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 May 2017
Hannah Jones
This robin keeps staring at me
What intrigues him so?
Is it my red coat?
Kindred spirits are we,
Sitting in the breeze.
We stop.
We stare.
We both have things we could be doing
Yet he runs
And I think
My mind feels like this Robin,
who now swells his chest as he walks.
I'm distracted
Flitting from one thought to another
as if danger lurked beneath every leaf
and a worm under every stone.
The Robin has since rejoined his flock
I should go home
My nest needs attendance
Yet the Robin still stares
Farewell, new friend
whom I can no longer distinguish from the others.
Enjoy your worms
and keep your red chest full
of life
and curiosity.
I started reading the Secret Garden and fell in love with nature all over again. I also have a new appreciation for robins.
 May 2017
I work with hands of glass
Such tiny victories!
to see the little fractures heal
in rest and quietness and joy
Such tiny victories!
after toil takes a heavy toll
and breaks me open once more
Such tiny victories!
breathe and laugh as the heavy moments pass
remember peace will come at last
Even if my hands are always glass
I'm currently dealing with morning depression, caused by my hormone imbalance. My life is good, I have wonderful friends and family, and I have Jesus, but it's very difficult. I often think I'm in a better place, and do too much, or get excited, or I worry and get anxious just a little, and it has a snowball effect on my mind and health.
Time has no end, a true gift from Christ.
It is never too late to fix an issue that you had.
Only by death is it to late to right an wrong.
For Time can heal all wounds, I know this is true.
For much wisdom , from my past mistakes do I see.
Now after so long, rejection that I had received.
Was just the opposite that I had perceived as truth.
Now that truth has been seen finally by my eyes.
Christ can finally bring healing to my eyes and minds.
I am an Knight for the Good Lord, fighting...
A Spiritual battle that rages on until I pass on.
I do not fight with weapons from this world.
But my weapon is the Holy Word from the Lord.
I do not fight people of this here world we live in.
But the Spirits in the Spiritual realm that are wicked.
I and many other men and women are mighty Warriors
That battle the evil one with word and deed , standing firm.
So yes we are Knights and Warriors for the Christ Lord.
This poem is to my Beautiful and Loving sisters.
Also to my Brothers whom Love others strongly.
The strength that you both have , the strength of a lion.
You have the outpouring Love like an waterfall.
The Love never cease , but continue everyday.
I have been Blessed by you whom write .
Beautifully every day some with great wisdom.
You speak out of the outpouring of your beautiful hearts.
You whom never cease to help others with your words.
Thank you my Fellow Knights and Ladies you are indeed special.
 May 2017
South by Southwest
For all those times
all those holes
All the wrenching
that misery unfolds

Sometimes a helping hand
perhaps a kind word
can make all the difference
to the one who heard

Those who lost their soul
Their way on the road
Perhaps they fell through
the grates of life from an overload

No one can have anything
Until they have lost their all
For the first step forward
One must learn to fall
I see the junk in my heart, and my cry is this
I desperately need you , my Saving Lord God.
There is none patiently waits as you do my God.
For you are a Saving God whom rescue the Lost.
It is your Good purpose to allow us to go through things.
While we are going through them you are saving us.
I know that only you can save us, even from ourselves.
For there is much wickness within us Good Lord.
For it was and is your Good purpose is to save us God.
 May 2017
Sally A Bayan
I don't know why headless gargoyles
suddenly came to my mind
they terrified me then and now
it made me ask myself,,
some people see beauty in them
...when to me, they look utterly scary...
i wondered about Venus de Milo,
why show an almost **** gorgeous body, with
no arms....could there be beauty in cut arms?
why do i dwell on these things.......when
there's nothing heroic about these two?

i should be grateful, for yesterday's
family bonding with someone who retired
from the navy...for talks about experiences,
government, hiroshima, and nuclear bombs,
moments of reminiscing, strumming and
jamming...sharing good food and laughter.
i did thank God.....

today is labor day...and images of years back,
thoughts of fearful days come back.
i watched past violent rallies on tv...saw some
kinds of marchers, those with unfocused eyes
ready to die....those faithless ones, with their
own agenda, disregading innocent victims.
in every protest march...not all participants,
share the same cause...some are users,
some are blinded by their lost causes...not
all those honored did heroic acts, and deserve
sweet praises, folded flags and gun salutes...
not all heroes......are true heroes....
my heart goes out to those real heroes.


Copyright May 1, 2017
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
 May 2017
James M Vines
When the stars fall from the heavens and the final curtain is drawn. The skies will part and roll back like a scroll. The veil between worlds will be torn into. All will see the truth that has been hiding in plain sight. To those for whom death holds fear, their dread will have come true, but for those who have accepted life, there will be much to do. In a moment and a twinkling of an eye, the whole universe will change. What to some is the end, will to others be the beginning.
 Apr 2017
Cynthia Jean
A sip of stillness
God moments...

relax in the warmth
of the "felt"
love of Christ.

He widens my vision
to distinguish
real importance

transfusing me
with His Power
in my quest
for that Pearl
oh, yes,
the Pearl of greatest price.

Revitalize my love
for God
renew my thirst for His Word
empower my prayers
with wordless adoration..........

the inhibition over
the desert lay behind
and off I am
into the land of longing.....

I do not
no words are necessary
too paltry would they be.

The dust
that becomes the diamonds
and comes forth.

Like the water lily
I am basking in the sun
of His Presence.

I soak up His Love
His Tenderness.

In this ecstasy

God's megaphone
through which He speaks
to a deaf world.
(Which has shut Him out.)

To give joyous hospitality
we need silence

a simple, prayerful silence
to everybody

in our pousitinia*
we desire
to hear from our God
that still small Voice
the fulfilling

I will lead her
into the desert
and tenderly speak
to her

at a loss
the Spirit intercedes for us
with sighs
too deep
for words *

inexpressible longings
God alone

Cj  April 30, 2017
* pousitania- desert
**Hosea 2:14
***Romans 8:26
 Apr 2017
I was once a castaway
Of an unforgiving sea
I made a castle in the sand
To ease the pain in me

I made the ramparts ten feet tall
The walls were four feet thick
I filled the moat with lots of sharks
I built it brick by brick

I walked the walls most every day
No rescuer about
But I did not want folks to come in
I wished to keep them out!

The sand was cast in hate you see
The mortar my foe's blood
I repaired the walls quite often 'coz
My inner tears would flood

Within the walls, a prisoner,
My anger was my meat
My only water my own tears
They washed about my feet

Finally the water rose,
From weeping, o'r my head
Their waves erroded at the walls
And the SEA was fed!

Whilst the walls were quickly shrinking
A tide, like floods, came in!
All the sharks went out to sea,
My destiny was grim!

I made a fine, tall castle, yes,
Of sand & shells & grout
To shelter me within? Oh no!
To keep my loved ones OUT!

And others unforgiven.
And the ones I hated.
And other prejudices, yes,
That went on unabated...

And so I found a Mighty Rock
Upon which I stood.
I finally found life's meaning, YES!
I finally understood!

Forgiveness? A DECISION.
To put pride on the shelf.
And freeing up your fellow man
You  become FREE YOURSELF.

Though for years, I drank my tears,
My thirst was never slaked.
And hatred's fused & melted sand

Does not a DIAMOND MAKE.

(C) 4/3/2017
I've been writing a book about my Scientology experience. And in doing so I found I had a root of bitterness in me. Not only towards Scientologists, but toward a lot of people who have hurt me in my life. It cost me a great deal of mental anguish. I ended up making a decision to forgive again. Throughout my Christian walk I've had to do this. Forgiving others is not an option. In order to be forgiven by God, you must forgive other people. Think of all the ***** rotten stinking things you've done to others I thought to myself. They may not have forgiven you. But you still need to forgive them. And forgive yourself while you're at it! So I asked God again to give me the willingness to forgive. I made the decision to forgive. And I do forgive. Forgiving does not mean forgetting. You don't let people hurt you over and over again. All it means is that you are relinquishing them of the debt that they owe you. And you, in turn, are forgiven of the debts you owe as well.

Unforgiveness is like self-administered poison. It can cause all kinds of diseases. Cancer is caused by stress. Arthritis can be directly attributed to unforgiveness. One of my major problems physically is osteoarthritis. And there is a strong possibility that I may have cancer. I do not wish to have either of these things obviously. So the first medicine I'm going to take is spiritual....

That's why I call myself SOULSURVIVOR.

I'm writing and reading on the internet again, obviously. See you soon!
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