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 Jun 2015 Ayla Garcia
I remain lost as
a bird circling the horizons
nowhere to land on
not knowing where to next
I am the one who has
strayed too far
confounded as a bad rhetoric
like any fool I was misguided
by questions with answers
I refused to believe
fancy struck
by bright city lights
false hopes
the blindness of ambition.

Packed bags, long, lonely halls
at fifth street
new faces, new foot fall traces
I am among those
who scatter everywhere
as wildly as fallen
leaves in autumn
only to die in one place
unheeded in the earth
as a burned picture.

The word home
has eluded my lips
I do not know
what it is anymore.

It had been everywhere
in damp, double bunk beds,
in summer evenings,
greasy diner food,
communal bathrooms,
loud rooftop parties—
that end not how they started
the recklessness of youth
to the slow waste of age.

Home is everywhere,
I am everywhere.

It had been nowhere
crowded streets
with rushed faces,
nights of killing
spades and aces,
solitary reveries of
drunken strangers,
and in the streets,
the starved, ****** painters.

Home is nowhere,
I am nowhere.

I thought to myself
how home felt like many places
within all sorts of different faces
but it was never with me.
 Jun 2015 Ayla Garcia
We grow up believing that the magic stays. But it never really does. Experience skins us, bares us open. To a reality that is far from what we want ourselves. As children we were blank canvasses. Time went on and so did life bring so many colors to that canvass. Sometimes bright, sometimes dark. Filling the white, pure spaces as each day we learn to fear, to hope , to love and to desire. But we also lose our ability to just go back to that blank slate. Where everything is clearer, unclouded. And we just think that the world is full of it, when all along we are just full of it.

I'd like to know the art of just being that empty canvass again. To learn and to unlearn every color that the world has given me. To be thrown into an absolute mess but still go back to where I came from.
HP has become some sort of journal for me where I can express my thoughts that people will just undoubtedly dismiss because they are too weird or too abstract or idk. I'd like to think of these things though. I am someone who takes comfort in her thoughts and these are the kinds of things that fly to my mind when I am alone. This beats thinking about my professor failing me because I am just writing instead of  playing by her rules.
We're all searching
all across the world we're searching
looking for love
a connection
for someone to end the feeling of loneliness.

From the moment of our births, we've searched
we've searched the world
some find love
some make a connection
and a few find someone to end the feeling of loneliness
but not everyone
no not everyone
Some spend lifetimes searching
but never finding what they are looking for
at least not in life, maybe, just maybe
they do in death.
It's so hard
waking up everyday
loved ones not knowing what to say.
It's so hard
when everyone is going about their day
when no one can tell you're crying inside.
It's so hard.

Sometimes you look at the clock and pray
sometimes you hope
that today will be the day
the day you don't wake up.
It's so hard
lying to everyone
lying to yourself
You know you need help
but you're scared
you fear what they will say.

It's so hard
going to sleep at night
hoping and wishing that tomorrow never comes
that you never wake up.
It's so hard
when no one knows how you feel
and those that do, can't help you.
Each day, each night
each minute, each hour
it's so hard.
 Jun 2015 Ayla Garcia
one book
to another
their very
last pages
in her


with no


She goes
places to places
in her heart
that will
i really can't finish what i start
 Jun 2015 Ayla Garcia
You'll never see souls
Spray painted with pink
You'll never know stereotypes
Or make judgments, too quick
You'll watch how each soul floats
With a grace of their own
And the presence of everyone
Will always be known
Because if we were all just souls
Floating around, all alone
With no bodies to define
The beauty that's shown.
Everyone would be beautiful
In their own magnificent way
And tomorrow would always
Be a beautiful day.
Beauty lies within.
 Jun 2015 Ayla Garcia
During the day,
My brain is in chains,
At night it breaks out of its cage.

During the night,
My dreams, they take flight;
And I wish they would give me a fright.
Edited on July 25th, 2015
Edited again.
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