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 Dec 2014 Alina
 Dec 2014 Alina
I put my love in the letters I sent you.
The words, they are not shallow.
But, just don't look too deep into them
For you might drown.

Don’t try to read between the lines
For you may get trapped
Stuck between the metaphors
Dancing in those threads

Look at them  
But look passionately
With those big, starry eyes
Look at them
And know, they are the windows to my heart.

Look at them
And reach for the stars.
The sky lit up
I’ll be smiling and all.
Lonely the night will get,
The letters will be on guard.

Keep those letters forever,
And know, they are the windows to my heart.
 Dec 2014 Alina
The cave of hate. The fire in my chest. Its god forsaken name is stress. it tries to escape through tears or fists. holes in the wall and tear soaked sheets are all that exist. a razor in hand tears like sand. its an endless desert that I’m lost in. and I’ve ran out of water two days in. pill bottle of meds an unknown prescription. swallowed one after another like it will make her come back. a gun in a box, its already cocked ready to go off. blood soaked knuckles from fights with walls and the victor is unclear. intentions unclear motives unknown all thats known it came from a broken home. the bystanders minds were blown some more than others some there heads were blown asunder. Panic attacks back to back and its there own mind thats on attack. alone in the dark they feel without a heart because they have been pierced with the dark dart of hate. can’t stand the wait unbearable anticipation anxiety relentless pain feeling endless or thought to be without, can’t scream or shout for fear of being kicked out. pain is with out a doubt that much is true. but an out stretched hand could prevent this. a friend could prevent this soul from destruction these lives saved all because someone stayed when mentioned.
 Dec 2014 Alina
 Dec 2014 Alina
I've written too many poems for too many people. something about you, I know, is different. even the image of your cold eyes skipping across the words I'm creating is nothing short of a miracle. the thought of your distant mind holding a blurred depiction of me seems impossible. you deserve more than a poem- more than standing up on some balcony thinking, just for a second, you loved some girl you never met. and maybe you loved her because you saw the best of her. but, she loved you because she saw some of the worst in you. and you made her see it in herself.

how can I miss someone I've never met? someday, you'll just become another insect weaving along the streets. a heavy look, yet somehow empty, stained on your face. it will age even further than your mind already has. it will flash on TV screens and billboards who advertise a man they think they can define. just know, I'll refuse to say your name- and I'll still miss you.

this is not a poem. it's not a sonnet, nor a song, nor a love note. this is something to remember on the subway. something to hold on to when the sting of fluorescent lights loses its luster, and the smell of the city is deemed no longer potent. it's easy for me to believe in a years time, I will still be the face you never laid eyes on and the body you never touched. it's harder for me to percieve this as truth.

wherever it is that you go, I know it will be with confidence. I don't have to worry about your success or stability. I will worry I have been forgotten, just as swiftly as the thoughts I've told you when you're the only one keeping me up deep into the pit of night. you teach me more than I have ever learned in a textbook; sometimes, even more than I have learned as I walk amongst the pests inside this anthill. I cant make you feel: I can't make you miss me and I can't make you love me; I don't want you to. I can't make you touch me, and you shouldn't. I can't make you accept the warm embrace I'd willingly give you, hell, I can't even make you give me the chance to try.

I can't make you do anything, but wherever you go, whatever you do, I will always think highly of you. I'm sure you'll live wearing gold along your knuckles thats worth more than my life, and chatting with strangers I can only read about in novels. maybe someday, you'll reach back and taste just a hint of nostalgia from some scrap of me that flickers in your mind. maybe someday, you'll long for endless nights of voiceless conversation. and maybe, someday, you'll miss me too.
a letter of goodbye to someone I love
 Dec 2014 Alina
Aeya Jean Johnson
How can every word
   Whizzing around my head
Be the exact words
    I could never use
To describe
                                                                                                          My existence?
Lethiforous: deadly; destructive
I crawl on my knees
      Down to the deepest hole
 Forgot the remnants of my heart
        In a dark, dusky winter
         I'll die slowly and painfully
     If you fall apart
Pour out my soul
    Never remembering me
          Ghosts of lost loves
    Wasting away
            No one's caring
Somebody unfortunate
I have writers block, so I used one of them 'poem generators' online, then edited it slightly for readability. Enjoy.
 Nov 2014 Alina
Aaron Mullin
Organically evolving
With deviants
Just in caste systems
On the leverage
Of love
Allowing the parasite
A taste of something
They don’t recognize:
Truth & Beauty
Allowing those
Elements inside
Tormentee bleeding for tormentor
And eventually both parties change
The parasite spurs the host toward strengthened
And Love is no longer a foreign language
To those most in need

Innoculate them with kindness
“Don’t mistake my kindness for weakness. I am kind to everyone …” ~~Al Capone
 Nov 2014 Alina
Faellin Angel
 Nov 2014 Alina
Faellin Angel
Sometimes the sky just isn't as blue,
The sun isn't as bright for you.
Sometimes the days fade to night,
And most things just don't feel right.
You feel the wind dance all around you,
You dry the tears, none too few.
Will the moon to light your shadows,
But even rainbows
Fade away leaving us facing the moment.
Words are hollow, not what they meant.
Eyes see what the soul hid.
A weak smile the dark will forbid.
Shattered pieces cannot heal,
Your soul no longer real.
Whispers dancing nimbly within,
Tell a tale of foretold sin.
Weak willed and a strange destiny,
Finding peace, heavenly.
 Nov 2014 Alina
Faellin Angel

I close my eyes in hope,
I breathe just to cope.
Asking for help is not possible,
When it's not understandable.
I wake each morn with a weak desire,
Fall to pieces every twilight, no inner fire,
No reason to pray, I'm alone.
Not one being listening, none.
Inner strength is caving,
I'm not looking for a hero or saving.
Taking a deep breath,
I wait my turn for death.
Too many reasons to stay,
Pulled too many directions each day.
Slowly falling apart,
Remorse shadows the heart.
Brilliant pain envelopes me whole,
Shattering my weary soul.
Release me from my mortal bond, free me,
Let me rise with wings and flee.
Find what is so close, I'm blind,
So Close yet I cannot find.
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