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 Sep 2015
Chelle Quezon
I ain’t like those any other story
That you put on a shelf
And read whenever you please
I’m not the kind of story
That collects dust
And wait for someone to pick me up

I always try to find my way
In every way possible
In every human I meet
In every heart, bones
In every ink my pen produce
In everything I see

I am that kind of story

That kind you can’t leave in the best part
That kind you will cry with the worst part
That kind you can’t forget even if you tried
That kind of story you will be wondering why

I am that kind of story

I’m a best seller
A limited edition print
A classic
A nonfiction
A real romance

I have battled dragons
Pirates and Evil queens
Uses magic to conquer them
By all means

I am that kind of story

My intro is soft and sweet
Altered chapter
Read between the lines
I promise I’ll patch the conflict
And build suspense
For now enjoy my ******
Cause I’m still rewriting the ending

I am that kind of story

But you still put me on a shelf
Just to purely fill space in your library

Someone else has come around
And never put me down
He have seen the value I see in me
He go beyond the cover
See me as more than pretty words & poetry

And come back & find I’m gone
Not a trace of my ink, my page or my words
And you’ll realize
I was best story you’ve ever been apart of

because I am that kind of story.
 Jun 2015
Alexis Rose
sometimes words are so unbelievably, inexplicably, incomprehensibly, beautiful.
they can sweep you up off of your feet with their hope, and spin you around in circles with their wonder as you grin at of all the blurred colors around you.
sometimes they can be the only way you make it through the night,
sometimes they can make you fall in the deep-sea-diving type of love that'll make you never want to come up for air,
sometimes they paint pictures prettier than the most stunning sunset.

but on days like today,
the words that bounce around in my head spoken from angry mouths and a tired brain,
all of these words might just be the death of me.
just an fyi..
when you whisper things about someone, it isn't as quiet as you think it might be.
 Jun 2015
Send me down
six feet under
on rust, on dust
on the stench of misplaced trust
You couldn't see me
you were blind to
who I am
So pick up a shovel
dig out the *****
and send me down
Deep down
 Jun 2015
Lachrymose and Lies
Do you honestly have nothing more to do
Than make multiple accounts with the last name stephani,
and contact every ******* person on hellopoetry?
trying to scam or spam or whatever the hell it is you do
To try and manipulate good people who don't even know you?
Take your blessing and shove it up your ****
If you really liked our profiles you'd follow us
Instead of being
The most pathetic creep on hellopoetry.
not today, not ever
Not hellopoetry
If a "stephani" you don't know sends you a message with their email attached, don't give them any info it is an ongoing scam, thank you.
 May 2015
I want nothing more than to be the half hearted scribbles, on the right hand of your math work sheet. The box of cheese its, you keep behind the passenger seat. You'd eat them after to school on your way to work. I wonder if I ever crossed your mind, on those busy back roads.
           *I wouldn't want you to crash
 May 2015
jeffrey robin

                                                                 ( soft and lovely )


If it rains again we might survive                                                


it seems like everyone is having

Such fun

Being miserable  ......: (?)


in the deep dark of our obliviousness

we wander in circles

Like we are chasing our ***

Like it was a mirror

And we just want to see our own face


What I just said wasn't a very nice thing to say

But it's also not a very nice thing to watch you do


( and also

We don't have much time left

To get our heads on straight )


( • ) ( • )



there is a dyin goin on


when I read a love poem

I picture 2 skeletons entwined as one

Big mass of nothin at all


such a dyin is goin on


Everyone is simply

Oh so  happy


Gettin LIKED for our misery

( our artistic visions of the joys of pain )
 May 2015
Cat Fiske
She shuts her eyes
To escape the world.
Such a hard life
For such a young girl.

She shuts her eyes
To escape it all.
Teetering on the edge
Ready to fall.

She shuts her eyes
One final time.

"A young life wasted
Such a terrible crime."

Read on the news headlines,
Because she wasted her life.
She tried
 May 2015
Donall Dempsey
"Hit me more time!"
the ringtone rang out

after the silence
the noise seemed but a dream

the mobile rang again
inside his inside breast blazer pocket
lighting up his  car key and small change

"Hit me babeeeee....!" drowned
by the clamour and clang of
Sunday church bells

the bells scattered
starlings into a sky
the phone goes unanswered

the dead man
stared directly into the sun
his dog licking his face

someone left
a message it was
3 a.m. exactly
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