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MeganW Jan 2015
Just because you are in love does not mean the sadness won’t stop creeping in, that some days you will feel yourself getting bad again.
Being in love is not about being happy all the time or acting happy for your significant other.
Love is about being vulnerable and letting your significant other sit there in the darkness and be a night light.
So come here.
Lie with me.
Be my night light because sometimes I am scared of the dark.
MeganW Dec 2014
My body and brain become in sync with nature.
A darkness always creeps over my skin in winter.
And just like the trees begin to die, so does a piece of me.
Snow falls down more like ashes around me than a flurry of beauty.
This snow may blanket the earth but it certainly is not keeping it warm.
It is as if winter is slowly freezing a portion of me.
So I will wait until spring when my heart slowly thaws and the birds once again sing a sweet melody.
I will crawl out of my own head where I have chosen to hibernate and let flowers grow in my mind.
MeganW Dec 2014
I've always wanted to travel the world.
I have such a desire to explore every crack, crevice, and beautiful sight this planet has to offer.
When I looked in your eyes I finally realized I didn't need to travel the world because I found my whole world staring into your eyes.
Now all I want is to follow those eyes wherever they go and I'll know I've seen the world.
MeganW Dec 2014
Your head is a prison you can't escape.
When I'm not there your mind begins to think maybe you don't want to be here, on this earth, at all.
Even when I am there your brain may drift to that dark cave.
I am so sorry you feel this way at times.
I wish I could take your past and we could rewind.
I cannot change your past but I will be your future.
I cannot protect you from yourself but I will hold you until the demons all run away.
I cannot force you to desire to live but I hope you see life in me.
I hope you see a future, a family.
I hope you see someone who will love you with everything.
So feel, cry, and when you need to let yourself - feel the urge to die but I will lie there right by your side showing you a love as wide as the Grand Canyon and as deep as the sea.
I love you
MeganW Dec 2014
I see forever in your eyes
MeganW Nov 2014
You told me that you and I were not just a forest but a state park
Our lives were like roots of trees that have just begun to get entangled in each other
There is no you without me or me without you
We are together
We are one
Slowly we are creating something so extraordinarily beautiful
People will come from miles and miles away to be inspired by our love and stare in awe of how truly rare and wonderful it is
You and I are creating life
You and I are creating what others only dream of
So let us water these hearts of our that have become one
Let me kiss you so deeply you forget whose air you are breathing and our lungs become the same
It may be winter outside but inside of us spring is constantly blooming
Our passion is as hot as wildfire I just pray it never burns this forest down
MeganW Nov 2014
You made me believe I could fall in love and that someone could fall in love with me
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