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 Sep 2019 Chinny
 Sep 2019 Chinny
Youโ€™re a hole in the ground
When Iโ€™m looking for a break in the clouds
An old phone number resurfaced in my life today. And though I was very flattered, I was also very aware of why I wasn't very talkative back then. It just wasn't what I wanted and then some. Sorry.
 Sep 2019 Chinny
Think of what you want the most
To share with another human being
And if you canโ€™t envision your lover there
Simply being
It will never be so
2017 - On a plane to Austin, a stranger told me something really worthwhile. And now I give it to you in verse form.

When you're questioning if you're with the right person. Get out of your own head and take a mental look at the future. If you can't see your current interest there. Can't envision your life together (or whatever). Pick up your phone and let them know that your search goes on.

Lies are unexpected
You could have lie to others
But you can't lie to yourself

Lies are unnecessary
Why choose to tell lies
When you could just tell the truth

Lies are usually for the cowards
It doesn't make things better
They mess you up miserably
 Sep 2019 Chinny
It's a simple smile
Softly over a small cup
Of steaming coffee
Which cries almost quietly
"Joy alive in crinkled eyes"
Happiness is overrated. But Joyfulness through faith, cannot enough be exaggerated.

Perhaps a verbal self-portrait of sorts. Lolz.
 Sep 2019 Chinny
Michael Joseph
I adore youโ€ฆ

Your will undeniable,

Your word unbreakable,

Your strength undefeatable,

I never stood a chance.

Youโ€™re the all brave, all mighty,

omnipotent, omniscient,

The giver of life, the righteous,

And I must follow you, obeyย ย you

Follow your footsteps, or be punished,

But I was disobedient,

a curdled flesh

unworthy of my creator,

A disgrace in his presence.


โ€œBless me, father, for I have sinned.โ€

(Your mighty fists resound inside my head.)

โ€œForgive me for defying you.โ€

(Your glorious feats like whippings I canโ€™t bear.)

โ€œSave me from this darkness, my savior.โ€

(Your word a storm outside my world.)

โ€œAnd mold me in your spirit.โ€

(I hated you.)



I am a follower of your girdled path through goodness,

A witness of your immortal rule.
This poem was created when I started being aware that my parents are very self-serving when it comes to decision making. I was so frustrated back then, but now I understand that every person have all their self-interests weighed in before giving their decisions, and it works the same with parenting.
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