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Jun 2014 · 566
In circles
Sky Jun 2014
You really ****** me up this time
I fell in love with your chocolate fountain eyes
You continue to run away from me as I run towards you
We're going in circles because you don't want nor need me
And I love you
May 2014 · 419
Terminally ill
Sky May 2014
All consuming, absolute continuing sadness
It never seems to resolve itself

Go through the motions to get to the next day
And you eat, sleep, go to school, repeat
Until one day you think you've made it

But then you'll look at the photographs on your wall
And you'll smoke a cigarette
Nostalgia will begin to set in your mind
You'll sit beside your two-story foot window and remember just over a year ago how you made a trip out of one; the attempt to commit your ****** life to hell

Then you'll get anxiety because you threw away all your razors and you'll panick

You'll lie down and cover your head with all your blankets and you'll forget
you'll forget
to eat, sleep, go to school, repeat

And you won't make it
Because sadness is sickness

The kind that is terminal
May 2014 · 254
Sky May 2014
I stood in the road
wishing God had let
somebody dump
cement over my body
and carve my name
into the heap
May 2014 · 4.4k
Uncomfortable similes
Sky May 2014
Loving you was like
sleeping on the wrong
end of the bed:
*uncomfortable and out of place.
May 2014 · 600
Ring around the Rosie
Sky May 2014
When he found out the earth was not round, but in fact straight

He showed that green eyed, pin-straight, black haired, angel-kissed girl  

And in return she closed his eyes, spun him around and pushed him off the face of the earth
May 2014 · 1.9k
Do you miss me yet?
Sky May 2014
I wonder
If you'd answer
If I called
May 2014 · 242
don't date glass
Sky May 2014
I always thought of you as glass
but I didn't think of what made you
and that your past could linger

I said some things I shouldn't have
and you cut me right through and cleanly off
May 2014 · 350
not without her
Sky May 2014
He couldn't imagine inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide a day without her
so he ****** down bleach and swallowed seventy-four different pills
and when he began to *****,
he fell from his roof top
May 2014 · 168
Not Even
Sky May 2014
You left me for dead
when you kissed her.
May 2014 · 511
Wasted Space
Sky May 2014
I relapsed again.
Six even gouges across my right thigh.

Their going to leave some nasty scars.
But I couldn't breathe the night I did it.
And they made me inhale evenly.

I can't escape them. They're my only friends at four in the morning when I'm collapsed in the shadows of my room.

I tell them all I'm better.
But I still think about taking every last bit of my Ritalin.
Or submerging my head under water.
Four whole minutes, I'd leave my face under.
Maybe fall from the top of my roof.
I'd make sure to free fall backwards this time.

I relapsed again. For the first time in four months.
*waste of space|waste of space|waste of space|space|space|waste
May 2014 · 4.4k
Galaxy| singular
Sky May 2014
You're in another galaxy
One completely of your own

I break my bones to build a ladder
I need to see you
I need to breathe you

I've missed you all my life
But I've only seen you in my mind
They are not dreams, but nightmares in which you always die
And I'm left scraping your flesh off the ten foot cliff

You didn't realize your galaxy was a gift
You believed it was a punishment
For your own selfish sins

Your galaxy was your skin and your mind and your breath
And the stars aligned the day you were born
Just like the moon was full

Magic happened to make your galaxy. Be alive to see it.
May 2014 · 435
Out of the Loop
Sky May 2014
I remember when my mom used to grab me up by my hair at the nape of my neck and say "I brought you into this world and I can take you out"
And I wonder why she didn't?

I'm sick of being sad, ugly, and told what to do in this world. I want a way out.

I remember when I was five and my mom would curl her fingers around my throat, pleading for me to "shut the **** up"
And I wonder why I didn't scream a little louder so she'd hold a little longer

And God, I'm so ******* sick and tired of being nice to people who don't deserve it, and missing people, and loving him

I want out.

**I want out.
May 2014 · 278
No good
Sky May 2014
Ouch, I've done it again
Pushed you all to the point of no return

And I don't know why I do this because my bones crack when I walk and my fat jiggles and my face could shatter a mirror

I keep insisting that better things are going to happen for me but I'm a disgusting disgrace
And the only thing god would think when he saw me is when did I make this piece of trash?
I continue to tell myself I am worth something, that I will become a someone. But we all know better than that

I'll pull you close, and push you away
I'll put you on the worst roller coaster of your life
I'll tear your life from your eyes

Because I'm sick and repulsive

Don't you dare feel guilty, this is all my fault
I am a nobody

And I'll take you down with me

I'll shed tear after endless tear but in the end I'll only build you up to tear you down

I'm no good for you and you're no good for me

And honey, I love you.
Sorry that this *****
May 2014 · 226
I hate you
Sky May 2014
I've breathed you in a thousand times
But I cannot exhale you

You're like hot glue in my throat
You give me third degree burns
But I can't escape you

Leave me alone
I hate you  

Go away
*I hate you
Apr 2014 · 780
Sky Apr 2014
Do you remember the time you crinkled up your nose at the sound of my favorite band and shook your head in dissaprovement?
You used to do it all the time
You picked at me like you picked at your scabs
Except instead of it hurting you, it hurt me

Do you remember when you said why with a look of disgust when you saw the scars on my ankles and I told you I was sad, that I'd cut them with razors and scissors?
I still do it all the time

I remember the next day after you found out you told your friend and he told the entire softball team and I asked you why with a look of disgust on my face, you said well it's gross
And my eye lids filled with tears, the dam broke and they fled free
You said stop, you're making a scene

One day when I came home from the library I found my Christmas lights that were strung across my walls, crushed into pieces
And you said you need to grow up and stop acting like a child
I screamed in terror that you destroyed them just like my heart
But all you did was laugh and say oh please, stop being so melodramatic

Nothing I did was ever good enough for you

You painted my walls grey so I could toughin' up and stop whining all the time
How the hell was grey walls going to do that?
I hated you so much but was so afraid of that hand that was inevitably going to collide with my face and legs and back and nose
And those hands that would crush my bones over and over
And that fist that would plant a black and blue bruise on my left eye

Why do you hurt me?
Dedication goes to any woman who has ever Ben beaten, or man for that matter. This is not an experience that has happened to me, by the way.
Apr 2014 · 282
Sky Apr 2014
You use to fill me with hope everyday
And now I dread the idea of you

But how is it
That I love you so much?

Rip and tear, sew and mend
It's an awful process, repeating day by day
Cycle in, cycle out

And I still love you
Sky Apr 2014
on one hand
i've never been so happy about you not being here
and on the other
i've never been so miserable without you next to me

people ask how i'm holding up
i don't know what my honest answer is
i'm dumbfounded
i think you're something i just have to let go of because i was used to you being around for so long, not so much i miss you
you screamed and cried day after day
you hated this life
and all the people in it
i tried to save you, but you were too far in
i leaned just a little and toppled over you

now you're above and i'm under and
Apr 2014 · 453
April 17, 1997
Sky Apr 2014
its my seventeenth birthday
and all I can think is
tomorrow is yours
Apr 2014 · 391
Sky Apr 2014
I've always heard that time heals all wounds
This is an incredibly false accusation

All time does is allow me to over think and muster up scenarios that didnt even happen, causing more problems than I had in the first place

With time, I miss you for more hours
And, I forget your touch
And the smell of your skin
I forget the pitch of your voice
And I can't remember what was written on the sweater you wore all the time
I cannot remember the precise color of your hair
Or if it was your left or right index finger that curved

Time does not allow the healing process, it allows you to forget
And I wanted to remember every detail of your body

But I cannot
Apr 2014 · 240
always two
Sky Apr 2014
I always want to start my poems with "its funny" even though they never are

they're always about you or her

I don't understand why I can't write anything beautiful
but then again, I don't understand why you two left
you slammed the door in my face
and my best friend sneaked out slowly
did she not think I'd notice?
I cannot sleep and I cannot breathe and I cannot listen to music without your faces coming into view

I see you everywhere
I'm always double looking
and my throat catches
but its never you
just my mind playing tricks and my hopes getting up to knock me down

oh ****. I just realized I'm writing about you two again.
This is such ****.
Apr 2014 · 588
Sky Apr 2014
Bitten finger nails to the quick
Fuzzy hair standing up on end
Sad, tired eyes
Endless pit
Bare feet and purple toe nail polish
No jacket
Lying on the park bench and feeling nothing
She feels nothing
Apr 2014 · 195
small details are a no
Sky Apr 2014
I hate that i have to pretend not to remember small details of people to not freak them out that I know things about them from memory.
Apr 2014 · 254
Sky Apr 2014
The only love I've ever known is the love from my mother
and as grateful as I am for her, because she owns every inch of my heart and all of my body, in a mothers way
I just wonder..
but what it would be to have the love of another
to have him run his hands over every part of my skin
to taste his dry lips
to have my inhalations cease because of his appearance

what it would be..

but I climb into bed, remembering that fairy tales are far from real
and I love you, momma.
Not sure what the hell this is.
it jumps all over the place.
still a work in progress I suppose.
Apr 2014 · 898
One more sleepless night
Sky Apr 2014
When I was young and I did not sleep, my mother told me to count sheep one by one
Needless to say it didn't work
I still stayed up night after night terrified of what lurked in the dark on the streets
Even back then I knew of the monsters who were human: kidnappers, rapists, burglars

And as I got older, the doctors handed me pills
They told me: it'll make you tired, they'll help with your depression, it's for ADHD, ohh and don't forget your mood stabilizer, that'll make you better!
Yet, I spend night after endless night awake until early hours into the morning
I am no longer afraid of the kidnappers and rapists or burglars
I'm simply afraid of the demons that haunt the darkest spaces inside my mind

And so, I do not sleep
And I will not dream tonight
Apr 2014 · 996
Marissa, Marissa
Sky Apr 2014
I saw you today and you barley gave a nod of your head
The moment your face came into my vision, I froze
I was afraid you could hear the sound of my heart thumping

But you didn't even manage a shy hi
Not even the wave of your hand

How can that be, when I opened every "forever closed" door in my mind to you?
How do you walk past me and not give a care in the world when you stood by my side as I lay close to death in the hospital bed?
How is it you manage to breathe without the slightest of complications when I've passed out timeaftertimeaftertime because I cannot stand the thought of living dayafterdayaftermiserableFUCKINGday without you!

And you?...

You've never been so satisfied,happy,relieved,whole
******* it, I need you

I cannot breathe.....
Apr 2014 · 1.1k
I need you to love me
Sky Apr 2014
you were made for me
but I was not made for you
Apr 2014 · 957
Hold me up, Marissa
Sky Apr 2014
As cliche as it may sound,
you were the other half of me,
the better half of me

I was never able to walk safely without your hand on my shoulder
I was never able to sleep at night without hearing your voice on the phone
I was never able to interact with others at school without your tiny little body standing next to me, projecting all your confidence into my being

You were my one and only best friend with your much too thin, way too short brown hair, California sun-kissed skin, and perfect three pant-sized waist

And I know this sounds as if I were in love with you in such a way that I wanted to kiss your thin lips, but it is not that at all

I wanted you, all of you, to myself and no one else, that is the truth
I was selfish and greedy and I expected all of your time
I hated who I was, I hate who I am, I needed you to make me a better person

I did not feel like a whole being without you
I do not feel like a whole person without you
And I still need you to stand me up and hold me still so that my teeth do not chatter

You bloomed sudden intelligence and drifted away from me, the smartest thing you could've ever done for yourself
You left me all alone
Without you I've fallen over
The ants and flies have scoured my body for every last bit of remaining flesh
I'm decomposing now, I will be worm food
At least I know I was put on this earth for a reason


All I do is want to hate you
But I love you more than I could ever miss him
Apr 2014 · 220
Sky Apr 2014
I still haven't
managed to
say your name
out loud
Apr 2014 · 496
and im suicidal as fuck
Sky Apr 2014
They say it like its nothing
"go **** yourself"
and I'm suicidal as ****
I'm also awful at poems
and my words come out jumbled
I say this with my cuss words scratched across the page
just like the red scars slashed across my veins
Apr 2014 · 375
Fuck you, Tristan
Sky Apr 2014
holy ****
I thought I was over you

I thought your touch no longer sent electric through my body
I thought your lips no longer made my heart ache

but *******,
I don't understand how the mere image of words scribbled sixteen ******* months ago could leave me so damaged, so torn to shreds

and I've never hated someone as much as I hate you
so how the **** do I also love you?

I wanted you to fix what we had
yet you didn't even care enough to attempt it

at first you only took half of my heart, but you got greedy
you scorched my chest and stole the other half
and then you ******* laughed

you began to tear my heart in chunks
and gave it out to anyone who would take it

it's amazing how after all this time I still can't look at anyone with a half-smirk smile because I see your haunting face staring back,

Sorry that this is **** but holy **** why do I still want you
Apr 2014 · 331
go away
Sky Apr 2014
It seems as if every time I get a foot hold on reality
you come in and knock me over

my eye ***** are gouged from their sockets
my limbs are torn apart
every piece of hair on my body is plucked, one by one
my flesh is skinned

go away, go away
Mar 2014 · 434
Sky Mar 2014
excuse me, excuse me*
haven't you any soul
I've been sitting 'round waiting all night for you to show

excuses, excuses
that's all I ever hear
"Im sorry I slept in, please forgive me dear"

i'm done, i'm done
you are definitely forgiven,
but totally forgotten, thanks for the lesson
Black sheep tune to this poem
Mar 2014 · 989
Hell is What he Paid
Sky Mar 2014
He wallowed in his own filth of existence
All while realizing he was going to hell

Lucifer had already began to squeeze the life out of him
Both hands wrapped so tightly around his neck, simply daring him to scream for help

The devil gorged his legs open and drained every ounce of blood he had in him

The light died from his eyes as he sank to the floor
...oh so limp...
And his soul was already in hell
But it was too late for redemption
Mar 2014 · 319
Sky Mar 2014
I don't know what you hear
In that pretty little head
Of yours
When I speak words of encouragement

I cannot bare to hear you screech
Those awful sentences in my face

I've not been so stressed in a years time
Not since I tried to take my own life

Your words do not just leave scars
That will not heal
They leave gashes engraved in my skin
***** is carved in scarlet letters from your razored spit slicing through my veins

Your words have edges sharp as claws that dig under my skin and live within my blood

They send electric shocks through my body
They hurt so fiercely, I want to bleed out to make it stop

I cannot bare to have your words crush my skull any longer

Oh, dear Katelynn, how does your pretty little mind perceive the words I've spoken to you?
This is about the girl who lives with me. I cannot take her selfish words crushing me any longer, but she continues
Mar 2014 · 313
Sky Mar 2014
I do nothing special
except exist
Mar 2014 · 600
home sweet home
Sky Mar 2014
your voice
feels like home
Mar 2014 · 591
Shut your face
Sky Mar 2014
She was not elegant
Not like the girls in movies

She had matted hair
And ugly clothes; she had a very ugly face
She was not thin with long hair
She had a cryptic smile and a very round middle

She did not float with the wind or whisper sweet nothing's in someone's ears

She was loud and obnoxious. She was annoying and always had something to say
She did not shut her face
Not even when they warned her
Not even when they left bruises
Not even when they began to hate her

Why the hell can't she just shut her ******* mouth?
Mar 2014 · 1.1k
Childhood Nightmare
Sky Mar 2014
This morning, a little girl sat with me on the bus with her eleven year old eyes, creased
Her hair was not the color of the sun, it was the color of wheat, thrown into a quick ponytail

She did not smell lovely, as a girl should
She smelled stale of:
Morning breath, alcohol, old clothes

And I couldn't help but to think what her mother and father did as she got ready for school today

I remembered at five I had no father to help me dress and my mother was at work for too many hours to count and my babysitter danced on a pole at midnight
She did not want to wake in the mornings

I remembered at seven I had no father to help me dress and my mother was at work for too many hours to count and my babysitter put her fingers in holes they didn't belong
She did not pay for it

I remembered at eight I had no father to help me dress and my mother was sad for too many hours to count and I had no babysitter, as I had no house

I remembered that summer I had a father to help me dress and my mother was always at home and I had no babysitter because I had a mother and father

I remembered at fifteen I didn't need a father to help me dress nor a mother all I needed was drugs and alcohol and the courage to take my own life, and I tried

I remembered at almost seventeen I didn't need a father to help me dress nor a mother, what I needed was saving
And they tried like hell, but inevitably I am a lost cause

Oh god, I hope like hell her mother and father were just running a bit late this morning
Woah I'm tired. What is this
Mar 2014 · 485
Sipping coffee
Sky Mar 2014
She sipped the last thoughts of you
Through her veins
And tapped her long fingernail on the coffee cup
While she half smirked and said
**I told you, you'd only be a lost soul once I was finished with your being
Sky Mar 2014
Tears always threaten to sting my eyelids, but never have any leaked out
not even the day
her heart came to a resting stop

not even the day her body was laid six feet under the cold, mushy ground

I stayed after everybody left
I watched them lay her cold outer shell to rest
I watched as they layered the dirt on top of her non-expanding lungs, her eyes closed by a specialist
And he had done her hair, plastered make-up across her too kid-like face, and her much too large size, crammed into a much too small casket

They said she looked beautiful

She looked like sardines, so squashed
She looked like a Barbie doll, what a facade

She looked like death, because she was
She looked no longer, because she was
She looked nothing like herself, because she was not

It was raining on this day, yet still no tears to wash away,
My heart was surely aching and my head was pounding and my blood was boiling and my throat was swelling and my eyes were bulging and my stomach was clenching

But absolutely no tears were shed
This started off about something else and ended with the death of my very close friends mom. RIP
Sky Mar 2014
I heard of you today
when my mom came crying,
and I didn't know what to think
petrified of the words soon to escape her lips
not at all what I expected, not much to say

you were going to prison
statutory **** of a fifteen year old boy

what they hell were you thinking

and only three days until you were supposed to leave

I heard of you today
when my mom came crying
and I thought it was my dad
I didn't want to hear
I didn't want to think of my fathers lifeless body, heart no longer beating

but it wasn't him at all

according to the report, your fourteen year old daughter walked in to see your neck strung around a rope in the doorway

only a thick, unearthed shell of your existence left behind. No note. No explanation.
and now I know that is the worst way to leave.
I pity the thought of your three young children staring at the mirror, only to see your face glaring back

what the hell were you thinking
RIP. this actually happened this past summer. Still shocked.
Sky Mar 2014
I've been kissed by a razor
he leaves ***** red stains
he says he's only here to help me breathe,
to relieve
and I almost believe him
but all I ever feel is guilty and ashamed
I've been kissed by a razor on my thighs and shoulders
he's even nipped me on the wrists
I think he's daring to kiss me where others might witness
he whispers ***** words to me at night and sends tremors down my spine
he's trying to bite me and take me "home" for good
This razor, he finds me on rainy days, says he wants to take the pain away
This razor, he is not my friend
he's trying to take chunks out of my velvet skin
No, this razor is not my friend, but he says he can hush the anger inside my head
I've been kissed by a razor who promised happiness
I thought I'd let him just have a tiny taste,
but he didn't stop
and this place he called "home"
is only hell
I should've known.
Mar 2014 · 304
Sky Mar 2014
But for me you were the sun and the moon and all the stars in between. You were the excited emotions I felt when i reached the ****** in a book and every mixed emotion I felt at the end of a book.

You were the christmas lights hung in my room and the pillows I weep on at night. You were the street lamps that lit my way in the cold dark. You were every tear I've ever witnessed shed in the moonlight.

You were the dark winter nights and every poem I've ever managed to have written. You were all the laughter in all the world and all the make-up *** ever had. You were the ocean's salt in my eyes and the sweet sand under my feet.

You were every cigarette I'd ever smoked into my lungs and all the **** that's ever wrapped around my throat and dared to choke the life out of me. You were all the self conflicted cuts etched into my skin every sad and lonely night.

You were the word 'love' written in scarlet letters across my forehead. You were every battle I've ever fought and every chance of victory I've ever gotten. You were hope and confidence and all the self esteem I could muster up into my single being.

You were the crumpled pieces of me lying on the floor lulling my own heart to no longer beat. You were the change in me and all the happiness I had began to see.

And now you're just gone.

— The End —