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 Jan 2015 Sam cee
Tiberias Paulk
I ate mushrooms in a field in an attempt to reveal gods, I learned much about the thing I am and all the things I'm not, I drank acid by the fistful to open up the sky, but for every answer found there was born another why, I eat peyote in the mountains I know not what I'll find, but what a joy to journey in depths of ones own mind
 Dec 2014 Sam cee
Seed Of Death
writing poetry is not easy, in fact your born with it.
some people say i cant do it, i agree.

As i sit here next to my inspiration i think, i think and think

my mind turning and turning just for the idea to come.

i get the idea I've been looking for.
i think i did good for not being good at poetry
i was inspired by karl Franssen who is sitting right next to me
 Dec 2014 Sam cee
Amitav Radiance
The moonlight drapes the night
With the shimmering veil
Night’s silhouette looks gorgeous
As it sculpts beauty every where
A dream within, echoes
Across the valley
Loved by the moon
The night bathes in eternal beauty
Silver rays kiss the soul
 Dec 2014 Sam cee
Amitav Radiance
The magnanimity of your soul
And the warmth of your smile
Kindness in your actions
Willingness to help others
With the hands of love
Anoint the wounds with care
Speak the words that heal
And you gain happiness
By spreading as much kindness
Life shall have meaning
Worth something to live with
 Dec 2014 Sam cee
Amitav Radiance
Through the warped mind
The beauty of this world looks askew
Riding the tumultuous waves
Every paradise becomes a desert
Armed with notoriety
Lacerates the souls with thorns
Finding nemesis in the actions
In the nadir world
The greatest blessing for a woman is to be a  mother
Like a tree grew up from the earth
A child comes out from the womb of a mother
Only a woman can give all of us birth

Mother is as patient as our holy hand
Who bears with all impurities of humans
But remains pure and cool with her loving hand
She is beautiful in all seasons

Mother may be young, middle aged or old
But her heart is really made of gold
Without earth there is no nature
Without mother nor is any human future

A child may go away from mother’s breast
As a tree’s roots are entrenched in earth’s crest
His/her leanings are in mother’s hearty grace
That is the beauty of human race
This poem is dedicated to my friend GEORGINA HUDSON who writes blogs on Teaching
 Dec 2014 Sam cee
Gwen Taylor
The rain runs off my skin,
my hands catch the hail.
My fingers are the galaxies,
my toes are the undergrowth.

My eyes are water; pure,
my lips are wild animals.
My hairs are the leaves in autumn,
my legs are the roots of trees.

I am earth,
I am mother earth
© all rights reserved
 Dec 2014 Sam cee
richie dagger
A starving sensation overcomes
Filled with desire
A thirst for change
Thirst for destruction
Thirst for fire

A bomb has dropped on humanity
Charred our moral integrity
Gotta find a cure, mankind is a plague
To our Mother Earth
If she could've predicted the future
She would have chosen
Abortion over birth
Earths anxiety; she feels too crowded her heart beat racing; volcanos erupt and the ground shakes. She's just trying to get rid of all the waste
 Dec 2014 Sam cee
Bad Luck
You led me down the mountain just like a raging river
My soul had no path, no less a nomad than a drifter.
You carried me as if there were no other way
No slow pace down the mountain – in your current, I will stay.
We’ve built an interdependency, your water begets life
But be gentle, my dear— water cuts just like a knife.
You maintain and sustain, bringing life within the rain.
Carving rivers into rock, your blood pumps through my veins.
Body to blood, and earth unto water
Propelling each other, we’ll make us stronger.
"Bad Luck: In a Wakeful Contradiction" is now available on Amazon in paperback!

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