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 Dec 2015
Butch Decatoria
I make smiles from shattered eyes

cry December's distracting frost

move my soul with hopeful sighs

and pray our devotion is not lost

It is the eve of renewal's glee

gave sad promises to spoon the moon

but in the haste of glass we freeze

pose with strangers who fill our room

sweat bemoans my reaching hand

your eyes are vacant with his lust

he bids the hours by your command

we smoke our feelings into dust

this boy is weak yet worships you

opens darkest gates to breed

now enter light that stirs, confused

my screaming tears unheard,unseen...

i am a wish of hearts refused,

the sound of fallen poetry...
What a beautiful planet
That we are in
So many glorious things to captivate yourself upon
That you can't just carry on
So much to take in
Overwhelming theories and thoughts entangle reality
There's no cure to immense intelligence
There's no cure of craving someone so bad it adds strain to your heart and mind
Just the same feeling sent back like a text message from the nearby phone tower
It's a conversation that has to have two parties wanting the same exact thing
Or it is biased in passion.
Love is so grand
Sometimes i can barely stand
But i just want to hold your hand
While the comets try to understand
The true wish
I already have a vague idea
And i want to study it for days on end
But these textbooks tell me otherwise
And other subjects push themselves in
Slowly, enticing the pencil
******* us off
But hey, it is what it is
Unless Is is a woman
I don't have to like it.

A boiling *** of good food with overdone cooking
Describes America
Beautifully crafted people dealing with people who make us feel like ember
I just want us all to get along
But i stay faithful in humanity and do what i can
I play my own tunes, one man Band
I hope you can fully understand
My reasoning for the things i tackle in my mind
But i'm more focused on you, you delicate find
A grand prize that wasn't supposed to be in the common pile
It happened anyways
While i can't argue luck
You're still so amazing

When you make all the Boys want to become Men
From the counting of one to ten
You got a lot going on
The Oven is getting colder
The little games become older
And i try to become bolder.

So smart, you know the trajectory of the dart
Without really having to think about it
That's a gift from God, on top of the sweetness that was already see-able
Don't put yourself down
Keep yourself up
Put all the egoistical people away
Just for you and the laughter for me
You got these cones set up in a line already
It's just a matter of time
Before you're making your own dimes
From all the success you've gotten
And all the negative vibes that went rotten

Baby, i want to stand in the same light
Keep my priorities tight
Trying to sleep better at night
But my minds runs with average problems
I know yours is more sophisticated and articulate
But that's not a glimmer of jealousy, but admiration
I want a Woman smarter than I
It would be make me proud of being the chosen male
Out of the seven billion here
Of course, i would have to genuinely like her and not be with her for just her smarts
But once again, i'm used to be the most unused dart in the row.

I just want to connect you faster than Wi-Fi
But the Estonians just invented Li-Fi
So maybe not
But i want to be the speed of light to your planets inside your soul
Can i land on them?
Just for a few moments
I want to bond in short increments
But i'm not sure of myself
Will i succeed?
Only you can tell
I don't care if i can't
It's worth the shot

If i get to be with you
Goodness gracious me
What a lucky fool i will be
The pretty white snow on my tree
But it stays that beautiful
All the time
I don't know what you would see in me
But i'd be so thankful for it
Cause i'm the best ring in your jewelry store
I cost quite a lot to not be around
That spins me right round
I'd have no more issues after that
Golden, with continuous effort

If i unlock your key
And get to hold onto it for the night
I will do my best
To make sure it's returned
In the right place
You would want
Your excitement seems gaunt
I'm about to change that for the better
If i was the Weatherman
It would change down there
Where most wish they could be
And something i'd feel honored to be
With the leading moments to it
There's nothing else like it
Dreams of elation come kind of close
But i hope you're getting close
After an hour or so
I want you to immerse yourself in what it's like
As long as possible
Because i'm putting my all in it
And i want to hear the sweet disclosure in your vocals
As the tempo gets faster
And then the softening sounds when i go slower
I want you to feel as much elation from it as a human physically can
Because you need someone who can give you the best releases
For a woman to release
If i can put your thoughts on a Lease
While you're trembling for more
That's something i will never stop being proud of
There's nothing wrong in trying to get what you're addicted to
If all of me is what you crave, my heart and soul will throw a Rave
Party of some sorts
Still trying to lay out the details

The last thing i want is your happiness to derail
And your heart to shrivel up
Like a misused paper
I'm going to be your thin water vapor
Not apparent, but visible enough to be apart of a beholder
Breathe me in
I'm going to heal your worst scars and keep you breathing regularly
Like i'm the only ounce of nicotine with two legs in the entire world
What a title that is
I think it's starting to resonate in my heart
I won't let you fall apart

You're down and you feel like you're not being respected and loved for who you are, but that's about to change with the most given effort
If you give me the key you've held onto for so long
To me
I won't lose it, sweetheart
I won't abuse it
I won't scratch it
I will cherish it until you want it back
I'm ready to open it
You're at your all-time best as a human being, but you're also a Hall Of Famer when you're on your back.

We're in the Badlands, baby
I already took you there
I'm ready to take you there again
Some would see the errors, but we're content with this
That's all that matters
Along with you
In my eyes that can't register the full scale beauty i have been able to humbly see
I could daydream within seconds
How do you not make Angels melt?
I just came up with this in my head. This is so long too, lol.
 Dec 2015
Kiss me.
I dare you.

I almost know
it wouldn't be smart,
yet I can't help
but be drawn
to your

Let me drown.
I dare you.

Let me drown
in the warmth
of your arms,
weighted down only
by knowing
what's to come.

Hold me close.
I dare you.

Make me want
nothing more
than the weight
of your body
against mine.

Don't let me go.
I beg of you.

When all I have left
is the memory of

trembling lips,

starry eyes,

beating hearts,
heavy breaths,

I'll wish
I dared
not to love you.
 Dec 2015
Robert C Howard
Poetry just might be love
     or just so the other way around.

I tell you,my dear
a day never passes without,
     (well hardly a day)
without a thought or two of
you and you and you,

bound as we are
      by blood,
              by tears,
       by laughter
or some common dream or enterprise.

You sing in my poems
       and my neurons fire for you.

Either I love you because I cannot forget you
       or the other way around.

So, my love, I offer you this poem.
      (So, my poem, I offer you this love).

*December, 2015
 Dec 2015
Victoria Jennings
I love you
I do not say this lightly

I do not mean
As a friend

I mean I'm in love with you
With every little bit

But I distance myself
Because loving you

Loving you the way I do
Is gonna leave me broken

Because while you love me
While you care

You are not in love with me
You do not care for my heart

I'm in love with you
Your eyes gleam

Your smile stings my soul
I need you in every way

I want you in every way
Do not underestimate this

I am in love with you

That is the truth.
 Dec 2015
lluvia de abril
If ever you think
that I could miss you more,
this, you should know.

You are the shape of my lips
facing always side up
the weight of my thoughts
leaning heavy to your side.

You are the line of my back
as the strength that it holds
the warmth in my skin
and density of my bones.

You are the coffee I drink
never cold, always black
the caress on my cheek
that stays when you leave.

You are the tone of my voice
when it calls out your name
you are the yearn in my body
when it needs your embrace.

You’re the look on my face
the very change in my eyes
when the touch of your love
reaches deep and remains.

You are the man I adore
my companion of dreams
and of course that you are
*you are the height of my shriek.
 Dec 2015
Aztec Warrior
I Fell In Love With You**

I fell in love with you
syllable by syllable,
word by word,
poem by poem
imagining the moon’s
dancing affair with stars,
twinkle by twinkle.
And then
all at once
like the explosion
of a super nova
affecting distant galaxies
and down to my very soul.
I fell in love with you gently,
the way a dew drop
glistens in the morning sun,
the way a flower often opens
to a moonlit song.
But like all love worth holding,
it turns to fire-
wild and consuming;
you have become the flames
dancing across my skin,
smoldering brightly
within my heart
turning me into the sweet smell of ash.
I fell in love with you
then quickly,
the way a meteor flashes
as it skims across the night sky
or hearts melt
within an ******* sigh.
I fell in love with you.

Aztec Warrior 12.4.15
forgot to add the music.. enjoy
 Dec 2015
I Don't Hook Up.
And I Don't Go For Guys
I Think Are Unattainable.
But He.
He Makes Me
Everything I Ever Thought I Knew
About The Thing Called,

I Hope I'm Not
Overthinking It.
But Sometimes It Fees Like
He's Playing Me.
When We're Alone
It's All
"Accidental" Touches,
Small Smiles,
And Secretive Looks.
But In A Group,
All That Disappears
In A Cloud Of Smoke.
Almost Like It Was Never There
To Begin With.
Making Me Seem Crazier
Than I Actually Am And
Leaving Me Wondering If
I'll Be Good Enough
For Him To Want Me ALL The Time

When We First Met
I Was Attracted To Him.
And I Felt Like He Was
Attracted To Me.
But The More I Think About It,
The More I Start To Doubt It.
"Maybe You're Not Pretty Enough."
"He's Out Of Your League!!"
"He's Way More Experienced."
"He's Gonna Want More Than You're Ready To Give."
"Seriously, Are You Kidding? COME ON!"

And Soon I Become A Victim
Of My Own Heart.

I Want Him.
I Don't Want To Rush Into Anything.
I Want Him.
And You Know What They Say.
What The Heart Wants,
The Heart Gets.
Okay, so it may seem like this guy is WAAYYY older than me but he's not. He's actually just 2 months younger than me. And this is the guy I was talking about in 'I Finally Have A Crush".
 Dec 2015
david mungoshi
she longed to hold a child
in mellow arms and be wild
and free as a francolin at dusk
but alas, time waits for no one
now she wails in my heart
in memory of that humid day
when she planted her pain in me
and watered it with her tears
in the recesses of a day fled
in my palms i now hold shrunken hope
the price of a dream that was too vivid
to see the light of day in the haze in a maze
 Dec 2015
My Heart Picks Up
Every time I See Him.
All I Have To Do
Is See If He Likes Me.
I'm So Nervous,
But I'm Excited.
I finally have a crush!!!!
 Dec 2015
Is This How
Its Going To Be?
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