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 Aug 2014
Elizabeth Squires
the entertainment world mourns, a comic genius passes on
the entertainment world mourns, a comic genius passes on
he'd make side splitting gags, now the laughter is muted
he'd make side splitting gags, now the laughter is muted
now the laughter is muted a comic genius passes on
the world mourns the side splitting entertainment

to the stage in the sky he's gone, Heaven will welcome him
to the stage in the sky he's gone, Heaven will welcome him
a few routines he'll do, for the crowd up there
a few routines he'll do, for the crowd up there
the stage up in Heaven will welcome him
he'll do a few routines for the crowd up there

Good Morning Vietnam, we'll always remember
Good Morning Vietnam, we'll always remember
that was Robin's finest hour, a rowdy voice over the air waves
that was Robin's finest hour, a rowdy voice over the air waves
we'll always remember a rowdy voice over the air waves
Good Morning Vietnam Robin's finest hour

we'll always remember, Good Morning Vietnam
a comic genius passes on, to the stage in the sky he's gone
a rowdy voice over the air waves, he'd make side splitting gags
Heaven will welcome him, a few routines he'll do
for the crowd up there , now the laughter is muted
the entertainment world mourns, that was Robin's finest hour
 Aug 2014
Mike Hauser
It's a sticky situation
Like the sap from Maple trees
With the sweetest of sensations
Like honey from a bee

It's a desperate feeling
Like hunger pangs unleashed
But also kind in its dealings
Like a caged bird being set free

It's a door that swings wide open
A coolness to the breeze
A moment of interloping
But only cause it feels the need

It's a tree reaching for the Heavens
The strongest beating of a drum
It's the Answer and the Question
As assuring as the stars above

Could it be love
A wonderful collaboration with a girl named
I'm truly amazed at the talent of these young poets and believe me krissie is one of them! Feel free to check out her site you won't be sorry...
 Aug 2014
SG Holter
I was put on Earth to feel.
To run my hands through dirt
And thank.

To lift; move and be
Content with the act.
To eat and grow myself into

A shield the size of

I have only come close
To taking human life.
I have never seen an unanimal birth.

A shield the shape of myself; only
A few sizes too small;  

I thank the gods I've never
Danced on TV.

That I knew how to end a
Marriage. How to lick my

Wounds with the taste of unsatisfied
Woman on my mouth;

How to take **** and
Name it fertilizer.

I've never looked a naked girl  
In the eyes and said "I don't love you."

I've never seen the inside
Of a prison
 Aug 2014
Tom Orr
Quick sweep of the steeple's steep
staircase winding
forever reminding
of a chasm in the maze and the mess;
A House of Mirrors.
A ***** trail, left to confess.

Three hail marys and a change of tack;
A quick sin shower
gets the devil off the back.
Perpetually pious of the priest
to keep the gun beneath the sheets.
Christ is hanging on the walls
a quick look up
the burden falls.

Shattered into tiny pieces
peace re-pieced upon the altar,
by Holy ghost and ****** Mary
Be this not the day he falter.
 Aug 2014
I'm over you, I'll say tonight
Over you, it's only half a lie,
But inside I'm only half alive
 Aug 2014
vail joven
we were so silent
yet the sound of
our shaking hands
and our eager hearts
filled the air like
the noise of
screaming infants

we were so young,
so innocent and
we just wanted
to break the silence

a year passed,
and the silence
got more comfortable

it was like
a blanket wrapped
around our
icicle arms

and i loved
this form
of quiet

it was the kind
of silence that
did not make
you crave
for sound

in that moment,
i felt deaf of
earthly noise

and all we
wanted was
to stay wrapped
around each
other's silence

and i don't know
when the silence
started to become
painful like a
knife with no handle
that I've been
holding on
too tightly

the feeling
spread from
my fingertips
into the nerves
that scattered
my body and
into my chest
which it deemed
permanent residence

and i can't
blame you
because i know
i hurt you too

we couldn't say
anything because
we gave ourselves
two choices:
speak a war
or let our words
die in our tongues

we chose the latter

we didn't know
what we wanted    

i don't know
what i want      

and we were
so silent

and silent
we remained
 Aug 2014
Ann M Johnson
I was stunned to hear the news that the Great and Loved Comedian had died Robin Williams age 63, I feel at a loss for adequate words.
I never got to meet him face to face, but I had much laughter inspired by his works in films and on TV his face and voice were Familiar to me.
I first discovered him when I was a  mere child when he was on Mork on Mork and Mindy. He played an alien, I bet that role was kind of fun.
I remember seeing him in Good Morning Vietnam, watching it in the Movie theater, via the big movie screen, He seemed somehow Larger than life, but loved the laughter he inspired.
I remember him in Dead Poets Society and Good Will Hunting to name a few.
I think he gained some more popularity and hilarity in his role in Mrs. Doubtfire .
I Loved watching him in Patch Adams playing a doctor treating people a bit unconventionally.
I remember him as the Voice of genie in Aladdin
I remember him in The Night At the Museum movies  
I feel the loss of him is quite a tragedy
He will be greatly missed
I will remember the laughs his works caused
I found out today 8/11/2014 that Robin Williams has died of a suspected suicide.  I feel this is a great loss of a  Comic Genius.
I wish I could offer condolences to his family. I felt some tribute should be made. I know this is not quite fitting enough for him.
I feel struck with grief for his family and all his fans, of which I am one.
 Aug 2014
Gwen Johnson
I like you
I need to see you
I want you
I need to hug you
I need you
I can't have a conversation with you
when this keeps popping into my head
 Aug 2014
Gwen Johnson
It's been about 8 years
8 years since you've been gone
I know too well now that everyone dies
Everyone goes
Everyone says their final goodbye
Everyone takes their last breath
And are out of our sights
But when you died I was 6
I was a foolish little kid
I thought goodbyes never lasted that long
I thought that goodbyes couldn't last 8 years
And on
 Aug 2014
Gwen Johnson
Mirror mirror on the wall
I know I'm not the prettiest of them all
Because I live in a judgmental society
That thinks peoples looks tell all
Mirror mirror on the wall
Stop pointing out our flaws
We already know them
And it tears people apart
 Aug 2014
Elizabeth Squires
the sun's glowing heat
hid behind the cloud's retreat
twas not a fine treat
 Aug 2014
purple orchid
The August Moon saw the rise of a phoenix from the ashes,
In the huts of poverty was she born,
An arrow of peace,
The changing touch of a stranger

She, the one with an old soul
She, the one with joy
She, the one with a vibrant smile
She, the one with a heart of gold
She, the one with selfless love

Born and bred with the tenacity of a lioness, courage did she ooze with her every day stride
A delicate orchid, with the raw beauty of a black rose
A gift amongst the blessed

She, a pillar of strength
She, a beacon of hope
She, a wild heart
She, a rebellious soul
She, a free spirit
She, a phenomenal woman

Floundered the earth for her offspring did she,
Gave wholeheartedly,
Loved wholeheartedly,
Lived fully did she.
Still now, she molds from her final resting place a queen and king

She, my mother.*

**Happy Birthday Mom!!!


Rest In Peace
 Aug 2014
Hey you,
I didn't want anything special,
Just a night cuddled up,
On the sofa,
Big cups of tea and digestives
(Shotgun the chocolate ones),
No programme in particular,
Just talking together
Like we used to.
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