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 Feb 2016
brandon nagley

Versonos, mine scarlatinian craves
For thee, instinctively. Attent I am
In wake, or sleep; I shantilize by the
Seaside, of the shaded creek's.


In lavunger, mine frame needeth
Held, attended to; the mires art
All around us philaprose, though
Through the ill abysmal, we hath
Been through.


Much ashru, O' much velanuv,
I shalt be on bended leg's and
Knee's; just to seeith mine Jane
Of soothe. Thus the avenue's
Shalt be rough, and the stones
Shalt roughen ourn soles, I'm
A king that shalt do whatever
It taketh, to get to mine lass;
To findeth mine way home.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedication ( Filipino rose)
Versonos- is a word I made .. ( it means in deep truth)...
scarlatinian is another word I made- meaning ( Scarlet heart full of amour that's overflowing.) Or a scarlet heart with love overflowing..
Attent- observant, attentive, ( old archaic word.)
shantilize- is a word I made up- ( it means, I wait anxiously to meet you, or can mean you wait shantalizingly to wait for someone.- meaning anxiously waiting for them.)
Lavunger- is a word I made up..( it means in loving hunger, or loving hunger.)
Philaprose- is a word I made up meaning ( Filipino rose) also Philippines rose.... I mean first definition,
Ashru- means tears in Hindi tongue.
velanuv- another word I made up meaning ( pain that comes from being patient for a long time.)
Sole- bottom part of feet...
 Feb 2016
Earl Jane

My king's smiles and laughs,
Are my daily dosage of beatitude.

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3 <3

i love you so much my king,, your happiness is my happiness, i can't lose you ever, i cherish you lot !! I only love you!!!!! I love you more than i can ever scream, shout, say, do, by all means of showing my love is never enough... coz i love you ssoooo ssooo much and i do see all you do for me !! I can't thank you enough for all you do, you are just amazinggg , genius, sweetest, most romantic, PERFECT for me !! I love you a lot !! I know we will meet soon. God is already preparing bigger plans for you and me, i am NEVER giving up on you!! You are my love, my peace, comfort, refuge, my happiness, my inspirer, motivator, the one that draw me closer to God , my king, my soulmate, my preordained one, MY ALL !!! You are my all and i am sooo overly attracted to you and i never get bored of you, that's so nuts !! Coz I am so NUTS of YOU!!! you have no idea !!! I love you sooo much!!!
 Feb 2016
brandon nagley
Beaugelic quempress,
A Serentifying archipelago
We shalt repose; nearby a
Bryefire, burning liquid's
Of scented rose. Gardenia
Perfume, to sheen ourn
Outer layer's; scribing
Of the almighty, inscribed
Into ourn conscious, galaping
Another's inviting. Extraciting-
Anjarising, O' flambustic passing;
Her cherithronius' marble foundation,
Hast given me solid ground, wherein
I heareth the most karstrett of once was
Lost, now found. Darshaying in Romanticism's
Prism; making drum beat's to **** street's,
And archaic rhythm's.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl jane Nagley dedication ( Filipino rose)
Beaugelic- is a word I made up. It means ( beautiful and angelic)
Quempress- another word I made,,, ( means queen and empress) .
Serentifying means- serenity sanctifying ( word I made up) also means calm and holy).
archipelago means- a group of islands..,
Repose means - rest.
Bryefire means- a bright fire... ( a word I made up to)(^~^)
Scribing means ( writing) archaic form.
Inscribed means- carved.
Galaping means- staring intensely at another, as if today's our last day on earth,( a word I made up) (^~^)....
Extraditing means- extra exciting. ( word made by me)
Anjarising- means angel rising ( word made by me)“ψ(`∇´)ψ
flambustic- a hot flame no one can cross,but two soulmates...( word made by me)
cherithronius ( means cherubic like throne, or cherubs throne, I mean her cherub like throne.) Word I made up.
karstrett- is another word I made. It means musical terms meaning ( the most reverberating beauty of sound, that is from the firmament.)
Darshaying- another word I made. That means ( cuddling like children) “ψ(`∇´)ψ.
 Feb 2016
brandon nagley
As a youthful calf,
I bleat upon mine

The thirst for her
Is unwavering; I
Want to feeleth
Her mango Cheek's,
Her coconut hair,
Betwixt mine
Finger's untangling.

Over ourn dwelling,
I seeketh these word's;
In foregone spelling.

Hɛʀɛ ʀɛรiɗɛร
Jɑɳɛ ɑɳɗ Bʀɑɳɗѳɳ'ร pɑʆɑcɛ ѳԲ ʆѳѵɛ,
Eɳtɛʀɛtɦ ɓy tɦɛ Բѳuɳtɑiɳ tѳp wɦɛʀɛiɳ
Tɦɛ wɑtɛʀ cѳɱɛtɦ up; tɦɛ ɑquɑ ɑʆwɑyร Բʆѳwɛtɦ
Hɛʀɛ, tɦitɦɛʀ tɦɛ Luzѳɳ gʀɛɛɳ, wɛʆcѳɱɛ ɑʆʆ pѳɛt'ร,
Tѳ tɦɛ pʆɑcɛ tɦɑt kɛɛpɛtɦ ɑ quɛɛɳ ɑɳɗ kiɳg.
Dѳɳ't Բѳʀgɛt, ѳɳ tɦy wɑy ѳut, tɑkɛtɦ ѳuʀɳ รѳɳɳɛt'ร
OԲ pѳɱɑʀiѳuร ɗɛѵѳtiѳɳ, tɦɛʀɛiɳ ʆiɛtɦ ʀѳɱɑɳʝɑɳtic

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( Filipino rose) dedication
Bleat means - the wavering cry made by a sheep, goat, or calf.
"the distant bleat of sheep in the field"
a person's plaintive cry.
Betwixt is archaic for between-
Dwelling is a home.
Foregone- means past.

The funky part hard to read said this.

Here resides
Jane and Brandon's palace of love,
Entereth by the fountain top wherein
The water cometh up; the aqua alway's floweth
Here, thither the Luzon green, welcome all poets,
To The place that keepeth, a queen and king.
Don't forget, on thy way out, taketh ourn sonnet's
Of pomarious devotion, therein lieth romanjantic

Wherein means- in which.
The Luzon is a sea by Jane in the Philippiness.
Pomarious means- of or belonging to an orchard or fruit garden.
Therein means- in that place.
Lieth archaic for lies.. Like lays...
Romanjantic is a word I made up by myself. ( it means romantic Jane's) or romantic Jane... Meaning romantic Jane's potions.
Potions- means a liquid with healing, magical, properties.
 Feb 2016
brandon nagley

Creation's not of mistake, nor of
Natural selection, we art not of
Darwinian theory, nor of
temporal direction.


We slumbereth neath the
gipseian bleujaday, captured
By the great painter's hand;
King and queen of the mid-
Night crave, wax of glim's
On crystal stands.


Eurasian ether, creational
Blend, the mountain's do
Shaketh, when heavesia

©Brandon Nagley
©Earl Jane Nagley ( Filipino rose) dedicated
©Lonesome poets poetry
Natural selection- is The theory of its action was first fully expounded by Charles Darwin and is now believed to be the main process that brings about evolution.
Darwinian theory -Darwinism is a theory of biological evolution developed by the English naturalist Charles Darwin and others, stating that all species of organisms arise and develop through the natural selection of small, inherited variations that increase the individual's ability to compete, survive, and reproduce.. ( a man who had none god) not me!
Temporal- has to do with the world. Wordly things..
Gipseian- relating to gypsies.
Bleujaday- is a word I made up on mine own, it means in the blue of the day, or blue day. I meant blue day.
Glims- are ancient candles or lanterns.. Archaic word.
Eurasian- mix of european and Asian parentage.
Ether- the clear sky; the upper regions of air beyond the clouds.
heavesia is another word I made up- it means.. Heaven and Asia coming together... (::::::
Commends or commend- praise formally or officially. ( praises)
 Jan 2016
Earl Jane

I will grasp it all,
All everything,
I will conquer it all,
All everything,
All throes and persecution,
I will grasp them all,
Oh yes, I WILL!
As long as in my triumph,
YOU  will be my divine prize.

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3 <3 <3

i love you so much my kingg!! ssoo muuucchhh
 Jan 2016
brandon nagley

Feral escapees, from captivity,
Created with wing's, born to
Be free; not of society.


Jungle madness, surroundeth
The tree's, foliage of wed-lock,
Thou and me.


Accentor's creepeth the thicket,
Caples we rideth, babes of the
Cariole; astrology inside us.


Bimarian aqua, to overfloodeth
The dry, boscaresque detail's;
Rainbow's in open sky's.


Brabreum of a sound,
Musical citharize; I'm
Far aloft the ground,
Psychic's; clairvoyant's
On incline.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( Filipino rose) dedicated
Feral means- in a wild state,
Wed lock means- getting married. Marriage.
Accentor's- or accentor means- a small Eurasian songbird with generally drab-colored plumage. ( song birds in other words)
Thicket- the trees.
Caples - are archaic for horses. Or caple. Is horse....
Babes- archaic for babies.
Cariole is- a type of wagon.
Bimarian means- bimarian: Of or pertaining to two seas.
boscaresque- means scenic place, of trees foliage so on. Rustic view.
Brabreum means- archaic for a prize or a reward.
Citharize is archaic for- to play the harp. Or to harp. Or harp.
Psychic' is-
relating to or denoting faculties or phenomena that are apparently inexplicable by natural laws, especially involving telepathy or clairvoyance.

a person considered or claiming to have psychic powers; a medium. Also relating to the soul and mind.
clairvoyant's- are having or exhibiting an ability to perceive events in the future or beyond normal sensory contact.

a person who claims to have a supernatural ability to perceive events in the future or beyond normal sensory contact.
 Jan 2016
brandon nagley

O', mine equatorial lady,
There art none if's and's nor
Maybe's; when it cometh to
Ourn sentimental caru.
Beloved topaz, of citrine
See through. Indigenous
Wild child, of the
Philippines blue.


I shalt never forsaketh
Thee, monarch of the
Butterfly view. Thou
Hast given me bounteous
Company, O' reine,
Mine muse.


Afflatus of the supreme,
Hope to all mine dream's,
Without thee; I wouldst
Not be, happy and so free.
Nor couldst I believe, in
The future ambition's to
Come, mine baby blue's
Hath been opened Jane;
Because thou art mine
Soulmate, mine chosen

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( Filipino rose) dedication...
Caru- means love in welsh tongue.
Equatorial- Equatorial generally means "of or related to an equator". Equatorial may refer specifically to: Places: Equatorial region, a region of the Earth surrounding the equator.
Beloved- means dearly loved...
Topaz is - a precious stone, typically colorless, yellow, or pale blue, consisting of a fluorine-containing aluminum silicate.
Citrine- a glassy yellow variety of quartz.
Forsaketh--archaic for forsake. Or abandon.
Bounteous means- archaic for generously given or giving; bountiful.
afflatus means- a divine creative impulse or inspiration. Meaning she is mine inspiration.
Reine- is queen in french.
Wouldst- archaic for would.
Baby blues means - mine eyes (:::::
 Jan 2016
brandon nagley
In the Monolithic municipalities,
We shalt wander betwixt the
megalithic glyph's; bairn's of
somandric design, extra-
terrestrial's of wild blue
Yonder rhyme, sealed
By a kiss. Verily, verily,
Twas heaven's wish.
For me and mine
Jane, to jump

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( Filipino rose) dedicated
Monolithic means- large or powerful.
Betwixt is archaic for between.
Megalithic- of, relating to, or denoting prehistoric monuments made of or containing megaliths.
of, relating to, or denoting prehistoric cultures characterized by the ******* of megalithic monuments.
Glyph's - a hieroglyphic character or symbol; a pictograph, like in Egypt.
Bairns- meaning children, young ones..
Somandric- means pertaining to the human body, human form..
Wild blue yonder.. Means when the sky views the sunlight.
 Jan 2016
brandon nagley
Pardie, mine is thine, parfay in
Mine siesta; I hadst a sweven of
Tender refine. We art perantique
To the temporal, sacrosanct we
Art, divinity's temple's. Patration
Hath been acknowledged, by the
Guardian's of the extrasolar, as doth
Me and thine beauty amour', lieth in
The eye's of ourn beholder.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( Filipino rose) dedicated
Pardie- archaic for verily, or truly, or indeed. I mean truly...
Thine is archaic for- yours.
Parfay- by my faith; verily.
Siesta- is an afternoon rest or nap.
sweven- vision seen in sleep; a dream.
perantique- very old or ancient.
Temporal- relating to worldly as opposed to spiritual affairs; secular.
Patration- archaic for completion of something.
Guardians- meaning angels.
Extrasolar.- existing or occurring outside the solar system
sacrosanct means- divine or holy.... (:::
 Jan 2016
brandon nagley

Alow downward Reyna, humanity hunger's and ****'s,
Red liquid they do spill, despoiling, toiling, taking
Lucifer's fill;


We canst only watcheth queen, as their working's and dream's,
Get untied by the string's, of the fine unseen line, of the principalities and power's.


Henceforth the hour's, shalt be as fading flower's, they shalt seeith their government's and darkened power's; falleth as the star's, men who knoweth none boundaries, God shalt rattle the mountain's and deep, as a harlot to her patron. Though the patron's sleep.


We shalt endureth this paining moment amour', the cosmic chronograph is opening door's; erelong love, erelong amour', we shalt sit at a feasting table, wherein the beau monde that hast Satan's barcoded label, shalt not perch. The flame shalt quench it's thirst, as recreation below us takes it's course. For ourn creator spoke this Jane, in the beginning. The world's lost it's way, it needeth cleansing from the sinning. As we shalt be restored by reconnecting on higher planes. To be reborn, in the spirit again.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( Filipino rose) dedicated
Alow- means below in archaic.
Reyna is queen in Filipino. Many different ways to spell queen like reina in Spanish, or reine in french.
Despoiling means- other words plundering or steal or violently remove valuable or attractive possessions from; plunder.
Henceforth-means from this time on or from that time on.
Harlot if you don't know means- noun ...archaic for.
a ******* or promiscuous woman.
chronograph- is an accurate time keeping instrument...
beau monde in french means...-noun: beau monde; plural noun: beaux mondes .. Meaning.fashionable society.
Erelong- is archaic for soon.
Feasting table- meaning in bible talks of Christ joining with his bride ( the church) his believers at a feasting table in heaven .. Enjoying another...
When I say the beau monde that had Satan's barcoded label... They will be the rich men ( elite men) who control the world now. As their God is money fame and power and riches.. How the barcoded label ( RFID chip) tracking device of the Antichrist ( already created ready to be used by 2017,as said by bilderbergs ( secret society, henry Kissinger spokesman, ex defense minister) stuff you can find all online in Obama's health care act he passed and his supreme Court... The barcoded label these elite, high worldly men take, will be their bad decision making. And thus allegiance to Satan. Not God. Not Christ...
 Jan 2016
brandon nagley
One hari, and his Reyna
Riding the chariot of
The otherworldly;

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( Filipino rose)
Hari and Reyna means- king and queen in Filipino...
 Jan 2016
brandon nagley
An airgonaut, verily she is,
Hovering in time, healing
Mine mind; O'er the
luminaries, stationary,
Freely emissaries, of
The water of life on-
Which we liveth.
We shalt famigerate the copybook of god;
Sprinkling seed's, O'er the demonic breed's,
Stomping out the hatred, anger, a lightning bolt of peace to overcometh the ghost's of bad nature, with Jane's sceptering rod. Virtuous applause, as a wraparound stairway, leadeth us to the Almighty; thundering awe.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( Filipino rose) dedicated
O'er means over- in archaic tongue.
Luminaries- are lights. Like ones in the sky's.
airgonaut- one who journey's through the air.
emissaries- a person sent on a special mission, usually as a diplomatic representative ( emissary)
famigerate- to carry news from abroad....
sceptering- Jane using her scepter. Sceptering. (;::
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