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Aug 2018 · 385
Like a beacon she calls me.
Illuminating the skyline over the mountains,
Sounding like a siren across the ocean,
The bolt of lightning in the desert Storm that makes the night day.
Her soul shines for me,
And mine, raises to meet hers,
Carrying me like a homing pigeon,
Flying to the source of the call:
Of love,
Of life,
Of the place to be home.
My heart leads me to her,
For there I belong.
No distance is too great, no ocean to wide, or valley too deep.
I hear it,
The sweetest sound.
It dances in the rhythm of her heartbeat,
Luring me,
Captivating me.
She was made for me.
My soulmate.
Feb 2018 · 218
I'm craving you like air
My mind wanders
drifting off in thoughts of you
Floating on dreams of your presence
And memories of our afternoons
My mind fades away every night
into the darkness of sleep
but the Light of you fills my mind
My dreams
My hopes
My future.
Feb 2018 · 262
Find me in the shadows
Take me by the hand
Lead me to your hideaway
Devour me with a renewed hunger
Jan 2018 · 295
River pools
Escape with me
into pools of tranquility,
Where love flows
Boundless like the river
Recklessly like a food
Washing over us
Consuming us
Streaming around and through us
Until it defines us.
Jan 2018 · 313
The world was left behind
As we soared into the clouds
Our private escape waiting for us
The birds welcomed the new lovers
And sang along with the sounds of joy
Consummating the wildness in our hearts
The rain gently patters down,
And the leaves blow in the breeze
Fanning the passion between us
The animal hunger arises again
Only to feast on each other
To consume us in desire
Your are my bride
And I am yours forever
Jan 2018 · 652
Without my armor
She strips me of my shield
Taking with it the world
The worry
The burdens
Healing me
Embracing me
Clothing me in her love
I now wear the richest coat
The strongest fabric
Jan 2018 · 322
Lingering in lust
I love your smile
Your laugh
Your Whimper
Your moans
Your cries
Your breaths
The air around you is filled with your presence
Your smell
Your soul fills me
And fules me
To be better for you
That one day
I may be worthy
Jan 2018 · 2.0k
Object Permenance
I dream about you
When I'm completely awake
I see you every time I close my eyes
And every time I open them
You're burned into my retina
Like I've been staring at the sun
Nov 2017 · 697
My Muse's Gift
Within me you've inspired a new creation;
sparked a new passion
Ignited new words
once dormant
now burning with a purpose.
To tell the world
that I love you,
that I'm yours,
that you've stolen my heart
and bound me to your soul.
These words,
along with me,
are eternally yours.
Nov 2017 · 2.1k
Raindrops falling as we walk
Pitter pat, on the umbrella we share
Fingers intertwined,
The crisp air flows over our skin
As we walk in lock-step.

We splash in the puddles
Left behind from the dips
The leaves sticking to our boots
As we search for a soft dry place

To spread our coats
Under the boughs of a pine
Feeling the crunch of the needles
As I lay you down

Our lips meet
Cool from the weather
Warm tongues chase away the cold
As a fire is lit

It burns. Slow, and hot.
Out here, it melts everything away
Skin exposed, it knows no chill
As mouth and hands keep warm

Wet and salt we crave
The fire burning hotter
Our legs woven together
As the warmth fill us both

We near the spark
Touching the flame
Feeling its sting
Tasting its warmth on our lips

Fire consumes us
Burning within the depths
Ablaze with passion
No longer contained

Wildfire dances within us
Billows blow
Flames fanned

Dwindling, we breathe
Smelling the singe, fall together
Skin steaming
Aching from the burn

Pitter pat, the leaves remind us
The flames die down
Arms like coils release
To adorn the robes we wore

Fingers entangle again
Lips warm, bodies embrace
Water drops cool on our heads
Eyes sparkling at one another

Onto the trail
Our alter fire diminished
We slowly walk away
A spark burning within her
Written as a daydream
Sep 2017 · 815
Split from the same atom,
Our souls are bound to one another.
Magnetically pulled together as if they have gravity.
Orbiting this world alone and on different paths,
We were joined in a whirlwind of electricity.
Charged with passion and chemical attraction
Our hearts melted into one.
Forever, I shall be fused to you.
A love poem for my soul's twin.
Sep 2017 · 326
Caffeine Rush
I ordered coffee
But then she walked in the shop
Espresso ignored
Jul 2017 · 420
The Tree on Raven Hill
I laid down to rest one afternoon under a tree on Raven Hill.
Broad roots stretching wide to invite me against her base.
As I nestled there, I could feel the heartbeat of life pulsing through her.
The roots twisted and turned like a Celtic knot, deep with history.
Time has strengthened her through hardship and neglect;
Yet here she stands with grace and majesty.
Her smooth trunk reaches heavenward, and is topped with lush red fruit.
Enamored and tempted, I ask her for a gift from her bounty.
With the shifting winds she bend and places her fruit in my hands.
And as I taste it's sweetness, I become transformed.
I find myself taking root in the ground beside her,
Growing tall and wrapping my arms around her as we intertwine our branches.
In time we will stand together, grafted into one another,
While our joint fruit spreads throughout the world, as the most cherished delicacy.
Together we shall be one tree of life, there on Raven Hill.
Jun 2017 · 505
Fighting the dawn
In a few hours, the sun will crest over the eastern sky, greeting you with another morning.
The day will steal you from me, welcoming you as the rays surely falling across your cheeks as you drive into work.
But now, before the dawn, as I savor the fragrance of your presence, I am in heaven.
If only I could pause the sky, letting the horizon slumber for a few more moments; then I could linger in this place where you rest with me.
But my fateful efforts to fight the dawn are in vain, and I am left to simply whisper, "good morning."
Jun 2017 · 475
In This Moment
The embrace says it all.
Your head resting on my chest,
our bodies pulled tightly together.
You breathe me in,
listening to my heartbeat.
The warmth of my breath across your skin ,
the strength of my arms are enough.
You come back for more.
In this moment
you are not mine;
I am yours.
Jun 2017 · 479
Future glow
Lying, breathing, soaking in my lover
The afterglow illuminating the night.
Soft skin, smooth to touch, her belly freshly filled
Claimed to be the place where my child shall grow.
Fingers find their way around one another
Clutching to the new future ahead.
May 2017 · 655
The Far Off Desire
There’s a woman that I know
Who’s smile and grace cause me to stop in my tracks
There’s a woman that I fancy
Who fills my every sense with her being
There’s a woman that I admire
Who I dream of our fingers intertwined
There’s a woman I desire
Who’s lips beg to be kissed gently, with passion
There’s a woman that I crave
Who i would relish every moment just to be in her presence
There’s a woman that I love
But I can’t buy her flowers.
@2017 Christopher A. Michaels

— The End —