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  Jul 2017 Elliott
Vale Luna


They are very different things.
  Jul 2017 Elliott
Vale Luna
I'm the type of person
That wears a gas mask
In the midst
Of flower petals

Simply because
The hallucinogenic scent
Reminds me
Too much
Of your perfume.
  Jul 2017 Elliott
Vale Luna
The fourth of July
Is not my independence day
Because my ancestors
Waited an extra
100 years
For the Emancipation Proclamation
To free them
And then another
100 years
Before Dr. King
Fought for our civil rights
But even today
As African-Americans
We are sub-American
Taught to keep our heads low
Around white police officers
And not raise our fists
When they call us *******
So tell me
What freedom truly means
And what it is to you
Because freedom to me
Is the day
I can look my brothers
And sisters
In the eye
And tell them
That we have finally received
  Jul 2017 Elliott
summer hates me

and guess what?

I hate her back.
  Jul 2017 Elliott
ghost dad
he took the bottle of happiness
doctors prescribed to him
in order to wipe out the demons
inside of him
and emptied the pills onto his tongue
while tasting the metallic tablets
a gulp of water raced down his throat
the pills swam through the liquid
down to the boy's stomach
and lay there like a body in a coffin
i hate the taste of pills  except advil bc advil is coated in sugar. but i also hate liquid medicine i will ***** liquid medicine i  hate it so much
  Jul 2017 Elliott
ghost dad
the stars in your eyes shine brighter than the comets falling from your open wrists
you are so much more than your mental illness
Elliott Jul 2017
******* slowly
Time close
to me,
hanging on
my side,
the side I kept
my tattoo.
                                    Buttoning quickly
                                       Tying my shoes,
                                              laced in fear
                                   A few hours
                                      away from thinking
                                         about who I love

              (My own personal bomb),

                                                                                    ...thinking of you.
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