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 Feb 2016
lluvia de abril
Thank You HP for the gesture
and compliment of the Daily

To each of you,
I am grateful for
your eyes, your time
your words nourish, console
and encourage the aspiring writer in me

I am grateful for your thoughts
and heart in comments;
jewels encrusted in the mind
beats in my writer's heart

Your interpretation of my work
opens the world; your work inspires me, you inspire me

You are energy
you are a gift and I am humbled
to be in your company
To all of you who gift me with your time, likes and extraordinary comments -Thank you. I am truly honored and value you more than I can say. Your eyes and words carry me.
Memories vacate peacefully,
Miseries forgotten in tranquillity,
In love there is no sarcasm,
Be at peace
Be happy in the moment,  that's enough.
I'm not afraid of death, because life is always creative and it is creating myself. So don't be afraid of anything in the life.. Always stands and accept what we are and then we become beautiful like the glimpse of star.
I am who I am
I do not care what others think of me.
Like me or not
that is your choice.
Accept me for who I am.
I'm tired of defending my character.I am what I am. I love me! And I don't mean that egotistically - I love that God has allowed me to take whatever it was that I had and to make something out of it.
Fall in love
Stay in love.
Write only what you love.
The sun is anew.
Love is life. And if you miss love, you miss your life..because love is the powerful weapon of life
Listen to me
I have something to tell
I know, this is yout gift
But please,
Its my life.
I too have dreams
I too have my own plans
I too have my rights
I too have rights!
My rights
Why are they refuse that from me?
O God Almighty!
Hear my voice
I beg you
Make some miracle!
Its all right to say "I LOVE YOU",
to someone everyday
Someone awaiting at the door of present,
he lies behind the wall to obey Lord's commandment.
My heart can be a lonely place
When no one comes to be summon,
When no one comes to be concern.
But when he says I LOVE YOU , that lights a darkened heart and Chase's fear's away.
I am like an infant, lies infront:
With fresh and full of spirit he yerns,
With evergreen thoughts and breath's
The three narrow can mean so much and they are not hard to say  I LOVE YOU.
Past is like an open prose, to tell the story of mine.
Future can shut the door and the doors that leads to dark hell.
We martyrs of history lies as a page in the book of present,
To be read.
We accept the love we think we deserve.
Nuptial state!
Is it a bond?
Is it a grief?
I can see the fire at the end,
Disappearing and untouchable stars.

What is alike?
Obliging your hubbies
Cranky babies
Are they our burden?
I screamed,
Suppressing my emotions and reactions.

What is marriage?
A little adjustment, said one.
I feel it is a full of amendments.
Accommodate yourself for others.
Is this life?
Risking our future for a stranger.

How it call as divine?
Wearing a dress of his preference,
Is this call freedom?
How to live hiding my wishes?
A heartbeat is lost a dream forgotten.

If you have a child,
Will you happy ever after divorce?
It is a real lock
Locked within a ring
Are you afarid of it?
Is it an everlasting inexpliacability

No it is not,
Think slackenly,
And prefer good...
Many married women who have deliberately spurned the "hour" of childbearing are unhappy and frustrated. They never discovered the joys of marriage because they refused to surrender to the obligation of their state. In saving themselves, they lost themselves!
 Jan 2016
Aztec Warrior
Not A Poem: A Personal Message to Hello Poetry and A Pledge**

None of what has been going on here at Hello Poetry makes any sense but it is hurting many poets here and driving many poets/friends away (8 and counting)... my only thinking is that it is a deliberate attack not only on poets but poetry, and these web sites where poets gather and is part of a growing american culture of barbarity.. it's like those U.S. drone attacks done from behind closed doors that no one sees coming and then everything and everybody gets destroyed... it must stop and we must stop it!

For all those who are interested, I will do the same as Quinn has done and post ANY and ALL private messages that are character attacks or personal attack on me or my friends (if they allow); or ugly comments left on my poetry... Walt Livingston’s  comment on Quinn’s poem should not be tolerated here at HP, and called out for its inhumanity. It has nothing to do with poetry or the poem he left it on. Not one thing he said can be verified and this kind of thing has to stop. It’s like watching Fox or CNN news- ******* opinions posing as news and training us on what to think.

Also, for the record, if anyone receives a message claiming to be me do 2 things, first ask me if I actually wrote it sent it and 2 send it to me... I do not really know (that is I do not yet have the proof needed) who or how many are behind this, BUT I WILL NOT ALLOW THIS TO CONTINUE AS LONG AS I AM AT HP. And this goes for any other site I may visit. So please block me now all who think I will not stand up against plagiarism, attacks, harrassments, trolling, stalking, and any other form of oppression.

I also know that I may lose a few friends in doing this. To them, I can only say, that this is not a reflection on or directed to you in any way and I am sorry if this has hurt you, deeply sorry...


PS  Oh, and by the way, the friends I am referring to know who they are, so if there are any questions about this,  message me and ask me.. no one has the right to declare friendship without my say so...

Wish I didn't have to say this, but since part of the sneak attacks have been done by people using other people's names to pick fights and attacks... yes it has gotten that bad.. That insidious...

So poets of HP, Let’s write poetry, support each other with mutual respect (even if and while we debate the content/ideas of a poem); build a community of poets that is a MODEL for the way human beings should and can treat each other, with mutual respect and listening to and seeing our diversity of ideas and nationalities as a great advantage to art and society and to ourselves... this is not a call for love and peace, since this will have to be fought for, nor is it a call to live and let live... there can be no place among human beings for these attacks... as well as no “free speech” for wreckers and attackers..
Let our language be poetry
Let our words be open and honest debate over poetry and art
Let our hearts be filled with fresh new ideas about life
Lets create wonderment and awe with our pen!!!!  
Come on HP poets, Lets Go!!

Aztec Warrior 1.25.16
Well, this post has sure caused an uproar. I am tempted to say, ya'll deserve each other, so *******, but that would be foolish and wrong of me and get us no further, and the attacks on each other would continue and the real poets, those who want to actually write poetry and have it read and appreciated are leaving. So the first think I want to add to this post is: Quinn, and the rest of you (Rick who is "r'and also "woody", a few others; along with Gary L, Nagi,and I think Jack and Vicki were named in Woody's comment that is not gone) STAND DOWN!! No more poems, comments or messaging spreading rumors or attacking people for who they like or block or what happened  months ago or at another poetry site. STOP.

Look everyone who actually cares, someone (and all admit they do not know who he is or was) by the name of Walt Livingston posted and ugly attack. It 's one of the reasons why I posted the above post. This WAS NOT a defense of Quinn, as it is a method being used in several poetry site to create dissention and havoc.  No one knows who this is and yet everyone thinks they know and they spread this rumor far and wide to anyone who will listen. It has to be Quinn he just wants attention. It has to be 'r" he's been attacking me forever and on it goes round and round until it is almost impossible to find the truth. The truth is someone created that account and look at the results Instead of pointing fingers and coming up with all kinds of conspiracy theories, lets put or know how together and find out.

I do not know who this is nor will I speculate. But I will say this, all of us at this point are being played!!! And attacking each other is not helping to get at this problem.

No matter what Quinn did or didn't do at WC that got him kicked off, there was continued trouble at WC that Quinn had nothing to do with. Does this mean Quinn is innocent, no, it just means this mess we are dealing with is bigger than one individual. Look I know you all don't agree with me on this, Which leads me to the main point.

I put the center or heart of the above post last for a reason. To make it stand out from the part where I was saying what I would do to prevent attacks on me and friends (if allowed). Maybe I was wrong in doing this because you all have ignore it. Or at best gave it some general nod and then went right into attacking each other trying to prove who was the real hero/heroine and blah blah. Why?? Why couldn't these points be the glue that can help sort out this "sad state of affairs at HP"  as someone put it. They certainly do not detract from the "Rules of Conduct" Eliot has posted. and everyone "agrees" they will abide by. They could actually act as a banner of sorts that people could come around and express why they like or dislike them and as a means of determining disputes. But I am also convinced that if these points do take hold it will be much easier to root out and identify anyone or someone who is provoking bs on the site.  Are they perfect? hell no. And that is why it will take many many of us to do this including CRITIQUING THE POINTS. But there will be no tolerance of knocking at people for any reason.   It's easy: critiquing points, yes; critiquing people, NO..
I hope I am not talking to the wind here...
Dreams are like bubbles
Fate is a fact
A destiny, a mystery !!
We dream to give ourselves hope. To stop dreaming ....well, that’s like saying you can never change your fate.
A gentle zephyr
No grass stirs,
No green,
No sun,
but yet I'm warm.
No movement but
the beat of my heart.
Yet I'm alone in
The bed of roses,
And field of peonies.
No clouds to break the
Illusions of peace.
Its all just a
Hallucination of tranquillity
Or phenomenons of the heart.
I have such a fear of finding another like myself, and such a desire to find one! I am so utterly lonely, but I also have such a fear that my isolation be broken through, and I no longer be the head and ruler of my universe.
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