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Sometimes you do not
Need to 'look' or 'be good' but
Simply look and be.
I don't quite know how
You manage to make me feel
As loved as you do.
He is the unforgettable type
Everything he does
Everything he says
Is just instantly burned forever
To the back of your head

Sometimes this just occurs
You don't notice
You don't see it coming
Feelings come out of nowhere

But in cases like this
You see this person coming
And you know they are going to be important
Feelings start growing
Feelings you can't avoid

You start falling for this person
And you can't help but do so
You know they may hurt you
You're giving them the power to
But you hope they won't

Because that's the problem with the unforgettable type
They burn so bright
Until they consume you
And they shine like they never have before
Like you never will
Because ashes is all you are left with
slowly forget you
life without you
your stuff
your voice
your laugh
your eyes
your touch
almost all gone
almost forgotten

always sticks to me
still hurts me
my tongue
my nose
my mind
my soul
my heart
never leaving
never be forgotten

always burns in me
still leaving scars
your fragrance
your flavor
your smell
your perfume
your scent
unforgettable fire
unforgettable glow
I caught you staring
at me,
you looked away,
and pulled
your sly
little smile.

I've been warned,
from the very first day,
to stay away.

But like our first
you're hard to forget.

You caught me staring
at you,
and i didn't look away.

You have my attention,
a forbidden engagement.
Why do we like the baddest people?
Those that I have loved
Have never understood me.
Those that have loved me,
I have never bothered to understand.
You are brave
You are kind
You are strong
You are warm
You are wise
and You are mine.
To all those out there blessed enough to have and hold the ones they love.
 May 2015 Can You Be My Trophy
I'll keep my eyes wide open
I'll keep my arms wide open
dont let me go / harry styles
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