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 Nov 2014 Alina
Faellin Angel
Ignored, betrayed, forgotten...
Lonely, broken, rotten.
Her path of misery and pain,
Shadowed by eternal rain.
Reaching deep
Her hope to keep.
Process begun
By the maternal one...
What has burrowed to the core?
A disease one cannot ignore.
Take these chains off,
Standing, she's had enough.
Shed her tattered skin,
Cast aside all sin.
Wings purged of darkness,
Piercing through shoulders skin.
Break the curse,
Time to play the next verse.
Given a moment's immortal clarity,
Baring oneself, wearily.
Head thrown back,
Waiting for the next attack.
Shake loose the bonds,
Yesterday's tears now gone.
Face the dawn,
Burning rays withdrawn.
Fly little one,
With next breath be gone.
 Oct 2014 Alina
Abby Davis
 Oct 2014 Alina
Abby Davis
I am a snowflake whirling fast towards the ground
my final resting place.
As I fall people notice me
but seldom see my individuality.
Being like no other
I stand out
yet, not enough to be admired for long.
 Oct 2014 Alina
 Oct 2014 Alina
The way you pretended
Is the way
You love her now
The way you didn't
Is the way
You value her now
No vengeance will there be
But baby
You will have to pay for it
 Oct 2014 Alina
Holly Salvatore
 Oct 2014 Alina
Holly Salvatore
There's something beautiful about freckles and blemishes and imperfections before I'm made up in the morning. There's something right about naked in the mirror; flaws and scars and age that accumulates with the years. I am a story to be read. I've got skin like a song.
Cleaning out the poems/notes in my phone. Confidence is ****.
 Oct 2014 Alina
Unrequited Love
 Oct 2014 Alina
Unrequited Love
The most **** thing about a guy has nothing to do with his clothes, hair or eye colour.

It's in the way he looks at you with longing, when you finally find out he wants you just as badly as you want him.

When he pulls you so close to him that there is literally no space between you, because he can't stand the thought of there being any.      

When he kisses you, so that it feels as if he is stealing the air from your lungs, and for those few seconds you forget what air even is.
When all thoughts go out the window and its just him, with you,in the most simple way possible.

Now that is the definition of ****.
Pure passion is ecstacy...
 Oct 2014 Alina
 Oct 2014 Alina
I wish that I could fly
I wish that I could lie
I wish that I could cry
I wish that you would tell me why

I wish that we could dance
I wish we'd followed through the glance
I wish we would take the chance
I wish that we had romance

I wish that I could sing these words
From across the room
And as soon as you hear my voice
Your camera would focus and zoom

I also wish that you were the one
I really wish we could have fun
I really need to know if you're done
Do you know where I'm coming from?

Because this heartache is killing
And I'm not willing
To stay through a sitting
Of a show that I'll end up quitting

And one last thing

I wish I was alive
I wish we could survive
I wish you could revive
I wish I wasn't a ghost
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