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  Jan 2016 Belinda
somewhere out in cyberspace
there's a dark and hidden place
guns and drugs and twisted ways
and a picture of everyone's face

it's all there, and it's all free
there's stories about you and me
go a little deeper and you will see
pages of truth and misery
from Wikipedia - A darknet (or dark net) is an overlay network that can only be accessed with specific software, configurations, or authorization, often using non-standard communications protocols and ports. Use of darknets is motivated by hiding the content or even the existence of data and communication from competing business or government interests. The most widespread darknets are governmental and corporate intranets, the use of which is a standard security practice nowadays,[1] friend-to-friend[2] networks (usually used for file sharing with a peer-to-peer connection)[3] and privacy networks such as Tor.

It also contains a lot of info about people, illegal sites, and etc. It is said that the "surface web" is only 30% of the entire web.
Belinda Jan 2016
Maybe prince charming
is too busy
being charming
Rather than
actually show up
and be there for you

W e l l . . .

Strong princess
can beat the dragon
on  her  own
and stand up
for herself
You go girls!
Belinda Jan 2016
Move. On.
I've heard that a million times
I know they're right
I know I have to forget
those ridiculous 1AM flirts
those long and deep stories
Or should I say..secrets ?
those sweet and comforting words

I'm moving on. honestly
I keep living my life
And smiling even when
I feel like I'm breaking

to *completely
move on?
**It's not that easy
It really is not.
Belinda Jan 2016
I'll be waiting for that day

The day when I don't even care
whether someone really screamed your name
or it's just a stranger with the similar name

The day when I don't even bother to cry at night
when people remind me about us

The day when I put smile on my face
and you're not the reason behind it

The day when I can lay my head down,
without feeling sad
without sheding a tear

The day when I run
not because of the things I've been avoiding
but because of the things I've been pursueing - before I met you

The day when my world
doesn't revolve around you.

I'll be waiting
time heals. I believe that.
Belinda Jan 2016
It was a peaceful night
You came knocking on my door
I peeked from the small hole to see your face
You smiled
I wanted to see more clearly
I opened the door carefully
It was you.
Someone that I once dreamed about
but now standing right in front of me

You asked if I was bothered
I just smiled
You started to talk about stuffs
I can't believe how comfortable I was

until one day,
you didn't show up anymore

I was confused
why? I wanted to see you

then I realize this strange feeling
I missed you

I decided to stroll around the lake
I froze.
You were standing there
looking nice, as usual

I patted your back and
smiled as you turn around

that's not the smile I used to see, I thought.

and I was right
he's not the same person anymore
did he really change? or may be I just misunderstood him? I guess I'll never know
Belinda Jan 2016
Is it my fault?
What did I do wrong?
Where did it goes wrong?
may be I was too busy adoring you to even notice

Everything was perfect,
feel like  e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g  fell into places

But turns out,
It's not good enough for you

You even lied.

You know what?
It's not your lies that made me cry
It's not your sudden 'non-existence' either

What hurts the most is . . .
the fact that you pretend 'us' never happened
I feel you, girls.
Belinda Jan 2016
when you really want to help someone,
it shows

when you really want to listen to people,
they know it

when you really want to understand what people actually said
instead of trying to argue (and win that argument),
they can feel it

when you really want to put aside any personal problems that you have
(cause people had nothing to do with it, they did nothing wrong to you)
and communicate well,
they acknowledge how mature you are

when you really don't want to hurt anyone on purpose,
you'll learn how to think before you spit out a word

and they will learn that  **.heart.matters.
sometimes people only think about IQ and not EQ, and they don't realize how hurtful their words can be

— The End —