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I want to slow dance with you until this unfathomable resistance to peace has gone home.
 Dec 2015
David Adamson
You dance with me
While the wind gathers
In the portrait where you
Fix your hair in a bun,

Your back arched to the camera,
Your clothes on the floor
Where you dance with me
While the wind gathers.

You watch the sky
As you dance with me
While the gathering wind
Tears holes in the clouds.

We hear something final
In the gathering wind
Rushing through tall trees
As you dance with me.

Wherever you are
The wind gathers
While a dance goes on.
I still hear the music.
 Dec 2015
Sophie Herzing
I would have loved to have kissed you through
your polo shirt, to have felt your leather chest
on the palms of my hand, get my tongue caught
in the feeling of yours. I bet you would have held
my face, one of those guys, who cradles cheekbones
like pottery. I imagined us, feet tangling in sheets
as we wrestle each other in a small bed
pinning arms against the headboard, pulling ribs
closer to the other so they can connect
in their respective grooves. I would have loved
to have played catch with your smile, circle
your eyes with my own, nibble your shoulder
as we collide. I would have loved to,

but I'm still being haunted by ghosts in good underwear
who gave me more than just a body
for a month or two. By boys who swore
that the time wasn't right now, but it was coming
as fast as it could. I've been sliced open
by flea market promise rings with crooked diamonds,
and I would have loved to have used
you to stitch me back together. But you
are just a boy with your parents wallet,
sweetness baked into tight khaki's
and some really cool vans. You are not
the remedy I attempt to find in Bacardi bottles
or a blank document or even cups of tea.
You are too good for this part of me.
I'm sorry for teasing you with my jeans
and the bit of skin I let peak between
my belt and the rest of my blouse.
Imagine what that would have felt like
on your belly while the November breeze
crept through your open window?
I would have loved to.
 Nov 2015
Two bodies never felt so close as the night air seduced us into a ****** trance

Urging us to give into our deepest need
Begging us to do a sensual dance

Hot and thick the summer heat added fuel to our fire

Sweat dripping off of our bodies as we gave into the desire

Stripped me bare right there where anybody could see

Whispering naughty words that would make the old me flee

Something about the night, the thick summer heat

The way the moon was glistening, never had I wanted more to feel complete

Laying down on the cool ground

Our needy heart beats were the only sound

Nothing else mattered in that moment, everything else was drowned out

Touched me gently where I held all the heat and I tried desperatly not to shout

Bending down to ******* heat with your mouth, claiming the need to explore

I screamed as you continued to **** sweet honey and begged for more

The summer had never meant so much to me

When you stopped your exploring and finally made us complete

Thighs tickled as you slid in between

Breaths mingled as we finally fulfilled our need

That night we came together not caring if we were seen

Wrapped up in desire that surrounded us like the summer heat
 Nov 2015
Madison Y
You hold me tighter than you used to,
But I don't mind—Not at all.
Somehow forever feels like I could count it on one hand,
And love is a word that can't even touch its own meaning.
I'd thank God or the stars, but you are so much more than a miracle—
You are the drop of rain before the storm;
You are the wind that whistles through the leaves.
I find you in everything: you keep me sane when the thunder hits too hard or the air gets too thin.
I want nothing, except you;
You in every form, every breath, every light—
The only person who could see the fire before it burnt me,
The venom before it stung me,
Change it to a smile and a heartbeat,
And still tell me that I'm lovely.
I could have a thousand chances, and I'd choose you every time.
I could live a thousand lifetimes, but only if you were by my side.
You are the exception to every rule that I made,
Every breath I take is for you—You and your soft eyes, sweet disposition,
Love as powerful as an earthquake, but as subtle as a snowflake melting on the tip of my tongue.
I've spent all this time running,
But you caught me, made me believe that you're here to stay;
Sweetheart, I promise you the same.
I hold you tighter than I used to, but you don't mind,
Do you?
 Nov 2015
Julie Butler
you know from the moment
stop feeling beautiful
she said it
wasn't suppose to matter
I always want

& you're always gone
so what's beautiful
without your forearm
without our throats
& when I can't hear you

cause I'm not writing poetry
I'm filing a complaint
in a love letter
to your name
 Nov 2015
Sharvish Cheekhoory
Loving can hurt..
Loving can heal..
Loving can ****....
..Loving can make you feel alive..
Loving can change you..
..change you into a better person..
Loving can ****** away your reasons to continue breathing..
Loving can give you new reasons to live..
Loving can be difficult..
Loving can be impossible..
because we tend to fall in love with the ones who are not ready to love us back..
Love is not a game..
We simply cannot hack it..
Do not fall in love blindly..
..because out there,
there are people who are ready to do the things you are ready to do for them..
Loving is the best thing to do!
You never find love..
love finds you..
show it that you're worth it..
or you'll regret it..
 Nov 2015
david mungoshi
i looked in just as you were looking out
and the thick smoke stung our eyes;
the tears went down our hands into the palms
and when we touched there was a fluid bond
that said we had drowned our sorrows in the tears
and would forever be washed clean in the rains we make
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