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It seems that when things go wrong they happen in bunches.
But at the same point its because of your hearts that I persevere.
Because each of your friendship Christ uses to show me Hope.
For you all are very special people indeed, that uses your poems.
To help others to see past what we each are going through here.
Between you all and Christ the Living God, I have firm Hope here.
Thus strengthening me with every thing that has come against me.
I want to say thank you to each of you all for your friendships.
That keeps me grounded , when I feel like I am sinking in life.
 Jul 2016
Thank you all so much for your prayers. I am resting now and feeling better. I looked up the problem online and don't feel it's necessary to go to the hospital.

I am going to take a short break. I'll be back online tomorrow 7/19/2016.

♡ Catherine
 Jul 2016
leona chaput
Shout, shout and be glad
Pray, pray and be raised
Up to the wonder of God
Where He holds us in the
Palm of His hands
Look, look up and see
Just how good the Lord
Is in this world while He
Stands in power and love
Carrying us in endless mercy
Times of hope and healing
Comforting those who call
On His name
Shout to the Lord
Come to the foot of His throne
And worship with praise the
Glorious, wonderful name of God

                    BY:  Leona Chaput
 Jul 2016
Alyssa Underwood
Come after me, O glorious Divine Possessor.
Conquer, shackle, and entomb my straying,
faithless affections in Your love once more.
Sweep me up into Your strong and jealous
embrace till my heart is fully bent toward Yours.
Have Your way with me until it is all I desire,
until You are all I desire, Lord Jesus.
Unveil me, uncover me and unbind me
before Your penetrating eyes, the perfect gaze
of You with Whom alone I have to do.
Awaken me until I am wholly abandoned
to Your pleasure, completely responsive
to Your touch, utterly enraptured,
enthralled and entangled with You.
Break me for Your glory, sovereign Lord.
Pierce my soul to its deepest hidden parts
and pour Yourself into me until You have
totally claimed me as Your own possession,
Your willing captive, until there is no delight
in my heart but You and Your delight.
O Holy One above, set me to burning!
Inspired by John Donne's Holy Sonnet XIV
Without You, Lord,
I am a walking disaster.
Falling into temptation and sin,
so far from Her Master.
Without my eyes constantly upon You,
I shipwreck my life.
And fill it with strife.
Without You, Jesus,
I am a weak, hopeless sinner.
So frail and vulnerable
in this garment of flesh I wear.
Without You, I am a walking disaster.
one who is loved and forgiven...
by her Saviour and Master.
"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." --1 John 1:9.
Lord Jesus,
as I come to know You more and more,
I am also coming to know this...
If I take my eyes off of You for even one moment...
I am a liar
         a cheater
         an adulterous
         a murderer
         an idolator
         a coveter
A filthy sinner who will fall...
again and again.
Into temptation.
Into sin.
Lord, if I take my eyes off of You
for even a moment.
I am a walking disaster.
"I am the vine; you are the branches.  If you remain in Me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing." --John15:5.
 Jul 2016
Alyssa Underwood
O Lord Jesus,
I want to live and walk and bow
in constant awe of You,
but I am so easily distracted and waylaid.
Fasten my eyes and heart on You,
for You alone are worthy.
I am not worthy to even peek at Your beauty,
but by Your own worthiness You've invited
me to dwell forever in Your presence,
yet how often I refuse the privilege.
Why would I ever do that?
What is wrong with me?
How hard-headed and hard-hearted I must be!
Save me from my messed-up self
and from this messed-up world,
for I am sorely helpless and lost without You.
Draw me by the force of Your love
into the light of Your glory and goodness,
awaken me to the healing touch of Your Word.

Capture and change me to the core,
for only You can, my Savior.
Rid my soul of its blinding
filth, muck, rot and *******
that I may freely sing, dance,
swim and soar in the wonder of You.
Cause me to crave You with an insatiable,
desperate appetite that expels my fleshly hunger.
Teach me to ever feast on You!
I need You and long for You, Jesus,
but send the burning, ripping ache
deeper, deeper, deeper until nothing
remains but desire for You.
Come and satisfy me, O Delight of delights,
in that glorious and awestruck place
of endless fascination and total possession
where my will is finally drowned in Yours.
O Lord, my heavy heart hurts
and my tongue can’t find words
to articulate the inward pain,
as my spirit struggles to avert

reiterations of disappointment.
My thoughts of being distraught,
exhausted and overwhelmed steal
the inner peace of my contentment.

I’m humbled by my circumstances;
now I’m casting my cares upon You;
I’m reaching for Your rest, yoke
and peace, to have another chance

of moving forward with Your Kingdom.
Refresh my spirit with the essence
of Your Presence; grant me the grace
to overcome… these current symptoms.
Author notes

Inspired by:
1 Pet 5:6-7; Matt 11:29-30

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2016, All rights reserved.
 Jul 2016
leona chaput
Jesus in all of His glory and love
Cares for things that we pray above
Lord you know how much we need you
Come and heal this world in it's needs
Broken and hurting, filled with pain
Longing and aching and crying His name
Pray, pray out to the Lord, Jesus
For a better and more loving world
Caring and honoring with respect
To make whole
Longing for Jesus wherever the need
Pray, pray for a better and caring world
Where we are looking for help, to be kind
To be wanting to reach out and touch
Someone's hands
Help us Lord Jesus, help us to be
Someone who understands and who cares
For the pain in a hurting man
Show us the way to be kind and to
Be loving and helpful wherever we can
To be more like you, gentle and patient
Walking this world in a meaningful way
Pray, pray every day to the Lord
To be helpful and to be more
Meaningful in this world

                        By:  Leona Chaput
 Jul 2016
leona chaput
I pray to Jesus to help me to be
More like Him and to be more
Loving and kind and helpful
More like my Savior in every way
More like the goodness I see in His day
More than all else there is in this world
I pray to Jesus, I ask my Savior
To have compassion and keep
Me from straying and walking
The road He has set out for me
This is my prayer, my prayer to
My Savior
Lord let me be a friend to a hurting
A lonely and lost sheep among people
May I be like the God of perfection
Of mercy and kindness and goodness
Surrounding me
Making me worthy to live on this earth
This is my prayer, my prayer to Jesus
My  prayer to make me worthy
Of the glory of God

                             BY:  Leona Chaput
 Jul 2016
WendyStarry Eyes
As I grow in Oneness
Within The Lord whom I abide
Strength, Wisdom, and true wellness
Are blossoming inside

My heart is pumping full of
Peace and ease
As I'm overcoming task
I never fathomed I would achieve

The most important factor
Is that I owe it all to The One
For without The Wonderful Counselor
The Mighty God
I would have never overcome

My heart knows
He has greater task for me ahead
I pray daily
when these task arise I will grasp to succumb
Shall I cover you with gold
and bow down to worship you?
When all you are is temporal?
Shall I prostrate myself before you
and beg you not to leave me?
Although you have betrayed
and devalued me?
Shall I cover you with gold
and bow down to worship you?
For you are an idol to me no longer!
I run to the One who is Faithful and True.
Who loves me far, far more than you.
At last, Lord Jesus,
You have won my heart.
And from Your arms I will never depart.
You alone are the Lover of my Soul.
And when You have tried me.
I shall come forth as gold.  (Job 23:10)
Meet me here
Where I am
With broken heart and empty hands
Be the light that guides the way
Through dark of night and bright of day
And though I fall
I still hear you call

Broken I come
Hungry I run
Into the arms of my Savior
Lead us
Into Your grace and Your love

Here I stand
Here I fall
Before the glorious King of All
He's my joy
He's my peace
He's my rest when efforts cease
And though I fall
I still hear You call

All I know is You?re all I want
Savior of the poor and lost

The following song will be available for download in a few weeks...when it is up I will alert you all.  Check out my ministry page @
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