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 Dec 2015
Her hand in mine, fingers interlocking in a position that seems so natural to us now. In the heat of summer they stick, our palms sticky from sweat as the sun beats down. But I don't mind, as long as her hand is in mine.

Her smile as she laughs at one of my stupid jokes, and I smile back. My arm round her waist as we cuddle up in the warmth of my bed, outside the trees turn all shades of autumn and slowly deposit leaves onto my driveway. But it's okay, as long as next to me she lays.

Her cheeks, rosy from the cool of the air as we lay together under the stars. I gently wrap my scarf around her neck, shivering a little at my own loss of warmth. But I don't care, as long as it is my clothes she wears.

Her eyes, fluttering peacefully as she naps next to me. It has been months apart, so much lost time for us to make up. She shifts, sleepily curling up against my body. My arm is crooked at an angle so I can play with her hair. But I don't mind, as long as she is just fine.
i dont show it often enough but she means the world to me. whatever i have to do, i dont mind as long as she is happy
 May 2015
Do not tell me what love is,
and what love is not.
They say love is like butterflies in your stomach,
like two halves of a whole,
but, at least to me, that's not what love is.

Love is not a perfect movie romance,
it is raw, it is powerful,
it is real.
Love is a natural disaster; a tsunami of emotions destroying everything in it's path,
it's a war filled with bombs, sacrifice and pain but somehow you still continue the battle.
Love is not a walk in the park at sunset,
it is the tugging of hair and the smell of sweat in the air as you moan into each other's mouths,
it is the moments you ought to feel vulnerable as you lie naked chest to back but all you feel is security,
it is the anger and the tears and raised voices because you never expected to feel so desperately and wholly completed by someone else.

Love is not sweet,
unless you love the taste of sugar-coated *******.
Love is an unexplained wrenching in your chest,
a thousand tears shed and a million more to come,
aching, unbearable lust that makes you hate yourself more than insults ever could

but, at least to me, it's worth it.
Every moment of pain has been worth it because I am so irrevocably in love with you.
 Apr 2015
Oh God I miss you.

I miss your laughter,
I miss the smell of your shampoo,
I miss bathing together,
I miss making you moan.
Confused dot com
 Feb 2015
Tyler Durden
The fading sunset and the moon cry
for their spot in the sky
Yet they still lack what I see in your eyes.
 Jan 2015
One day when this is all over,
I'll take you to Paris.
We can walk over bridges with our fingers intwined and talk about how funny it is that things weren't always perfect between us.
We'll laugh because it seems ridiculous that once upon a time,
we weren't happy together and we shed blood and tears over the feel of our lips on the other's.

One day when this is all over,
I'll tell you how much you've always meant to me.
How you brought me out of the dark and taught me how to shine a light and find the way out,
and even though I left you half way and when you finally escaped you stole my light for your own,
I still loved you.

At least,
that's what I tell myself to get to sleep at night.
I know there won't be a one day,
there won't ever be an us again.
I made sure of that the day I left you in the dark without a light,
but now the memory of that bright, shining warmth that you brought into my life is the only thing that stops me from being consumed all together.
stupid stupid ignore this i am in such a wallowing self pitying mood its disgusting
 Jan 2015
And now more than ever I wish I could tell me then what I see now,
because my mind is filled with the colour of your eyes and how they change from bright to a light, almost dusty grey when you're sad,
the feel of your skin when we fall asleep entwined and the smell of your sweaters when we are apart.
And now more than ever I wish I could tell me then what I see now,
because I have realised too late how happy you made me.
i miss her so much :( i hate myself
 Jan 2015
The taste of your name on my lips,
Like sweet roasted chestnuts on autumn walks in the park,
Like the tang of ***** on my tongue in bars filled with strangers,
Thinking of you,
and how no matter what your name tastes like,
it will never be as good as tasting you.
 Jan 2015
It comes in waves and surges,
aching in my bones and coursing through my veins,
and I wish I could hate you and curse your name,
but at the end of the day it is I who takes the blame.

I wish I could rewind back,
think to myself stop and think about what is wrong,
because I would see it's not us or you but me
and I could apologise and cry and tell you how much I am sorry but now when the moon is in the sky and my only companions are the scabs on my arms and the ***** burning in my throat my words aren't so clear and my message isn't so simple and I just wish
I could hate you and curse your name,
but at the end of the day it is I who takes the blame.
i ******* hate myself for what i did to you and how i just make it worse
 Jan 2015
The curve of your spine in the dark,
soft and perfectly shaped to fit just against me like two halves of a whole,
just like our lips, hands,
our hearts,
molding together as if made for one another,
but I chipped,
a piece is missing and no longer do bodies, lips, hands,
or hearts,
fit together so smoothly and I wonder whether you could have ever fixed me?
all my fault
 Jan 2015
Let me sleep,
I am so tired of being tired,
I want to rest and forget but you haunt my mind,
both awake and asleep.
I apologise for the millionth time,
crying out for you to forgive me but my words are not heard,
they never will be.
I miss you,
I ache from endless heart ache,
I want to rewind or at least rid my mind of you but I cannot,
both awake and asleep.
I hate myself so much oh god

— The End —