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 Oct 2015
I spit the moon, a fingernail,
in the black eye of night.

Stardust was born
from the dirt of a lifetime.

I had the universe at my fingertips,
and blew it away like a kiss.

The world is a better place for my loss.
 Oct 2015
brandon nagley

Mine body is frail love
Mine spirit I feeleth soon might be called;
Back whence we cameth from, in the mansion and light of God.


So if mine essence leaveth
Meeteth me in ourn secret place;
Thou might not rememberest it, tis here thy family, amour', grace.


So mine queen Jane, O' mine dearest Jane
Do not shed none tear's, if tomorrow I'm not here;
Ourn amare is eternal, undying, no commercial nor rewinding.


Empress Jane, there shalt be a poem for thee
This is it, just in case, I goeth into eternity;
Loveth me, I'll loveth thee, forever we shalt loveth Jane, Queen.

©Bɾɑղժօղ NɑցӀҽվ
©EɑɾӀ յɑղҽ ղɑցӀҽվ ժҽժíςɑԵíօղ
©LօղҽŚօʍҽ ԹօҽԵ'Ś ԹօҽԵɾվ
©Kíղց ɑղժ զմҽҽղ ԹօҽԵɾվ
 Oct 2015
SE Reimer

there is a lighthouse churning
in the fury of the storm,
thirty-three for land are yearning,
loved ones waiting news at home;
a captain and his crew a'fight
brave souls that never cease to hope,
to bring their ship to port a'right
all pray for dawn that never comes.

fifty feet from trough to crest
she drops with groan to valley low,
to rise again with frothing peak,
her wild plunge from stern to bow
she is no place for wearied souls,
provides no quarter for the weak;
no port in sight, for thee no rest,
yet braver souls we need not seek.

her vessel old is wearing thin,
her searchers all but losing hope;
as only remnants one by one,
in bits and pieces still afloat
leaves watching world a sense of dread;
alone remains a sheen of grief,
these waters won’t release their dead;
El Faro won't you speak?

did you break apart in final hours?
or did you roll into the deep?
listing near the Crooked isle,
your precious cargo now we seek;
even one to tell your tale,
are all now lost; is all forlorn?
of those that stepped aboard to sail
will no one living come ashore?

though wreckage lost into the deep,
though family arms now torn apart,
in waves awash the mem’ries heap,
your tale lives on in untold hearts!
your souls cannot the ocean keep,
for fathers, sons, daughters, lovers,
unknown eyes for you now weep,
your names in prayer a world now utters!

all that to these waves go down.
you that ply this furied sea;
you, the brave, though lost have found
a harbor’s safety from the storm,
a port that offers welcome,
hope from strife forevermore,
safe in everlasting arms,
now rest eternal; peaceful be!


*post script.

this news story has increasingly gripped my attention since first breaking early last week. i began putting thoughts together earlier this week, but had hopes of publishing instead a writ ending on a joyous note.  with the Coast Guard calling off their six-day search this evening, all are now being declared lost at sea on Oct. 1st, 2015.  no joyous ending, no happy reunions... only sadness, like a sheen of grief over the Atlantic.

she was  just shy of 800 feet in length, El Faro (the Lighthouse), a US flagged cargo vessel, en route from Jacksonville to San Juan; she carried 28 Americans and five Poles, to the depths near Crooked Island, Bahamas; her last transmission- “propulsion lost, listing 15 degrees”.  

her tragic end, succumbing to the fifty foot seas of Hurricane Joaquin, leaving no survivors, none to tell her final hours; only one life ring and a body of broken evidence amongst the flotsam midst the waves.

rest in peace you brave souls thirty and three!
with your families we grieve!
this is the moon's
quiet rose, the unfolding
of the clouds, tranquility
resting her head,
the beautiful sea.
 Oct 2015
Jack Aylward
Clear like a pearl of magic,
This silver eye
That looks down at us
In a world of it's own understanding
Makes love with the sun
When they come together
To embrace.

The moon is like a globe of love;
A synagogue of peace.
God's eye watching over us,
Keeping us safe.
God's face admiring us
With our beauty
As we act on his stage.

The moon is like a woman's breast,
Her heart, her soul,
Her eye, her womb,
Her ******.

The sun burns with ****** desire
When the sun and moon come to kiss;
They become locked
In an eclipse of fire.

Like a blanket,
Like a golden fleece
The sphere of the moon sweeps across the sky
Like a quiet dream;
Floating like a ghost.
Wandering in jolting movements
As it sits in it's black watery hell.

As the moon sits
On a layer of haunting past,
Beauty, myth and adventure
It discovers the wilderness of ourselves.
It watches us making love,
It watches us when the world
Is at an end in war
And terror.
It confronts it with love and peace
And when we are in need of love,
Comfort and help
And his friends: the stars
Are at rest
He finds his own way of knowing
Where we are....

For those people who suffer the most
Are given hope,
Love and freedom.

And when the romantic moonlight spreads across
The lawn with silver shadows
It gives us pleasure of dreaming in silence....

©Jack Aylward
 Oct 2015
aniket nikhade
Initially at first it just comes as a thought
Something, which is part of routine
Since routine is boring, we tend to think differently
Apart from routine
Even in doing there is no deviation in thought process
All we do is we think about something different.

Think about something
Something, which does not come quite often to your mind
Something new
Something different
Something that seems quite distinct and rare
Something unusual
Some sort of a thing, something
Something with which you are not frequently accustomed
Something that does not belong to your routine

Since normal and routine life is boring
It’s completely normal to think of something different

In doing so,
Initially, at first it will come to mind as a sort of a wave
Just for a moment or so

Then afterwards,
This something will become a figment of imagination

This something seems to be a bit far more exaggerated

Then afterwards over a period of time
This something will seem close to your life

Then again,
This something will get remotely connected somewhere with the thoughts going on in your mind.

It’s an imagination
This something is nothing, but an imagination
Not even more of an imagination, but definitely an imagination.

Imagination, desire, dreams are part of everyone’s life
Still everyone has his own way to look at them
Everyone deals with them in their own way.

As strange as it may seem to be, one thing is for sure
Imagination has always remained a part of each and everyone’s life
Consistency and frequency may vary, it may differ
However, over a period of time
Like dreams and desire, imagination also becomes a part of everyone’s life.
night melts her leaves
on the winds
carrying the cloudy
scurry of the sky
to the cindery lanes.
 Oct 2015
Kelly Rose
So many words and languages
Often confuses more than clarifies
I pull words from deep within
And am left
Sil­ence reigns
Meaning is lost
As words pour forth
In an instant
A moment is perfectly captured
And I feel I finally know myself
Silence reigns
Meaning is lost
As words pour forth
          And I am lost

Kelly Rose
October 6, 2015
 Oct 2015
I love you,
The best is yet to come.
Don't scramble,
Let us plan our lives.
We have it in our hands,
Luck and destiny will bend before us.

Yes we toil for it,
Both of us will put efforts.
Don't be scared dear,
Just hold my hand firmly.
What we can't individually do,
Together we will manage it all.

The sun in our sky has risen,
It will reach higher up above.
Not burning it will emblazon,
Just shining away all darkness.
How differences of ours remain,
We won't let them become large.

And yes, today I tell you darling,
Two different individuals we are.
So many of differences will ripen,
But how we treat them is unto us.
We can't let them become so large,
The love we share is much bigger.

Just practice perseverance my love,
Stay strong & toil hard we both will.
Not breaking mountains we must be,
Still challenging stay all our methods.
Zest of ours must not fail in this spirit,
Zealous we voyage on in the sea of life.

We both have that passion in ourselves,
Helping people parry off all the dangers.
Never would we worry about our past,
For we both cherish the lessons learnt.
Odds will often rise between both of us,
We won't let them disunite us any day.

This love I feel is a bit experienced,
And my experience tells me a lot.
We must never fall out separate,
Because together we're happy.
Differences do not invite rifts,
Neither should we let them...
Written under the effects of the wine called love.

My HP Poem #804
©Atul Kaushal
My relation with her
inhabits a silent space,

you don't need to talk much
below the ocean's surface,

it's like a rest after your work is done
an earned breather after a long run.

Now it's holding hands and swimming together
having seen all the weather.
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