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 Aug 2014
Michael Amery
Misery is the wanting but inability to smile with you.
 Aug 2014
Michael Amery
Two hearts were never closer when separated,
Nor more apart when near.

We do not stress the important stuff
Rather we raise the ****** flag of war over the inconsequential,
And trample our soft field of love beneath the heavy trod of harsh spoken words stomping over the ripe carcasses of anger.

Where do we go from here?
Do we turn back time and bite our tongues never uttering the words that have bound us one to another,
Or do we plod onwards trusting that joy, loyalty and our oft proclaimed love will win through our clouded emotions to arrive at those poppy fields where this war becomes just another memory?
 Aug 2014
stellar direction in undulating terrain
punctuated by meteoric columns of infinite light
imparting a clutching embrace to the face of now

lunar reflections form a fluid nocturnal path
to an osculated gateway of fertile encompassment
culminating in breathless pillows of untabled silence

stars without fault grace the expressive heavens
while muted words gaze out through rooftop eyes
cascading over living stone in waterfalls of emotional geodes
 Aug 2014
We've become a
civilization of diseases
we build
thinking death won't ever find
us here.

Our minds are scrambled
our bodies are damaged
our food is poisoned
our skies are toxic
our vices
are forces of processes
beyond our

When we are not humbled
by nature's power
we inflict our wounds
upon ourselves in
the names of greed
and self protection
and no one knows
what it really means.

Fearful of the silence
we fill our skies with
endless noise
babbling on in endless
monotones, droning
while traffic stalls
at a hot stand still
idling engines
idling souls
depletion of every last glimpse
of the past.
Jam packed
in the stench
I am lost today
this vitriol
as anxiety, death and desperation
from every corner
screams my name.

That's why I came
to these woods
where the illusion of
peace remains
wild fires burn
just down the lane
as you know
as you say
its always been this way
when bodies hung
at every cross-roads
hunger, power, ignorance
and strength
all ran
the show.

I'm sick with
every disease I

I float upon these tranquil
blue waters
we are reminded of the peace we all
really can know.
 Aug 2014
I need to vent
An aperture has broken open inside of me
Spewing the poison of unspoken words
They oxidate and spoil against the back of my throat
Making swallowing a horrid task
I am not sure where to start
Unhappy? no Malcontent? no
Neglected there's the word
What remains is turning hollow
Weeds grown scraggly, untamed between my teeth
It needs voicing, this creeping malice
It needs out
 Aug 2014
I once viewed silence
As a cruel thing
I once was scared
Of silence
Thats becuase it never
Spoke to me
Now when I sit
In my room and silence
Is all around me
It speaks
With the sound of speeding cars
Or even the sound of the breeze
It speaks to me
In ways words never could
And the loudest of them all SILENCE
 Aug 2014
Ann M Johnson
When lifes cares threaten to drown me and there is no one around me

I pick up my pen and write because Writing Is My Therapy

When things are going well and my heart seems to swell with happiness, and I can not seem to verbalize all the  happiness I feel ; I write it down because Writing Is My Therapy

When I have had a bad day and feel like I have lost my way, I remind myself I will be Ok because Writing Is My Therapy

When my emotions seem to fight and my words don’t seem to come out right, I write them down anyway because Writing Is My Therapy

When I sit in a chair at my counselors office I stare at the clock and think to myself; I wonder if she knows what helps me through life’s woes Writing Is My Therapy

and it is far cheaper too, and I am grateful for it.
Awhile back I was messaging with a fellow poet and we were discussing that writing is our Therapy.
 Aug 2014

Pristine of visions the world it might be
In colors afforded the eye
Waterfall vistas forever to see
Underneath violet skies

Roses a’ bloom in the gardens of spring
Pebbles awash on the shore
Bluebirds of summer, the songs that they sing
Valleys of green ever pure

Oceans majestic in aqua marine
Mountaintops capped white with snow
Slowly meandering crystal clear streams
All through our life they do flow

Still they lie pale in accordance to truth
Fragrant the scent of romance
Deep in your eyes is where I find the proof
All in a meaningful glance
 Aug 2014
Chloe Elizabeth
You broke me once
and then shattered all the pieces
to break me even more

By Chloe Elizabeth
 Aug 2014
Lauren Marie
Pick up the plate
From which you never said thank you
I’ll take your leftovers
Because that’s all you ever give.

I remember a time
When I did more than settle for less
Now I’m headed in a direction of unworthiness

Fear stops me from speaking my truth
Would it be so bad to rid of you?
All you do is take,
And I know I can do better
But I still can’t say it’s over

I’m waiting for a change
Now I realize, I needs to come from my own inner strength
But I’ll continue to be weak
If I restrict how much I eat

I am settling for crumbs
And I’m finally feeling, how it’s not enough
I’ll either starve to death
Or you’ll take everything I’ve got left
Either way, a life of misery is headed my way

Then acting helpless
Playing the victim
Believing the idea the world is out to get me
That might have been the condition in which I was raised
But now I’m in another stage
A different place
I can hold the power for my future to be shaped

I can create a better life, through my choices and words
Unless I move, and speak my truth
Chances are the same pattern will continue
Freedom is found in a new direction

From experience I know
I deeper I go
on this co-dependent road
It will only be harder
And take longer
To reach the light
From where I long to be
Where I should only be.

Now it’s my turn to speak
Listen to me
I won’t settle for crumbs
Or take pathetic remnants
Children don’t grow
From taking bits and pieces
The body, spirit, and mind, needs substantial nutrients.

I might not be a child,
But I’ve never stopped growing
I am worthy of only the best
Starting today, I won’t accept anything less
With God in my heart, he’ll take care of the rest.
 Aug 2014
Ann M Johnson
The pages in the diary are beaten and worn
Some entries are happy others are forlorn
Some pages are torn
The lock broke a long time ago
The entries are an echo of the past
It is amazing that it would last all these years
Some pages are soaked with tears
It appears to have held up pretty well
It seems to have a tale to tell
It is enclosed in a hard shell
It has survived through many moves
I guess you could say I have too
I hope it can hold another entry or two
or  perhaps I should leave some pages unwritten
I found my old diary and thought of this
 Aug 2014
Eddie Starr
I see you gift and stories on here Hello Poetry and each of you amaze me.
Your love , strength and I see how much you love Jesus as well friends.
God is using each one of you to reach out to others here on this site.
By your beautiful words I get encourage by you I want to say thank you.
For allowing me to share and be share with you have amazing gifts.
Your testimony is seen by many and I just think you are awesome.
 Aug 2014
eunsung aka Silas
my own thoughts keep me trapped,
the bonds tighten when I try to
think my way out

I am only truly free when I open my
heart and mind to something different,
which is to open myself to love

I am slowly lifted out of myself,
when I give and receive love.
helping others, really helps me
to be free
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