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Jun 2016 · 623
Paxton Potter Jun 2016
The chemicals in leafs allow for amazing things
Leafs process their own food from something as basic as light
And, with just a few other things, break apart those compunds and produce something entirely new

But beautiful flowers and sugars aren't live's most marvelous miracle
Love and pain and growth and friendship elude
For all the chemicals they boast, dopamine isn't among them
They are alive, but they don't live

While sentience escapes them
Perhaps that isn't the key
Because when you have thoughts and neurons firing
And yet there's a crushing abyss yawning
Somewhere deep inside you
That's when things get scary

Leafs are a simple thing
Not at all scary
You always think there are worse things to be than a leaf
But when you're a leaf
Empty and beautiful
Emotionless and amazing
There may be beautiful things you make
Beautiful crazy wonderful things
Leaves all have one thing in common

Because they all inevitably fall
And people pass them by
Without notice

crunch crunch crunch

And then you're gone
i stopped writing poems bc i was less depressed and since im back we can all guess what that means ahahh yea
Apr 2015 · 766
Fool's Gold
Paxton Potter Apr 2015
It’s said
Glittering things just in the distance do not always mean that gold is just within reach
for fools gold is so much nearer to the truth

And in a similar vein
Smiles and laughter do not always denote happiness
because those in the most pain know well enough how to hide it
and that you would probably prefer it that way

And just like mining,
One has to dig past the surface
To see whats hidden within
So break out your pickaxe
and plop on your safety gear
and if you care as much as you like to say you do
Get ready to work
and dig
and get *****

Who knows what you’ll find
Diamonds or coal
Riches or nothing at all
Gold or pyrite
The truth or another lie
For even past surface level
Things can remain hidden in the dark

Just when you think you’ve reached the treasure
You’ve searched for so desperately
Your foot might fall upon something you didn’t even see
A pitfall perhaps
and down you go
Further from your goals than ever before

If there’s one thing i’ve learned in my life
It’s how to set traps and barricades
So unwary spelunkers never touch my heart
and only those who really care will get close
Close enough to free my heart from the barbed wire prison I created

My gold and treasure
My friendship
Is only for those who can earn my trust
Because while my body isn’t a temple
My soul is sacred land
Never to be desecrated by uncaring hands
And I will never let the hymns and lullabies I whisper myself to sleep with
To encourage myself
To let myself dream for a bright future
Be taken

I will never see them ruined or changed to fit the agenda of the uncaring deity you see yourself as
Instead I’ll bury them in the sacred land of my heart
Only to be found by those deserving
I will never allow myself to lose the love I have to give
For friends and family
For even after I dissipate into the end
Into the resounding, echoing, heartbreaking “Nevermore!”
My whispered lullabies will remain for those who earned the right to listen
And so for now I'll leave my treasure locked and buried
My love safe within my heart, my temple
Until you can prove to me you deserve it
whoops hello i am back
Jan 2015 · 482
Paxton Potter Jan 2015
Scars criss cross my mind
Faded lines tangled like a web
The web of fears deep within me
Has my heart in a chokehold
And keeps me trapped within my anxieties
My pale skin and fat rolls become more rigid
Like the iron bars on a gilded cage
My words are trapped in the prison I've become
Social obligations becoming my shackles
Due dates I'm too weary to handle
And events I won't attend
My body has become my prison,
But there's no bail,
The security too strong for a jail break
All there is is eternity,
And a lifetime sentence
Whoops I wrote this instead of studying for exams
Dec 2014 · 833
Poisoned Goodbyes
Paxton Potter Dec 2014
I’m not interested in your
Once upon a times
Happily Ever Afters
Because I get it

Really, I do

I don’t need your fairy tales
Or your white lies
All I want is the truth
Answers to my questions
The truth about love

The lies about friendship
Washed away

I’m old enough, mature enough
I deserve the truth
Eros or Otherwise
Can love last?

And if time is the test
That decides if we last
I think I might skip class
And just never take it

And instead snuggle down
With Cinderella or Rapunzel
Stay up late and watch
As Harry and Ron’s friendship blossoms
But never dies

Because unlike them
I’ll never experience something so true
If I can’t get my answers
I so desperately desire
I’ll take your sweet lullabies
And your *poisoned goodbyes
if I write anything it turns out to be something that gives me major anxiety
Oct 2014 · 577
Paxton Potter Oct 2014
I was always told to be careful
If I ever was to go to the ocean
By the way,
I never have)
That I needed to be careful
Because I might get pulled beneath
The crashing waves
By the under tow

But no one tells you,
How careful you need to be
Inside your own head

I find that sometimes
My own thoughts
Scare me more,
Much more,
Than the idea of drowning
well that happened
Oct 2014 · 960
Paxton Potter Oct 2014
If I’m outside
My gaze is always upwards
Staring towards the heavens
Whether it’s day or night

Sometimes its hard to tell
My head will be forward
But my eyes drifting up
Ever so slightly
For a world so beautiful
The prettiest sight is the sky

If I sit near a window at night
I’ll find my eyes traveling
Away from the computer
Or my homework
To gaze at the stars

Before the night sky is emblazoned with firey ***** of light
I sometimes try to sit and wait for them fade into view
So I can see how many I can count
My record is 28
Before so many fade into view at once
That it’s impossible to keep track

For me, stars are like people
But neither last

And usually, before I realize
Before I can do anything
My gaze falls on them too late
Because by the time I see them
They’re both gone
really though I look at the sky too much
I'll be walking to the store with mom and I'll suddenly realize that I'm gazing again
Oct 2014 · 1.9k
Hatred is Fashion
Paxton Potter Oct 2014
If self loathing is in style,
I must be a top model
whats confidence where do I buy it
Oct 2014 · 745
Nebulae and Their Remains
Paxton Potter Oct 2014
I’ve heard it said
That we’re all made from star dust
The remains of stars
Long since dead
While poetic,
There are some roots in science

Hydrogen and Iron
Elements formed within the core of a star
Or During a Supernova
Make up our earth
And can be found within us
(Our blood has a good amount of iron In it,
After all)

We breath in air
That has been around since the dawn of time
In and out
Shakespeare breathed out air that was recycled

I like to believe
I may be breathing in the same particles
Once touched by Shakespeare or Monet
Einstein or Pythagoras
Great minds, great people

Nikola Tesla left his mark not only in inventions
But by touching the land
Perhaps I’d rather not connect myself with him

He did love a pigeon
like he literally once said he loved one of them the way a man loves a woman.
Thats a bit weird.
**Edit** Changed the title to the correct plural of Nebula
Oct 2014 · 1.1k
Little Pandora
Paxton Potter Oct 2014
Within a room somewhere
Sits Pandora
Holding the box that
She opened long ago
When her heart was curious and naive

Now her heart is heavy
And tears fill her eyes
Hope is weak
Hope is shriveling
If only she hadn’t
Set loose the monsters

She wishes people
Saw hope
The way she does
Leaking out slowly
Filling the air
Pulsating, Shaking

Maybe if they understood
They would hold on
Just a little longer
For their monsters
To die

Because in the end
The hero always wins
You just need to be there
To See it

— The End —