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 May 2015 Carlique King
when you'll ask me
"how much do you love me?",
In answer, I will not spread my arms wide.

I will rather wrap them around you
and will never let you go.
 May 2015 Carlique King
I've been at this whole depression and anxiety thing for far too long and it's like how many times do I have to keep pulling myself back up when life knocks me down
I've written so many poems
About heartache and regret and worry
About people who will never care enough to read them
For people I could never trust enough
To share with anyway
I showed you my poems today
The sad ones and the happy ones
You wrote your first poem today

I feel like there is someone grabbing my heart
It only stops when I'm around you
When I look into those Aqua eyes
I see joy
I see trust
The worry of not knowing is gone because you know there is no need
Because I will never leave

I stopped writing sad poems
When your lips first met mine
I hate the way you don't tell me your feelings
I hate when I feel like you don't care
I hate that even though you're near, you're not there
I hate that you make me feel so many different emotions

I want to punch you in the jaw
I want to kiss you on the lips
I want to kick you in the shins
I want to hug you close to me

I love to hear you walking down he hallway
I love when you tell me your fears and dreams
I love when you look at me in the eye
I love that you make me feel so many emotions

I need to be able to call you mine
I need to have you around always
I need you in all ways thought
I need you to want me back the same

I love you
No, wait
I hate you
i dont wear bras

          my **** will look great when im old

i gave up on makeup

          unless its a special occasion or my friends are convincing

my fingernails and toenails are clean

              nail polish prevents your nails from breathing

ive outgrown my asthma

       my lungs rise and fall

          so deeply, so freely

since i was 15

   there has always been a boy in my life

          i intend to cross that off the list too
 May 2015 Carlique King
 May 2015 Carlique King
I just want you to be mine, I want to hold your hand, till the end of time. And watch the sky in your arms, you would keep me safe without harm, and we could be happy as lovers, and friends, and our happiness together would never come to an end...
 May 2015 Carlique King
 May 2015 Carlique King
He Ditched you and left your heart in torment
He Summoned storm to ruin your sunny weather

*"He gives you moment, I'm willing to give you forever."
It's about a girl, with a broken heart. My lines her thought, my rhymes her taught. 2bars
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