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2.7k · Sep 2015
Little Blue Balloon
Bella Rose Sep 2015
Little Blue Balloon;
little blue balloon so shiny and happy
as blue as blue can be I take you
everywhere with me.
Carrying you so tightly
in hope that you do not float away
my little blue balloon don't you ever go away.
I need to see you everyday cause when I do
the whole world seems bright and wonderful.
Time is going bye and you float less and less
one day I notice that now you drag on the ground.
so now I carry you around and you get smaller and smaller I wake up one day to see that you are all gone.
my dear blue balloon I know that some things do end but in my memory you will be there, you will be there
forever in my heart. ~❤
About a child and their Balloon
Bella Rose Sep 2015
Panic, scares, and dark hearts
my mind going fast, so fast
but the world around me,
in slow motion I struggle
to breath, eyes dart from here
to there feeling as though
these thought may consume me
panic,scares, and dark hearts
I am drowning in these thoughts
trapped so very trapped the room
feels as though its smaller and
smaller and smaller until they
shout my name and it's over
panic,scares, and dark hearts
the essences of panic and fear
still linger even when its all
done the voice in the back
of your head it will happen
again panic,scares, and dark hearts
1.0k · Sep 2015
New Days
Bella Rose Sep 2015
Mistakes have been made. Scares left to see and regret still lingers with in me. But I rejoice and thank God for the new days he has given me. A fresh start a new heart. To fill with happy memories.
719 · Sep 2015
Do they really?
Bella Rose Sep 2015
They say they know me
but do they really? they say
they understand but I see
that they really just pity me
I see the way they look at me
with sorrow behind their eyes
I tell them how I feel and they say
it's ok but I know it's really just
lies, lies that's all they do really is
lie only because they don't want to see
me cry I can see it I see they don't want
to be around me they don't really
understand me they, they only pity me
594 · Jan 2016
My brain starts drowning
Bella Rose Jan 2016
walking down this sidewalk, this hall
all of it happy all of it lovely
but then suddenly crowds of souls are around me
and they all seem to be going, moving in slow motion
and my brain starts drowning
the thoughts in mind moving so quickly like
the bird that hums flapping its wings
like a cheetah catching it's prey
and my breath becomes heavy
oh I ask when will this moment end
feeling like it will last for all time
my eyes start to sweat  oh when
will it end
souls start to disappear
and just like that its over
its over, its over
but it will be back
575 · Sep 2015
To love, To hate
Bella Rose Sep 2015
Hope and faith in one tiny feather
love and kindness to one big
existence to always love one
and other no matter who,
no matter why to love
to be kind, in the heart is
where this lingers true, true it
must be for others to feel it
from just one smile to help
others with out a reward
to be loyal with out needing
it back lacking the thoughts
to make one suffer to make one
release tears out of hate and envy
the mind is where this lingers for
others to feel this hatred from
just your presets live your life
rather to love then hate
to be happy than envy let
others feel your heart
then just your thoughts

— The End —