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 May 2015 Emperor King Brett
Big ears
Small nose
Frizzy hair
Chubby thighs
Scars on legs
Birthmarks on arms
Small *****
Flaws are nothing to be ashamed of
They are our hidden roadmaps to places only we really know
Embrace every flaw that covers your body
They make you, you.
when I was a little girl I used to walk the streets alone

I met this man with horns and a tail, he was all alone
something about him was charming and made me stay
he asked me to sit with him, he wanted to tell me a story

it was a story about the ABC's of death
and I could never get it out of my head

A was for accidentally falling for someone
B was for broken, something all humans are
C was for compassion, a thing he never showed

the story was long and cruel, it always made me wonder
if all these things are really true, what does love mean
if the demons that are haunting me at night are real
and they are here to come and get me, what does life mean

Im scared to go to sleep tonight I dont want to die
if I could just lay my head on your chest to hear your heartbeat
maybe when Im with you the devil wouldn't dare to torture me
maybe the voices would stop talking when Im around you

but you always was more like the sun
something the moon could never touch

the ABC's of death, my death.
Im scared okay
i could delete your pictures,
i could block you.
i could sit and write a million "i hate you's",
but it doesn't change how i feel about you.

i could delete your number,
i could force my your name down my throat whenever i feel it coming up,
and if it does come up i could puke on it
and flush it like a bad memory.
will this change how i feel?

i could find every song that speaks about the hatred of a love that has gone wrong,
and belt it out at the top of my lungs.
i could burn every poem i ever wrote about you,
and swear to never write another one.
but not even this would change the way i feel about you.

you can check me a thousand years later
and you'll see that my love for you will never run dry.
 May 2015 Emperor King Brett
You walked out.
Not me.
So don't pout.

You want me back?
Too bad, Jack.

You did this ****.
Now, live with it.
 May 2015 Emperor King Brett
I’m looking for you
in every part of him
hoping when I hold his hand
I’ll be able to go back
to the time when
we swore we’d never let go
hoping when my lips touch his
it’ll remind me of the nights we didn’t sleep
and the days we spent in bed
hoping when I tell him about my day
it’ll be your voice replying
and telling me everything will be okay
if I squint my eyes
I can make myself believe he is you
even though he will never have your mesmerizing eyes
the deepest shade of mahogany brown- like hardwood
I remember the fire in your gaze
it set my mind, body and soul ablaze
his hair will never be quite messy enough
his handshake never so firm
his walk will always be too stiff
and his voice never deep enough
but maybe if I close my eyes
maybe if I silence my mind
maybe if I pray and hope and yearn enough
I will be able
to find parts of you
hidden inside him
and maybe,
just maybe,
I will be able to go back
to the time when it was you and i
and there is nothing
in the whole world
that I would want more
// there are certain people you just keep coming back to //
Broken shards of coffee glass, french vanilla
Chinese food and a long walk home
Wasn't ready to get on the bus
Got a job than lost it
To a roommate who seduced my one true love until he left
Then he showed up-
A face from the past who loved hockey
And he didn't make me sing about my leather-
He just wanted me to laugh and dance
And reminded me of its vitality
Back to vanilla coffee glass and Chinese
Still not ready to get on the bus
(It's gonna be a long walk home)
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