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 May 2019
joseph g schelling
Korean cherry blossoms cling to limbs  like frozen drops of water. Each pink blossom with its red throat when near a body of water
leaves a beautiful water reflection. As the wind makes its way through the trees, the sky is like a parade  full of whirling confetti.
 May 2019
no matter how hard
these winds blow and shake me
i stay  r o o t e d  with the Earth

storms exist to awake me
one of the first few
rhymes i ever wrote
*and still my favorite*
 Apr 2019
Is back
She's dressed in white
instead of black
Faces you with a sweet smile,
Though her tongue
is full
l i e s


© Lizley (Maria Flordeliz Yamog)
The actress.
 Apr 2019
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

I be really chill as ****,
Chill as ****,
Technically on the break but that's all in
my head,
Penitentiary mindset but no longer locked
up, you didn't hear from me,
So that's not what I said,
Moving around the creases , in and out
of situations , not my main occupation,
But I'm working up the nerve to live and
survive and survive,
And I don't know how long I could stay
alive , in this ongoing cycle,
Throw your feelings out ,recycle,

I be really chill as ****,
Chill as ****,
Let the chamomile flow though the veins and such, I got a,
Soft spot for nature in my own little way,
Nobody else strong enough to evade my
space, Ya hear me,
Really chill , to the point of no return from
this cloud that I'm on, I could never come
down off this plane, its real strange,
But I'm sane,
Chill I'm telling you.


Don't drag your partners down along with ya' to the grave,
When fakeness is engrave into their brains like a bad movie that
Persuades ,never know,  might bring the pain,
Shut up,
Close your eyes,
Matter of fact open them, stay awake,
Trust no one,
Talk to everyone,
Don't become a dead body in a lake,
Don't seal your fate,
You planned this ,You planned this,
You planned this, don't run from it,
You planned this ,the parasite lingers like
A therapist,
You planned this,
There's no other way to say your views are distorted,
Turning every which way as a sign,
It's a crime, systems take over your life,
You didn't plan it,
But they planned it,
This is propaganda we've been handed,
Your life expectancy isn't really candid,
I know we all gotta' die someday , lie awake somewhere,
Don't be a bandit or a sinner, that’s impossible,
Is this country really free ? Is it optional ?
The feds will hold , a grudge to different race cause their superiors told,
I feel like life is game without the checkmates,
It never gets old.
 Apr 2019
i thought i know what i'm doing
striving for the right things
but keep approaching the bad ones

how easy life would it be
if we can know
if we can feel

maybe that's the harsh truth
there are no right or wrong

just who and what
how and when
 Mar 2019


are little stars
As they watch over as you walk at night;
Guide each step you make
and smile when you take a glimpse of the skies
Lucky are pouring tears
As they caress your cheeks and feel your warmth;
They're your sunshine, fire and storm—
The fragments you keep inside your beating heart
Lucky are silly jokes
As they make you blush and laugh out loud;
Making your eyes smile—
For a second at least, you're free from this world
Lucky are love songs
As they touch your lips whenever you sing;
They are the words you want
to say and to feel, to you they mean a thing

     To be the skies;
     To be inside your heart;
     To be a huge part of your world;
     To mean a thing;

Oh lucky are these lines
as they breathe out that, which I keep inside of me—
A letter, a scream, a poem;
How I wish for nothing great but just To be

truly yours,

© Lizley (Maria Flordeliz Yamog)
A letter for my Valentine.
 Mar 2019
Rainey Birthwright
When first I did see you,
My heart was a drum, beaten,
A fog horn blew out to sea.

When you looked at me,
Stark, true, across blue sky,
Sunshine piercing the clouds.

When you touched me,
Frost thawing at first light,
Misted dews on the heathers.

When you were upon me so,
Could I not but open, bloom,
Softly, wind on the petal.

When your hot eyes got me,
Set smoulder to stoked flame,
Aye, I burned for you.
 Mar 2019
a prism

so dreamy,
      capturing that little fragment of time

from my      e y e s
 Feb 2019
luci sunbird
I'm tortured
like a rescue animal
with no visual damage

I'm that girl looking through the curtains for a wave from a neighbor,
a sign that anyone is out there to care for her

I'm here in tears
with a heavy heart
laying under a dark mask
that I only uncover in the night

In the days,
I keep the pain concealed and put a smile where the sadness should be

I feel this weight upon me,
it's pressing so hard this week
I really can't breathe

I want nothing more than to scream out my woes for someone to hear,
but there's nothing, only air that appears
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