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 Jan 2016
in poetic form

It was my intent to pack and leave
I was sorely wounded, grieved
I was very angry, peeved
At what Wolf Spirit had ill received.

But i was talked to by a friend
I should have prayed,
and not pressed "send"
No matter how roads wind and wend
It's The Lord's call in the end.

I should be Christian in my ways
Do what Bible teaching says
Avoid the darkness and the grey
But i will *LOVE my enemies

For we are in the End of Days.

So I will stay and pay the cost
Help the hurting and the lost
Endure the comments and the frost
Jesus Christ. His Love comes first.

I'll be there when you're chains clink
No matter if you cut or drink
No matter what you care or think
At evil I won't tip a wink

That doesn't mean I hold a grudge
I won't berate. I WILL NOT JUDGE
Through the mire. Stinking sludge.
I'm a soldier. On I trudge.

I have put on soothing gloves.
To minister with care and LOVE
The kind that comes from God above
I will TRY, push comes to shove.

Precious Seed is what i sow
God's Fruit of Spirit's what I'll show
So I won't leave. I will not go
Until The Lord tells me so.

I will work and seek His face
I will show His patience. Grace.
Of rancor there will be no trace.
I'll never tire. I'll run my race.

I'm here if you hurt today
I'll show you there's a better way
No matter what folks have to say
I will LOVE YOU. I will PRAY.

Someone needs to minister to the
hurting poets here.
I will work diligently to do that.
I will repost their poetry
And talk to them on the low
if they're lonely and need someone
to listen and pray for them.
This is my calling.
That doesn't mean I abandon my friends
it means I'll have less time though.
So please don't be offended if I don't
I'll be on the main site.

I know talk is cheap.


Special thanks to Alyssa.
I love you like my own sister...
as indeed YOU ARE.
 Jan 2016

what would you give
for YOUR soul?

Think about it.
 Jan 2016
Does anyone know what happened
to The Victorian Cinderella? ???

She messaged me goodbye!
Cancelled her account.

I messaged her back begging her
to contact me. That was a few hours ago...

We'd better help each other...
some people here have
 Jan 2016
Mike Hauser
Received my copy of Timothy's first book of poetry today (Reflections in Short Poetry) and am already thoroughly enjoying it! There's nothing like having pages to turn...
It's pictured in my cover photo and can be purchased from
Thank you to Timothy for this wonderful book!
Thought this deserved a repost! Such an enjoyable book! If you haven't gotten yours order it today...perfect for Christmas! Let's support each other!
 Jan 2016
Francie Lynch
Hello Poetry is our bohemian site
For the new counterculture
Of the contemporary beat.
The works are here.
Ginsberg's long gone.
Kerouac took to the road
Not taken yet by us.
This is our Greenwich Village,
And I can stay at home.
Now, and some years ahead,
I'll say I met and read
The likes of you,
On Hello Greenwich.
 Jan 2016
I’ve been walking this long hallway
for over a year
Reading the gilded framed
poems lining the walls,
verse after verse of
beautifully written words

I have made some good
friends along the way
Met some wonderful poets
who I have learned from
as well as learned to respect
and admire (watching far too many leave)
these meetings I will cherish

I have also crossed paths with a few
who didn’t care for me all that much,
hated my dreadful reviews, (blocked me for that)
misundertood my attempts at humor
or didn't appreciate the love poetry
I tried to slip in amongst the fighting,
but that’s okay, it takes all kinds

I've counted the masks worn,
there are more than two reasons
aren't there?
Some smiling, some not,
all there for their own reasons,
which it is not for me to judge
or anyone else, though that doesn't
seem to stop it from happening

Still little by little I have
headed towards a faint light
The soft glow at the far end
of this prose tiled floor
Each day the light became
a bit stronger, brighter
That tiny glowing square
in the distance
bigger and bigger

My shadow leading or following,
longer or shorter
depending on if I walk facing
forwards or backwards,
hop scotching over the hate,
sneaking past the accusations,
hiding from trolls (he found me anyway)
and the finger pointed whining,
hoping to pass go,
(you can keep the two hundred)

All the while sadly realizing
I am slowly becoming
smaller and smaller,
barely visible to others here
Disappearing a little more
with each passing day
Till now I am nothing more
than a forgotten minute speck
at the furthest end
of this meandering corridor

An insignificant silhouette
of a poet who once was,
now slowly fading
out through the opening
to stand in the bright sunlight
And as I refocus my eyes
to my new surroundings
I turn to wave goodbye
to what I so enjoyed
only to see a sign that reads…

*“Thanks for visiting Hellopoetry, whoever the hell you were”
To all of the wonderful people on here who have liked my poetry, I truly did appreciate your kindness. Thanks for everything...
 Jan 2016
Nigel Finn
If you cannot be bothered to sift through the ****
You don't like, then there's no sympathy, not a bit,
That you get as you announce such pompous airs,
Declaring your work to be better than theirs,
When clearly it's not, and your criticism fails,
To amount to much more than an infants wails.
O maybe, just maybe, if I saw you had written,
Something worthwhile yourself then all would be forgiven,
Talent aside, if you'd chosen to write
Something constructive, instead of such trite,
Then the words that you said on deaf ears wouldn't fall,
But that's not the case so they're worth ****** all,
So next time you see someone's work you don't like,
Before you comment, here's a tip - learn to write.
It seems there are trolls in abundance even on this site. While not recieving any hateful or unconstructive comments myself, it appears some people are currently on a mission to post unhelpful derogatory comments about the site.
I realise I may be guilty of feeding the trolls here, but I thought I'd give everyone else a heads up, just in case.
I have a Friend
And he has Me
We met right here on HP
He is noble and strong
A good man, through and through
Humble, insightful and gentle too

Complex stories he does tell
From experience and diaries
kept so well
Extraordinary accounts, he shares
Creating poetic stories
that shows he cares
He's witty and charming
He is oh so brave
Many a life has he saved

He came to Hp
wondering if this
was a place for him
Safe to share his heart
and tender skin
At first, shy and tenuous
to learn his skill
Now he commands his work,
Weaving words at will
Our fascination he does hold
With gritty stories so well told
Epic adventures, first hand accounts
Alway a moral, insight abounds

Yes, I chose him
And he chose Me
Mark Cleavenger,
My Poetic Friend here on HP

        In resonse to Elliot's #HPfriend Challenge
                        (please read his latest Blog)
Mark Cleavenger was my very first friend here at HP.
Hello Poetry has opened my world to many fascinating
Poets, from all around the Globe. (How cool is that?)
I appreciate all of my Friends here at HP. I love being
a member of this amazing, supportive community.
                    ThankYou  to all my HP friends
Elliott's #HP friend challenge
ThankYou Mark for caring for me.
My life is blessed by you, you see...

☆ I chose him and he chose me ☆
 Jan 2016
Richard Riddle
Friends, there are many(I think, I hope). So, to be fair, I will respond with this.

"Stricly an Opinion"
October 20, 2014   8:40a.m.

On August 28, 2013, strictly as a novice, and not having posted anything, anywhere, I posted my first two pieces of "literary art" on the HP site. I had previously searched other similar sites until finally deciding on posting with HP. I'm glad I did.  Why?

Not knowing what to expect, I threw "1894", and "Folklore and Fairy Tales" into the "mixing bowl". Pradip and Sally were the first to comment, and I will never forget the encouragement their words gave me. Never! Quite often, I go back and re-read them, particularly when I get a little discouraged when the "writers block" syndrome decides to attack. Thank you both, so very, very much!

But that is the core of the HP Family. There is an aura, a special atmosphere of cohesiveness among its contributors, willing to offer(in most cases) constructive criticism without being cynical, and always encouraging each other. Making friends whom we may never see, whose hands we may never shake, but a friendship none the less, that is spread throughout the globe, with the thoughts that will always be there. It is a feeling I did not sense with other sites.

One thing is for certain. We never know what our readers are going to like/dislike on any given day. When we post a piece, of what we may think is the work of "pure genius" could go by the wayside in seconds. On the other end of the spectrum, what we believe is not so great, could trend in minutes.

We will keep trying.

Richard Riddle
copyright: October 20, 2014
 Jan 2016
Got Guanxi
Where else do you guys post your poetry other than here??
 Jan 2016
A Lopez
To many complain
On others
How about
Instead of maiming
Be polite-
Stead of claiming
To be right,
For once take
It your wrong-
Instead of turning abhoring
Into daily trending,
Make poetry beauty
With your poems and song,
Instead of minding everyone elses
Mind yours,
Instead of back talking-
Close your door.
If your not here to write
Leave this premises-
Instead of using jealously
As anger,
Put down your acts of dennis-
The mennis- instead of making f.e,a,r
Mongering this sites boutique-
Search inside yourself,
Fix the you that is weak.
If claims dont match no names
Hush, to your sleep.
I'm here to write-
Were here to write-
Not fight about your
Bad week.
Decide to speak out for a change for the plaster saints
Have ran across some vile people on this site, who have large claims, yet no confirmation to back any claiming, as I see
This page that I adore carries a boatload of delusional thoughts, words that come from made up thoughts, that really make some of these people lose more followers, and lose their minds, though I'm here to write,
Not be
As miserable
As so many trolls I've endured! But these aren't trolls as I have heard these are human beings, who seems, loves misery with
Company, I won't be a company to anyone, just to share,
Like, and explore other poets writes, and open to some on a
Poetics level, that's the name of this game- poetry- not trolletry
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