He died that day. That man. I may have gone there to **** him, And I may have wanted him to die, But he died Because he fell upon my sword. Willingly. He died. But I wished he hadn't. I wanted him to live a little longer So he could see me burn down his kingdom And all the people in it. And then I would have killed him. That night.
I don't feel like myself I feel like yelling I feel like crying And I don't feel like writing But here I am . . . Because it's supposed to help They said it helps
In the darkness A hand reaches out To pull you under To drag you out Or to just move closer Until you drown With your eyes closed Sunken tears Blinding light It pierces Your eyelids To your eyes You still see The sunlight Into the water You jumped in So in the darkness You're floating Sinking in further Until a hand reaches out Drags you out Across the bank And pretends to Save you But then jumps into The water And takes you with Then you're just swimming Till you're sunken.
I can see the way Your rhymes they play Your head You've got that blame On pause Now hit repeat I don't do rhymes Patterns Circles Or anything That spins my head Because I get dizzy And then my head hurts Then I get awkward And I don't like it. Then I get nauseous And I hate it. And then someone out there Decides to hit Repeat.