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In the dead black sky
I found you
Through the dark grey clouds
You shine through

Gracefully twinkling
That's what you do
Wishful thinking:
you whispered, "I love you."
Underneath a crushing moonlit
Roses are dancing in a glow garden
Cram of comeliness whispering through my pensive
Applaud an agitating mind of dragging love
That submerging under a poetic passion
A wild **** of beauty wishing to crave a romance
Stressing on mind that makes
Bubbles of emotions simultaneously,
Touching and filling the empty dreams
That essence of heaven creating the melody of divine music
Passing through the poet's nose and nails
Deep ache  popping at the heart and stone
There render of love conceiving to catch a **** of heaven
A tangible gaiety that creates so surprising illusion
The glimmer chords becoming to splash
The utmost inflames growing to outburst,
Bursts into the fire of gaiety--
Psyche pouring a fathomless passion till the twilight
Where there I am dancing alone with my shadow,
Ah! my Love--
Oh! my Love ----
What a Crushing Moonlit!!  
@ Musfiq us shaleheen
underneath the crushing moonlit: the beauty makes a divine melody
The biggest mistake you can make is thinking romantic love is the only type that hurts. Because a friend's judgmental looks can feel like a stab in the gut, a parent's disapproval could make you feel worthless, and a siblings backhanded compliment can feel like a smack in the face. No matter what kind of love it is, you open yourself up to that person. And as with any kind of love, it is those people who can hurt you the most. Loving people is exhausting. And loosing friends you once loved can hurt more than anything else in the world.
She--about him

He is the only one in her heart
Nothing else
He is the reason of her smile,
For the morning text,
And for the last word at night
But she is afraid
Of getting hurt,
Without knowing his feeling
So she left...

He--about her

She is counted by him
She is all he sees
Nothing compare her nature beauty for him
But he does not know,
What she is feeling
He can not proof his love
And she is leaving
So he knows that she is not into him...
And he is letting her go..
Is it that hard to proof your love?
The Poet's Life is a lonely life,
We chose this life you see,
We like our solitude and we like our
freedom to write away without anyone
around us you see.

Writing is our passion,
Writing is our life,
Most great poets and writers have depression
and are manic depressive and many take their life.

People don't understand us, they   walk  away from
us and many of don't fall in love because it detracts us from our writing life.
We are meant to be lonely and seek comfort in our writing and by words that can tell our story of our very lonely life.
Never fall in love with a cloud

I saw you in the skies,
and i started loving you

However short i had seen you, i thought you were going to rain
And all i had to do was go outside, and let you soak me

I could imagine us going on dates, and hitting it off, and one day getting married

You'd be all around me, and i inside you
Time would stand still, and we would be together for a short forever

but you're a cloud
you just floated away

and now you're gone

I've seen other clouds
but they didn't seem right
even weeks later, i'm still hoping for your rain
She stole a cigarette from his pack
if he had known
she would probably get a slap
she had been doing that since long
hoping to share death,that smoke cause
at least that's the way she thought,

this advertisement"Smoke is injurious to health"
made her think it reduces his life's length
she couldn't stop him from smoking
so she starts to smoke,instead
in order to share same living hour
she fooled herself being addictive !

today,she stole a cigarette again
but today,its for herself
he is just an excuse to make
for her to smoke again !
Stupidity makes people do anything.
If I could cup the stars in my hands
for a second they might glow,
then catch ablaze
and melt away


into an infinity,
of swirling illuminated darkness.
Not all beautiful things are meant to be held
collaberation with Cadence Musick
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