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 Jul 2016

I stood at the gate
and was shocked to find
the clasp unfastened

It swung freely on its hinges
as if it had not a care
to whom might enter or leave

I looked out towards the horizon
across the wintered over field,
a stark white landscape

I saw nothing but barren trees with
twisted branches creaking,
silhouettes reaching on an opaque sky

I felt scared and nervous, what
would happen now that the entryway
to my life had been left open

Then I felt someone take my hand,
and looking to my right, there you were,
smiling a sunrise on my face

The day began to sing
in sweet breezes, soft on my skin,
gathering warmly in my heart

So I pulled the gate closed,
secured it tightly and felt the first
hint of spring in your kiss
 Jul 2016
Arcassin B
By Arcassin B & Wendy

AB:  Spirits Are kind when you walk their way with virtue,
WS: Mysterious twinkles that ignite the soul within you,
AB: I tell myself time and time again to not stare directly
Right at you,
WS: Burning anothers heart with joy through and through,

WS:A depth transparency that trys so hard to hide your mysterious soul.
AB: I was afraid you'd show your face today , forever beautiful even
When your old.


As beautiful as the footsteps that Jesus takes turning Grass
Into gold,
I place my thoughts where they were,
Making memories as I crash through the barriers of
a corrupted Mind,
I use to fantasise about the color of her eyes,
Struggling to get attention from her God-fearing
Stature and appearance lacking of disfiguration
Turning all the heads of the football teams that
Practiced just to get a chance to impress her likeness
In a kind enough "I don't care as long as your a good
Person" type of attitude,
While still inside of my shell I just hope I find the
Exact words the stumble into her heart and her
Mind and her soul letting it behold in shiny colors
Bouncing off aluminum through my bold,
Probably not worthy of her time,
Causing sins under the blue skies,
I got alot on my mind,
Don't want her alone like Caroline,
Just sending shivers down my spine,
Wanna pursue her with all ties,
You're thinking your cool , she will never go for that,
With those beautiful eyes.
My sweetheart my beloved my love my dear
When beauty celebrates love dominates fear
Sincerity makes every destination very clear
Your boundless beauty make my love so near

Let us be one and together to steer love ship
Open arms of green ocean to take me a dip
Let your beauty take my love in your grip
Take me in your ***** knot to talk lip to lip

My love I am your sole and only worshiper
You are my beautiful poetry and I am author
Your petals are sweet my beautiful rose flower
You are my past my present and glowing future

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2016 Golden Glow
A full orange moon
Hung upon the horizons
As we were quaffing ale,
Bleeding funny talk
And thrilling tales

She thus asked me
Why I could hardly look
Into her eyes for long?

And being enveloped
By timorous clouds
I could hardly say a word

For her eyes glowed like
"A couple of colliding galaxies"
Hence could hardly
Bear the light before me.

© **Kikodinho Alexandros
#Eyes #Galaxies #Pulchritude #Her
 Jul 2016
George Andres
There was a prisoner inside a cage
Shouting loudly
Smashing the grills furiously
Revolting for freedom

Freedom not acquired by all
But the privileged
And those who are rich
In fame, money and beauty

Set by the society's rules
Majority decisions in their favor
While those who does not reach the standard
Crumble in loneliness alone

Lest someone had heard their pleads
Listened and calmed the heart down
Those period of depression and sadness
And walls of isolation are broken down
With just a simple touch
I miss my first love. So much.
 Jul 2016
She is a spindle on my bed
Reminding me of my mumma
  Sweating on my sheets,
naked, lewd, romanticizing me
  Not knowing I hide her
from my friends and family
  Not knowing I drink, pop
uppers, downers, as I prop
  Up against the headboard
and as I watch her cradle
  Her head between my
Half Caucasian, Half ******
  Thighs, riddled with scars
Seven years old, one year older
  Than the baby I gave up.

I wonder how I taste, how
  I look, Do I taste like shame,
Do I taste like love forgotten
  Do I look like the ******
The city girls gossip that I am
  Can you see the removal,
The crib I threw my child from
  The trauma that caused me to
Abandon him, to abandon me,
  What will cause me
To abandon you

  Sarah, my love, where have I gone
Why have I left you, bloodless,
  Soulless in the pitch black dreary
Gravelled upon the smoothness
  Of my deceitful, coarse projection

Sarah, I am sorry that my shame
  Coerced me to run from your
Eternal rays downward on my
  Dimpled, crooked smile, on my
Dimpled brown ***, attached to
  My snakey spine, what holds
My ribs, what protects my lungs
  Which do nothing but breathe
At the foot of the soft green hills
There she was putting on high heels
Resplendent like dahlias in a breeze
The sight before me had me freeze
Gallantly and as brave as a lion
Swiftly I gravitated on a stallion
Courageously explained how I felt
With a silvery smile she had me melt
Coyly gazed at me yet thunderstruck
Thus both of us were moonstruck
In a helter skelter dash, only to see
We were at the edge of a halcyon sea
Sauntered by whilst taking black tea
As the sun sunk yonder a black sea

Honestly, as ember heavens sleep
Magenta magic smiles so sweet
With whispers from the moon
We couldn't help it **swoon
(A moment trapped in time)
Well, I'm but a* fool
Truly a feeling so cool

With a zillion reasons
To languish in thy prison

Coz our love was but a song
A melody in my heart for so long

Thus in my dreams you'll always linger
Just as in your memories I'll always **linger
#Retrospections  #Nostalgia  #Melancholy
                 #Eternally incarcerated
 Jul 2016
brandon nagley
( hebrew translation) English version below this....

טארן שלנו לנבול להיות מודגש, פגם אף , ולא לטמא.
ידו של אלוהים ' החזיקה את המברשת; O ' זירת מהפנט.
כשאנחנו ועשינו להבחין במרחק אחד אחרת עם הגיבורה בהתגלמותה שלנו,
לנבול צנוע אנו להיות, הפשט הרחק גאווה ארצית.
שוב אני אגיד לך, שנאה שאף יכול להיכנס כאן,
נצטרך לעמוד באוויר פירת גביש ; נולד מחדש בנצח,
הצנצנת של האסט של עדן מאוחסן הדמעה של שלנו.
זן מלכת השער הצרה,אני אעמוד ליד השערים,
בלבוש המלאכי לנבול מחכה לך;
אני אהיה זוהר , שלא אאחר .

( English version )

Ourn tarn shalt be blazoned, none blemish, nor defiling.
God's hand' held the brush; O' the scene mesmerizing.
when we shalt descry one another with our eyne,
humble wilt we be, stripped away from earthly pride.
Once again I'll tell thee, none hate can enter here,
we'll stand aloft the crystal firth; reborn in eternity,
Heaven's jar's hast stored our tear's.
Enter in the narrow gate queen,
I'll stand beside the gates,
Angelic garb wilt await thee;
I will be glowing, do not be late.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Prophetic poetry
Ourn- means our.
Tarn- a small mountain lake.
Blazoned- heraldic) painted or inscribed ( mean as painted for this).
Blemish- means something with spot on it, spoiled.
Defiling - desecrate or profane (something sacred)., Also means spot or spoil.
Descry- catch sight of.
Eyne - means eye archaic form.
Thee+ you.
Aloft- above .
Firth-mouth of a river..and this river I speak of is one thousands have seen in death when seeing heaven and coming back their account matching exactly this as they say they see the river like crystal that they say actual has healing when you go into it and feel so good going into it matching this gospel verse 100 percent.
Revelation 22:1-5 king James bible.
The River of Life
1Then the angel showed me a river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb, 2down the middle of the main street of the city. On either side of the river stood a tree of life, producing twelve kinds of fruit and yielding a fresh crop for each month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.
3No longer will there be any curse. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be within the city, and His servants will worship Him. 4They will see His face, and His name will be on their foreheads. 5There will be no more night in the city, and they will have no need for the light of a lamp or of the sun. For the Lord God will shine on them, and they will reign forever and ever.
Garb- clothing or dress especially of special kind.
My sweetheart let's talk from lips to lips
As beauty quenches thirst and just sips
Wine of love is ordained to get all the tips
Love believes in beauty for frequent trips

Your beautiful cheeks take all from me
Springly provides graces as charity to see
In togetherness we are not alone but we
Praise of you does not require any plea

Forget about all come in my arms for solace
My heart tinkles when you move pace to pace
I am charmed and enthralled by your grace
My eyes remain fixed on your beautiful face

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2016 Golden Glow
 Jul 2016

A simple line of tree top blush
on painted skies which now perform,
unfolding twilight’s majesty
in balanced view of moments born

~for lonely hearts a foot path makes,
in vision’s quest and sonnet breaks~

Beneath these branches draped of leaves
and cedar scents to fill the mind,
to cast a glance of northern flow
awaiting this which we do find

~a watch face offers in its stare,
a different look yet time to share~

How bright this crown does now appear
above the rim of lost regrets,
igniting lover’s wakened hopes
beyond the shadowed silhouettes

~anticipation breathes in flight,
awash in this sweet glow tonight~

For of this breeze, illumined love
in lighted bloomed chrysanthemum,
enchanted kisses destined flow  
on stardust highways formed as one

~so listen close on feelings meant
and hear these words of love now sent~

As on this night a light does see,
as two hearts dance the evening’s show,
reaching for that full moon waltz,
before our eyes, melodic glow

*~as I now whisper this to you,
forever will my heart be true~
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