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 Jan 2016
brandon nagley

Duchess of the still splendor,
Southeastern wind of the faraway;
Prestige of foreign king's and Queen's,
O' fair lass on display.


I'm here mine love,
Verily, I'm not going away;
The moon must taste ourn shadow's,
As we pirouette the starry plains.


Tablet's wilt recordeth us
By ourn handprint's with
Ourn name's; the flambeau
Is warm mi amour', please
pirouette with me again.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( Filipino rose) dedicated
Pirouetting - is a type of dancing.. Swirling on one foot.
Duchess- archaic for woman...
flambeau is like a flame on a torch.
 Jan 2016
Earl Jane

The heaven open it's window,
An angel descended slowly with glory,
It's  luminescence struck me,
I could hardly see his visage for it's radiance shine in it's utmost state,
He landed upon me with his palms on my shoulder,
Then he enfold me tightly as my shoulders dampen,
His tears gush through his eyes,
As a sudden bright light shine extremely to his whole body,
It's too enormous that I fell on my knees with my eyes close,
The light gradually disappear after awhile,
I opened my eyes and there right in front of me,
The angel disappear but an ethereal being stood by,
He looks so perfect and as he start talking,
It mend my lacerations, it calms my soul,
He said God sends him, to be here for me, to protect me,
To make me happy and to forever love me,
As those words penetrated to my soul,
My tears fell down,
My elation extended widely throughout the universes,
I am beyond happy,
Days are brightest when he came,
All excruciation are easy to carry for he is there always, all the way,
He is my happiness, my best friend, my peace and comfort,
My all.
I lifted my thanks & praises daily to God,
For he had given me the one preordained for me

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
for Brandon <3 <3

Long time i have not written any poem, i was just busy with exams, also doing calligraphy and now i am doing zentangle and i really love it,,,,

sorry brandon not really that beautiful!! i love you a lot!! <3 <3
 Jan 2016
brandon nagley

O'er the the Almighty's siege-
A baetyl soared, betwixt the
Floor's, of aqua green; swith
I was fixed, upon her wing's.


O' this queen-struck me, with
Her baculus, conducting, a calefacient
calix, thus the welkin carved the omnipresent
Out from me and Jane's pinion's.


Camaca Atman's, coursing
The future together; sacchariferous
Of the celestial, making love, mating-
Doves, bygone messenger's, sending
An amour' letter.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( Filipino rose) dedication
O'er- archaic word for over.
Siege- is archaic for throne.
Almighty meaning- God Almighty.
baetyl is- : a roughly shaped stone (such as a meteorite) held sacred or worshipped as of divine origin. ( the baetyl is Jane, though no don't worship her as God, we worship God together, she is divine though as gods angel...) She's divine...
Betwixt- means between archaic tongue...
I was fixed- meaning mine eyes and all was fixed on Jane. Paying attention to her deeply...
Swith- archaic for instantly...
baculus is a rod or a staff, word that's archaic...
Conducting means- transmit (a form of energy such as heat or electricity) by conduction.
calefacient meaning- warming; anything that warms.
calix- means a cup or a chalice...
Welkin- archaic word for sky, heavens, the firmament, or celestial sphere.
Pinions- are the outter part of wings.. The feather's...
Omnipresent means- (of God) present everywhere at the same time.
Camaca is- a fine silk fabric.
Atman's- means a person's soul or a soul...atmans meaning more than one..
sacchariferous- means bearing sugar... Archaic word...
 Jan 2016
brandon nagley
Afore agone times,
avaunt from material
Civilization's, was a place;
Of unbiased race. We were
unadulterated, ere the statues
Of bronze, and kaolin faces.
The heaven's were ourn graces.
Though we got separated; at the fall
Of man, we bacameth as flesh, ourn
Finger's unlocked, we took the form
Of shoes and sock's, wearing human
Skin. Though ourn soul's of old knewest
None end. We cameth together once again-
As ourn light's blended highly, we blocked
Out the dark-cut the dim. As through this
New-age technological era-we foundeth one
Another. Ourn kind hadst been separated through
The warlike times, though queen O' mine queen.
Again, O' tis again; we foundeth each-other.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( Filipino rose)
Afore means- before
Agone- means ago
avaunt- is archaic for away.
Ere- archaic for before.
kaolin is- a fine, soft white clay, resulting from the natural decomposition of other clays or feldspar. It is used for making porcelain and china, as a filler in paper and textiles, and in medicinal absorbents.
 Jan 2016
brandon nagley

Seraphim, betimes we shalt crack this inter-web bourn, awaiteth I, tis with tear's from these eye's, though the waiting wilt purify, ourn ventricles to an unfamiliar door.


None reason for Affright, mine soul doth leadeth the way, O' amour' Jane, thine hari's here to stay. Afresh to the new day, ourn canorous spirit's pave the serenade; something lost to olden flutes.


Barefeet- None sandals, the luggage we carrieth wilt be of God, almighty; supernatural. Powerful crystalline stone- lucid, god-hand castles.


It's not against flesh and blood love, that we do wrestle, but against spiritual wickedness in high and low places, we conquer demonic armies, and nephilim faces. An ambassage we sendeth to the human races, that they mayest love another, and forgive, and to forget their past disgraces. As tis Queen Jane; alms wilt be seen on the wall's, encased with ourn names. As I wilt catcheth thee, when through the cloud's thou doth fall...

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( Filipino rose) dedicated
Betimes- means in good time.   archaic form.
Inter-web, having to do with technology, computer world..internet...
Bourn - archaic word for boundary.
Tis- means - it is. Archaic form...
Affright means - to frighten...
Hari means - ( king) in Filipino tongue...
Afresh means- again, or also anew. I mean again.
canorous means- melodious or resonant.
God-hand is a word I made up just now lol. Means made by gods hands .
Lucid- means bright or luminous.
nephilim- are the offspring talked about in genesis. The offspring that came from fallen angels ( demons) or known as the watchers coming down and sleeping with human women. Thus making nephilim.. Or giant beings... Which fun fact. The Smithsonian museum is now coming out to tell us they have over 1,000 plus skeletons "kind of human like" 18 feet tall. No joke look up and giant bones and bodies are all over the world... You think the old stories of giants were a myth from legends of Greece. Where mine ancestors are from. And around the whole world? I don't think so. Very much real friend . .and the government hides this from mainstream news. Media. Science so on. Lol the USA used to have articles on giants alot back in early nineteen hundreds though then they stopped putting huge giant bodies they found in paper.   Wanted to keep silent on it. Nope coming out as has more lately..  Sorry fun fact lol (:::
ambassage is - a message...
Alms- means Giving to the poor to help them, of charity.
 Jan 2016
brandon nagley

O' Filipino
Rose, thou
Shalt alway's
Be, the petal
To mine soul.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( Filipino rose)
 Jan 2016
brandon nagley
Her orb's
As chandeliers;
In the day's of
Yore, bygone
Year's. Shone
Betwixt, the
Divine clear.
As tis her
Is mine

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( Filipino rose) dedicated
Her orbs- means her eyes .
Yore- means times of past ..or long ago or former times .
Shone. Past tense of shined.
Exosphere means- the outermost region of a planet's atmosphere
 Jan 2016
brandon nagley

Mine ecclesiastical adamant, amiss I am
With thou not close, I stareth from mine
Window, as an old lost ghost; needing
Thine hand on mine.


Agin, I needeth thee, next to me,
Warmth of the age's, an unaging
Recipe; for a king and queen,


I feeleth as a man
Locked in a cage,
The steel to heavy
To breaketh through
To thy face, though
Stuck through this
Glass, beyond the
Other side, I canst
Only hopeth, for
Ourn day, ourn
Time, I knoweth
We'll meeteth.
One day we wilt
Shine, one day
I'll connect to
Thine glim, one
Day thou shalt;
In mine arm's
Be mine.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( Filipino rose dedicated)
ecclesiastical means- of or relating to the Christian Church or its clergy.
Adamant means-  diamond, or (more generally) any very hard substance. ( I mean diamond)
Amiss - meaning out of place. Things also no quite right.
Agin means- next to.archaic form.
Glim is- a candle or lantern.
 Jan 2016
brandon nagley

Hallow thou art, mine
sacrosanct wayfarer;
Sacred heart, raiment
Of January's start,
Thou art the
Of spring
And summer's sunshined arise in full-bloomed mesmerize.
The firth of thee, circulates inside of me.
O' Asian delicacy- thou art that righteous tree of
Life. For thine way's art insight's, ******* to the human thought, for thine countenance canst not be store bought. O' thy intelligence canst not be door taught. Destined Jane, O' foreordained, I knewest thee, thou knewest me, in bygone land's.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( Filipino rose)
wayfarer is a traveler, especially one on foot.
sacrosanct means holy.
Firth is-mouth of a river.
Raiment is ones clothing.
Bygone means- belonging to an earlier time.
Countenance is ones face or ****** expressions and features.
Hallow means- to make someone or something holy. Or something holy. Hallowed means past tense
 Jan 2016
Earl Jane

For this moment I still breath,
It is a precious gift from God,
Birthdays are not only the days to thank and praise Him,
But daily should be a birthday to bring Him back,
All the glory and honor He deserve,
A birthday of a new us for the past no longer exist,
There should be renewal of self each day,
A self so worthy in God's sight.

I could not really ask for more,
For when I look at the sky day and night,
It always shows me God's great love for me,
A love unfathomable to man's knowledge.

I already got my precious gift,
The treasure that I cherish a lot,
He is my king, my soulmate, my lover,
With him in my life,
I am already complete,
I could not ask for more,
For God already gave me,
The person that truly fill the spaces in my life,
The man I truly wanted and needed,
The one who is my all,
And for that this is the best Birthday ever,
Thank God, Praise God, Glory and Honor to Him!!!!

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
HAHAHA, this is not really that nice,, I just really wanna thank God for giving me another year.. a year to praise and thank Him.. seriously He is ssoo good to me,, He gave me Brandon and I could not ask for more.. I am just beyond ssooo blessed~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brandon, thank you for your gifts to me, though I told you no need to do lots of stuff to me for you are already my greatest treasure,, i love you so much and can't thank you enough,, Praise God for you my king,,, I am beyond happiest... love you most!!! <3 <3
 Jan 2016
brandon nagley

Happy birthday, diaphanous balm,
Mayest this span of time greeteth
Thee; with Good health, and loving


Maligayang Kaarawan, archaic
Gem, mayest thine smile brush-
Stroke the aisles, of carbuncles
Of never-ending friend's.


Bon anniversaire, mon amour,
Mayest thine Satin-silk moonlit
Eye's, be a guide to the deaf and
Blind, mayest the heaven inside
Thee, be the richness of the poor.


Harúmena genéthlia, Earl, like
The lost and hidden pearl's,
Mayest the luster of thine
Memories, be kept safely
Locked, under thumb and key,
To openeth later, in sanctity.


Penblwydd Hapus, Filipino
physician whom hath saved
Mine life, soul-mate, Queen,
Wife, mine bearer of this heart,
Mine carrier of all that's right.
The beam of nebula delights,
The diamond in mine might,
Mine-Queen, O' Jane
Mine Wife!!!!!!!!!!!!!
diaphanous means delicate.
Carbuncles-a bright red gem, in particular a garnet cut en cabochon.

In the beginning of each line I say happy birthday to Jane in all different languages.  Happy birthday queen Jane! May God bless you this birthday! As I look forward to many more of your b day's with you! To cherish you love you and forever be thine own as thou art mine! I love you sooooo much Reyna! Happy b day queen! Sorry poems not the best but more surprises to come for you tommorrow! I love you more queen! May God bless your b day and may you have a happy wonderful birthday!
Happy birthday QUEEN JANE!!!!
 Jan 2016
brandon nagley



Mayest thou
Warm, and blanketeth
Me; as a neonate, as
Thou shalt gorgonize
Me, from within the space,
Ourn embracing is a cataract,
Of heavied chime-together laced.


Thine speak is comely, Concord
To mine earshot; the copse is
Surrounding, none manor
Needed, just the coney's,
With the delightful tree's,
veneering ourn cot.


Exhaling all ourn woes
And sorrow's, as if none
Tommorrow; None haste,
And none distaste, house-
Leeks groweth whilst the
Flaxen colored roses follow.


O' oriental Apricity
I'm cold mine lass,
I'm freezing fast;
This winter day
Hath chilled mine
Soul, I needeth thine
Fire-place, to heateth these bones.
Though far-flung, away on stretched water's.
I'm awaiting for thee, mine queen, O' Apricity,
I'm awaiting O' queen, mine swart of the sea, thou holdeth the lock, tis I hath the key, here thou goeth amour', open it up, flyeth on through-setteth me free.

©Brandon Nagley
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( Filipino rose)
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Apricity means- the suns warmth on a cold winters day. Word existed around in the 1620s.
Neonate means- young baby or young mammal. I mean baby lol.
Gorgonize means-  To have a paralyzing or mesmerizing effect on someone.
cataract is waterfall.
Chime is - agree with, be in harmony with.
Copse means- a small group of trees.
Comely means like pleasant peaceful
Speak to me is- voice, or sound of it.
Earshot is- the distance to where I càn hear her.
Manor is like big country mansion.
Cony or coney's is a rabbit. Or rabbit's.
Veneer means like a wood covering, veneering means covering same thing!
Haste means rush something. Rushing..
House-leek plant is - something that can grow up your house. Beautiful! They look like little cacti without the prickers.
Flaxen color is a yellowish color.
swart means- dark-skinned.
 Jan 2016
brandon nagley

Queen O' queen, this is thy king
Queen O' queen, this is thy king;
Put thine amulet, around thy neck-
For me.


Queen O' queen, this is thy king(10,9,8,7,6)
Upon saturns ring's, a beloved dream; (5,4,3)
Taketh mine hand, glideth the moon's with me. ( 2,1,liftoff)


This is thine king mine dearest queen
Thou hath taken me far away,
To the places only known
By saint's and those whom pray.

This is thy king mine dearest Queen
Erelong love, tis thine hope I cling;
And I'm higher in the most
Ravishing way. Erelong dove,
We'll maketh love in a holy way.


For here, am I dancing on the cosmos,
Beyond angelic tunes,
Thine eye's of cocoa tides,
Blend's inside me
As I rise.


Though we've passed the universal edge
I'm peaceful in thine presence
Alive or dead; I feeleth the dark matter-
Bubble around in mine head, as Nirvana's
In ourn sight's, Zion's breath.

Queen O' queen, looketh ahead
The stream's; their flowing as
Milk and honey tree's
Touch ourn feet,
A tranquil homestead.


For here, am I dancing on the cosmos,
Beyond angelic tunes,
Thine eye's of cocoa tides,
Blend's inside me
As I rise.......

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley(Filipino rose) dedicated
After listening to David Bowie's song space oddity today. The song got stuck in mine head! So decided to dedicate a poem to mine queen based off of the tune space oddity by David Bowie. This is a dedicated poem to Bowie's remembrance as well not just a poem to Jane! Rip me Bowie, lovely old soul. everyone has been speaking of Bowie's older music which I Love and always have.. Though if noone has heard his last song I put out two days before his death called ( Lazarus) you should listen to it. Really his last words. So hauntingly beautiful though so depressing as you could see him being eaten away by his cancer fighting.. And video shows how deathly he was. Though his last song Lazarus was amazing!!!!

And btw erelong means- soon.. Or shortly
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