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Heather Anderson Feb 2020
How is it possible
to force myself
to fall
in love
with the one
I’ve despised
for so long?
Loving myself isn’t easy
Heather Anderson Jul 2019
Life is the adventure that I just don't want to be on
Heather Anderson Jun 2018
I'm just a bookmark
In the story of your life.
One that you won't necessarily forget,
But one that will end up getting lost on the pavement and trampled.
I'm not even a chapter in your life.
I'm not a part of your story at all.
I'm just merely
a bookmark.
Heather Anderson Jan 2018
My true love lies
In an open field
Of hills, plains, and daisies
With mountains on the horizon,
A vast calm sea,
A vivifying breeze behind me,
And a bright, clear, wide open sky.
Listen to this <3
Heather Anderson Jan 2018
Don't stand fast in fear of being moved by passion.
Be carried away in its waves

There is the passion that burns like a flame,
But beware of the passion so intense
you end up enveloped
where you burn or drown.
Edit: 3/30/2023
Heather Anderson Jan 2018
It's hard to create
A world to escape
When the tool that is needed
Is destroying itself
Mental breakdowns
Heather Anderson Jun 2017
Life can be like a seesaw
With it's highs and lows
And sometimes at a low point
You hit the ground hard enough where it bruises and hurts
And sometimes you shoot into the air in a wild rush of euphoria.
Love can be similar.
Except with you on the other end,
You stay at the bottom
Holding me in the air
Feeling as if I could touch the sky.
But you can easily just get up and walk away without looking back
Leaving me all alone
To fall.
Needs editing
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