my street,

The big cars come and go,
They all reap what they sow,
They pretend and they trick,
Atmosphere is so thick,
I’m the **** of their jokes,
And they pinch, and they poke,
But they fail to agree,
That I see what I see,
What I see, is the truth,
I will shout from the roof,
They can’t judge me at all,
For I’ve seen where they crawl,
but my lips they stay tight,
For there will come a night,
When they will see me see,
And they’ll understand me,

People talk... in my street,
People stalk... in my street,
A massive game... in my street,
We’re all the same... in my street..
I watch people a lot.. not in a creepy way, but I observe, and people love to gossip, and judge, but they forget, they are just the same as the rest of us, only, they, don’t SEE it!
(C) 29 /03/2019
 Mar 2019
Two rough looking fellows
On their way down
**** and ******
In their vehicle was found...
A feeling of sadness
Because that was once me
Oh how twisted
City life can be...
And then a young mother
I've been her before
A broken ******
With love at the core...
A slave to madness
Chasing a rush
Strange how fast a life
Down the toilet can flush!
Traveler Tim

I drink a little..
Blessed to have left the rest behind!
 Mar 2019
Ashly Kocher
 Mar 2019
Jack Jenkins
All of these raw words won't save me
These friends can't save me
I'm craving for help
Let me leave my past on a shelf
To gather dust and be forgotten
So I can allow my forgiveness
& be free at last
//On life//
 Mar 2019
Chelsea Rae
All my life I have been saying,
"I am lost."
"I am lost."

Really, I should have been saying,
"I am only lost
  From my soul."
When you feel lost, it is because you miss your soul.
 Mar 2019
Rochelle Foles
          she let go oooooooo

the grand canyon
                                   would overflow

so she painstakingly

        an impenetrable fortress
        to guard what once was
                                           an open
                                           freely loving heart

parapets and towers abounded
        higher ground
        first sight
                                          smoke billowed
                                          in warning

                                          gates barred
                                          archers flaming lethal weapons
                                          poised and ready

                                          catapults silently loaded
                                          and aimed

intuition hyper vigilant

                                         as she isolates herself

                                         prepared to ward off


                                        perceived enemies
                                        whose intent
                                        evidenced by ropes and picks

is to

                                       stealth fully cross the moat
                                       scale the tower

                                       and unloose the chaos she so vigilantly protects


look a little deeper, ask the hard questions.  you can never tell from the outside what is taking it’s toll on the squishy parts of a person.
 Mar 2019
Jack Jenkins
Rejection is a wound nobody is immune to
Its taste is sour and bitter
It makes your gums bleed

Rejection is always by your side
But never is a friend
But never is a lover

Rejection chases away sobriety
Looking to stop the pain
Looking to fill the void

Rejection pushes trust out of your life
Whispers that she's all you'll need
& makes you go deaf to the world
//On love//
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