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 Aug 2015 Ashton Sky
JR Potts
The Atlantic Ocean and I sigh
in unison against the shoreline
of Amagansett Beach
and as she inhales;
she drags the land above below,
one grain of sand at a time.

In a few generations
she will have devoured this entire beach,
eventually the whole Island
and with it the multi-million dollar estates
which decorate its topology
like an effigy to human vanity.

I would say never before in history
has there been so few with so much
who have done so little
but that would denote
some kind of significance
and they are hardly worth noting.
When i was down and out
You were there for me

When i had no one to turn to
You were there for me

When i was afraid and fearful
You were there for me

When i needed someone most
You were there for me

When i needed a friend...*
*You were there for me
I'll repay the favor everyday of my life.
Thank you for saving my sanity and my persona. I owe you my thanks for the little things you don't realize you do...
Cheers Nicole
Kiss the girl whose hair
is piled atop her head,
like her thoughts;
tumbling down in bundles of curls
as they overflow.

Kiss the girl who drags you out
from beneath awnings &
makes you face the rain,
while she dances fearlessly
in a soaked, diaphanous sundress.

Kiss the girl who insists on
preparing you tea &
pouring it in your presence;
inviting you to witness
the intimacy of simple ceremony.

Kiss the girl who breaks
the stillness of occupied space
to reach out & encompass your hand;
seeking the sensation of your being
to comfort her through silent moments.

Kiss the girl who takes
up into her arms
your scattered inclinations & obsessions;
teaching herself to love & nurture them
as if they were her own.

Kiss the girl who envelops you
with her sultry sentiments &
provokes you with her precocious intellect,
leading you to question
all concrete belief.

Kiss the girl whose
very existence embraces you
like a contented sigh or the kiss of sunshine
one might play beneath
on a lazy Sunday afternoon.

Kiss that girl & kiss her deeply,
& with considerable intensity;
as if to break the seal between your lips
would shatter her
into a thousand pieces.

& do not let her go.
 Aug 2015 Ashton Sky
Leyla Jude
I keep making mistakes all the time
Without even learning my lesson
To me, life seems just so unkind
I often wish I was still seven

I regret pretty much everything
What I did and what I couldn't do
I'm not even good at forgetting
Even though I'd really like to
Purple light across the sky
and I
can't help but think
the sun is on the brink
and needs a rest
it's just too stressed
and so the moon tries
to fill the skies
with its light but
it isn't cut
out for the job, everyone
knows that the sun
is so much better
moonlight is wetter
and so the moon
sings a sad tune
but carries on
 Aug 2015 Ashton Sky
Tex Dermott
If Ever
Love’s arrow strikes me
I will freeze
Then will shake
To see if I am sleeping
Dreaming seems so real
 Aug 2015 Ashton Sky
Candy Noire
I'll push you away
To save my wasted heart
It's too late for us
This will tear us apart
Save me from the darkness in my soul
For I will never love again
Until I have you in my arms
Even if we are just friends
I need you to breathe
You said you were scared that I would die
But if I do don't blame yourself
Just move on with your life
Cause distance tortures me
I know that you are so strong
So when you give your heart to another
At least I will be gone.
 Aug 2015 Ashton Sky
Between each sunrise
And each sunset,
A day will demise
And the world will forget

The dreams of the dreamers
Who struck ne'er a sail,
Who stowed away genius
For fear they might fail --

Raise up a fine banner,
Set course on a whim,
Be aloof in your manner
And never give in,

Shout 'Ahoy!' to each sunrise
And 'Hoorah!' at sunset,
It's the dream 'never dies
That the world can't forget.
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