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What is it
within the realm of
my Self
that has the nerve
to question the divinity
of this current, fleeting moment?

Is it not the vessel of Life, itself,
that is used to navigate
these, the occluded
Seas of Death?

Could it not be
that a Mind and Body
are the very salvation
over which we so toil?

Would it not be an act of pure mercy
to have the capacity to look around
and to think, and create
while, all the time,
being pulled under
by the inevitable tide of change
we, in English, chose to call

That, in itself,
should inspire me to carry on
and to turn an eye
up from the ground, back from the past;
to within my self; this current moment;
and on, upward:
to the skies and, likewise,
the future.

What is it about my Mind
that so enjoys, or perhaps requires
some selfish sense of 'overlooking'
for the sake of ephemeral comfort?

I know what word I would use,
but I dare yet not to use it;
for, t'is that a word, itself,
isn't the concept, itself;
and it's use would be to misdirect
from the nature of the experience,
and to mistranslate what I feel.

I realize the necessity
for names; for words:
we use them to facilitate communication.
I also understand their limit:
there is a great realm
beyond the transparent restraints
of our Languages.

I would identify the culprit
as either "Ego," or "Id."
But, better yet, I would argue
"both and neither."

Freud had some great ideas,
but I tend towards Jung-

I could sooner call it the Shadow,
or at least one aspect of it.

The Shadow is semi-subconscious.
It is an amalgam of fears and repression.
It can only hold so much pressure
before it erupts.
I implore you
to study your Shadow.

It has great potential for change.
Failing to utilize it
is to be utilized by it.
Make it work for you
or you will work for it.
Use your Shadow
to your advantage,
or it will use you
to that of it's own.

Pick apart your Self;
put it back together.
Sometimes that's easier said than done,
but, with a proper mindset,
it'll come and leave
before you even know it.
It happens all the time.

Refuse the shackles
of thy Shadow;
break the chains
and share with the world
the fleeting feeling
of self-liberation.

That is,
if someone doesn't misinterpret what you've said;
looking through the Shadow,
everything looks darker.

Realize where you're going.
Realize what you're doing.

Heed what you feed,
external or internal.

Seek Balance.
Explore Ideas.
Gain Understanding
no matter how slow:
at all
is far better
than so many.

No one may escape these Seas;
but you can start some ripples
that will propagate ad infinitum.

Ask. Practice. Learn. Grow.
Mostly improvised.

Call it following a whim~

Spoken Recording:
Life is a sacred journey.
No two are the same.

Respect for divergence
is paramount
to a holistic experience.

is not about
t'is simply what's made thereof

is a sacred opportunity
not to be taken lightly

Our Bodies
are our umbilical vessels
which tether us
as mortals
to "Reality,"
which, in itself,
seems to me to be
a reduction of potentials
from chance
to actuality

such ephemeral eternety;
infinite limitations;
actualized potentials;
possible paths-
these are but some of
the koan-like attributes
which lead me to use
the rather ambiguous
and ambitious
term "sacred."

it becomes
One may well will
to create thereof.

Action is Manifestation,
yet Thought begets Action.

Therein lies the sacred gift of Life.
'T'is all too oft taken for granted.

Every living being
(i am convinced)
has an equally vivid depth of experience
and I find it more than somewhat offensive
that humans (with a lowercase H)
feel they are the penultimate organism.

All is One
in that existence, itself,
tethers us all
to everything
and probably even beyond,
and so
to be so
hubristic and arrogant
as to assume a hierarchy
so convieñantly crested by mere
**** Sapiens Sapiens
seems to me to be
an anthrocentric and narcissistic projection
of that meddlesome ages-old archetype
of the "Ego,"
that is to say "God,"
whatthefuckever that means!

Find it in thyself
to be humble enough
to accept that each and every iota of "Creation"
is, by virtue of association, equally sacred; divine.

Heirarchy, thus, seems to be a manifestation of some desire for order; control; a yearning to alleviate some hypothetical insecurity as a result of being essentially "absolute, infinite" (vis-a-vis the domain of Consciousness) yet contained within a vessel that is mortal, and, thus, ephimeral.

The Ego doth so loathe it's own limitations:
too bad it's far too arrogant to realize that most of the limitations it experiences are illusions, allusions;
charades of an insatiable Consciousness
Hell-bent on experiencing something
it won't redily allow itself to experience!

What a Holy fuckton of
incredulous, ineffable, impalpable, inspirational **** that would be, eh?! (insert interrobang)

I am me (I think...)
as thou art thee;
so why can't that just be good enough?

Could it be?
What obstruction precludes such harmonious divergence?
I reckon 't'is but us;
and very little else, indeed!
You know it's genuine inspiration if it's highly inconvenient.
I figure that's the ****** up sense of humor God has.

Thank you for reading.
Blessings upon thy Path!

I am not religious.
God is a word.
Words are not the things they symbolize.
'The map is not the territory.'
 Mar 2016
I feel like a MIST
MISSED by the gently kissed
not seen by the loving EYE
I blow away and i drift

it's hard to find PEACE
PIECE by piece, I fall apart
I SOAR to release
every SORE on my heart

there's comfort in my fall
I am a part of it all
 Mar 2016
And now the
Sweetest voice
Is a whisper of an echo
Of a memory.
And pictures fade,
Muted colours of shame.
And the mind
Plays ***** tricks.
And the heart
Drowns in silent tears.
 Mar 2016
Joshua Haines
This isn't your regular type of poem or free writing.
This is a cry out.
To all of those who are in need.
In need of a helping hand.

For those who are in need of a simple listener.
A heart to bend with.
A heart to break with.
For those who have longed to find a pure connection.

I am a friend to those seeking a friend.
I am the constant pull and push, between the tides.
I am the searching, forever lingering Feeling of lust on everyones tongue.
I am the monster we all try to hide.

Seeking is to finding as finding is to seeking.
If that makes sense to you at all.
An obsession in your heart that consumes you, fully.
Is something you can share with a friend.

I am Joshua Wayne Haines.
Seeking a friend for the end of the world.'
I trust in you as you trust in me.
Forever, we will live on with chaos.
In our minds, with hope in our hearts.
I am pretty sure I'll be single forever.
 Feb 2016
Intensity was the face he wore.
That grave and gravel voice
that made such guttural noises.
Face scratched with a thin greying beard.
Razors that cut against the grain.
A ***** that bled him.
The red that wet him
was not the barber’s blade
but bullets biting fiercely
dropping bodies near him.
Hearing nightly pleas,
Young boys cry
“Please, please let me survive.
Let me make it out alive”
While they dig their own grave;
In holes that tare both ways.
And on the other side
of the barbed wired enemy line
Other young men cry
“Ich will nicht sterben”
Still as stone and twice as stern,
he watches the world
and both sides burn.
Each rose plucked,
each stem broken,
replanted permanently in the battlefield
to feed the fierce war machine
which is never satiated.
 Feb 2016
Sylvia Plath
I have no wit, I have no words, no tears;
My heart within me like a stone
Is numbed too much for hopes or fears;
Look right, look left, I dwell alone;
A lift mine eyes, but dimmed with grief
No everlasting hills I see;
My life is like the falling leaf;
O Jesus, quicken me.
changed your life?

it may have,

if only imperceptibly.

#definition, very slight, gradual, or subtle:

the imperceptible ***** of the road. See more.

#so slight, gradual, or subtle as not to be perceived.
“his head moved in an almost imperceptible nod.
so slight, gradual, or subtle as not to be perceived.
“his head moved in an almost imperceptible nod.

so slight, gradual, or subtle as not to be perceived.
“his head moved in an almost imperceptible nod.
so slight, gradual, or subtle as not to be perceived.
“his head moved in an almost imperceptible nod.
so slight, gradual, or subtle as not to be perceived.
“his head moved in an almost imperceptible nod.

i admire those i see  proactive, speaking
out even about little issues. it may get on your
nerves, you may like a quiet time.

it may be so slight, you did not notice.

the change can be so huge, that
he does not wish to live in this
world any more.

do you worry at the news too?

Dreamers dream a Dream
Awaken -  as a future beam!
"Come ~ **my light
~ fulfil my Heart,
Never let me down.
Crown, ~ my love ~ Humanity,
Holding hands in unity."
Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic beauty
you know how you can hear me,

when i am thinking. ‘yes that is because

i came from the forest, it is quiet there,

we can hear everything’


‘where have you been all day?’

here and there and felt the air

on my cheeks.

‘ so i hope the blanket of sadness

is lifting?’

yes. thank you bear.

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